View Full Version : Many incubusCamd.conf to connect many CCcam server

22-05-2009, 05:05 PM
hi i have read one big idea for " LilleMama" (many thanks)

this is a real solution of read many ligne CCcam server :

message by " LilleMama" :
"Hi all , I have a Idea that migh bypass the connections to several servers .

A script that choose between different incubuscam.conf eg have 4 files ( incubuscam.conf ( master ) , incubuscam.conf1 , incubuscam.conf2, incubuscam.conf3 ( 1+2+3 have different CCcamserver connection ) and script choose 1 of the 3 and overwrite incubuscam.conf ." end

it is like NabiloCCcamSwitch (change many CCcam.cfg) .

for me is the big idea

22-05-2009, 05:37 PM
Great idea I wish I had knowledge to make it real :(
I hope someone will do that script ,I do that manually over FTP LOL
come on guys that shouldn't be this hard ;)

22-05-2009, 06:27 PM
first step is already online
come on dudes :D

Dig Deep
22-05-2009, 06:53 PM
We are pimps here :o13:

Could really be a good idea !

Always eager to do some testing :hat:

22-05-2009, 09:59 PM
With AzBox similar process can be done using different folders inside OpenXCAS...

You create incubus1, incubus2, incubus3, ... inside same files as original incubuscamd (0.55) but on each you change config file to point to right server or protocol. To switch from one to other you just need to make sure you add to incubuscamd.sh a line with "killall incubuscamd.sigma" and you should be fine.

Using OpenXCAS allows you now to change incubus1 to incubus2 or any other config you might need.

I know people using this trick to fix limitation. Not like having real multiserver but at least you can choose based on channels you need.

Example incubusCamd.sh

killall incubusCamd.sigma
sleep 3
cd /EMU/OpenXCAS/incubusCamd/
./incubusCamd.sigma &

22-05-2009, 10:38 PM
So we gonna have 3xincubus cam on our boxes is that right?
best regards

22-05-2009, 10:43 PM
You can only run one at any time... but can still choose. Need to use # in front of emu to select what server you want to connect (#incubus1,incubus2,#incubus3 to run incubus2 server config).

22-05-2009, 11:50 PM
Give this a go and report back.

Read the Read_me.txt included in the zip for instructions.

No guarantees it will work as I said above my perl coding skills ain't up to much.

Updated 22:43 added 1 second delay timer.
Updated 23:03 spotted a syntax error and fixed it.

Not works here :nopity:
Anybody else???

23-05-2009, 12:09 AM
Problem is I don't think we have perl on it... maybe we could find some perl binary for mipsel or popcorn...

23-05-2009, 12:45 AM
I've tried tinos way Create the copy of incubuscamD under openxcas renamed original to incubusCamd1,another one named incubusCamd2 with another server config file but on receiver Plug-in-Activation&priority settings there is only one incubuscamd and not works :(

23-05-2009, 12:55 AM
You need to edit every openxcas.conf to point to right directory, so need to change paths and name (if not all might show with same name). Check on /EMU/OpenXCAS to see if there is module.seq with each one of them... incubus1, incubus2...
It is not plug&play... need to change openxcas to your needs and edit every incubuscamd.sh also to point to correct paths.

I wish we had perl and php... but don't think we do... at least php 100% sure, I tried but only found one for Popcorn Hour but it won't work on AzBox. Busybox is old 1.00 stuff and we don't have crontab support... only option is to use shell scripts or OpenXCAS plugins.

23-05-2009, 12:59 AM
there is only one Module.seq
But you can put only one module.seq to that folder ?
#sh killall incubusCamd.sigma sleep 3 cd /EMU/OpenXCAS/incubusCamd
./incubusCamd.sigma &
also is that correct?
Many thanx

23-05-2009, 01:19 AM
Yes, but you need to check inside module.seq... if you do "cat" it will give you a list of plugins... see if you see incubusCamd1, incubusCamd2, etc..

killall incubusCamd.sigma
sleep 3
cd /EMU/OpenXCAS/incubusCamd1/
./incubusCamd.sigma &

killall incubusCamd.sigma
sleep 3
cd /EMU/OpenXCAS/incubusCamd2/
./incubusCamd.sigma &

And so on... for each folder... copy to each folder as incubusCamd.sh... edit each folders openxcas.conf name to be right one...

name = incubusCamd1
daemon = incubusCamd.sh
version = 0.55

name = incubusCamd2
daemon = incubusCamd.sh
version = 0.55

After that check to see if name shows on module.seq

23-05-2009, 01:55 AM
now I can see 2 of them but Box Freezes when I try to deactivate cam :( nothing starts
Thanks again for your help It is Very close to Victory LOL

23-05-2009, 07:31 AM
i have test this methode , logical is run but not run ...to be continued

23-05-2009, 09:00 AM

23-05-2009, 09:24 AM
now I can see 2 of them but Box Freezes when I try to deactivate cam :( nothing starts
Thanks again for your help It is Very close to Victory LOL

Make sure you keep execute permissions on needed files... chmod 755 to incubusCamd.sh and incubusCamd.sigma. And don't forget to copy .conf and .prio (both needed).

23-05-2009, 11:36 AM
I have 3 Incubus on the box
Between all these Only Incubus Works :( and this one has the original .sh file ,I can move the others and enable disable and start but they don't work ...
chmod set to 755 all files and folders but stil no Luck
Maybe a simple mistake but not works Could you Please Check them For me If you don't mind I just deleted My own Conf files rest is same on the box
Best regards
HEre are the files under openxcas


23-05-2009, 12:36 PM
incubuscamd.sigma file should be in every folder too,and with the right permissions ( 755 )
Is like having 4 different emus.(if you know enough,you can change the emu name to your liking,like the package you intend to view.

No reason to freeze up the box when changing emus in openxcas menu,unless the emu doesn't stop/start normally.(and I'm not even sure you could start a second incubus thread if is already running)

Now,why make scripts in pearl ?
I mean,why not use something the box understands?

23-05-2009, 02:30 PM
did you download and check the files that attach on my last post?
if not could you please check them for me if you got more than one incubus cam running in your azbox
I've got no more freeze ups ,I can enable-disable,start-stop the cams but they are not working :(
P.s my server config files are 100% true and working with single incubuscamd ...
thanx in advance

23-05-2009, 09:21 PM
Did you start incubus manually?
If not,use telnet and enter the start command and see what the log says,upload it somewhere for us to see what the cam is doing.

23-05-2009, 09:33 PM
ok but I try that in 2 hours time cos I'm onduty now ;)

23-05-2009, 10:33 PM
Where is the information file in incubuscamd decoder. ecm file or log file.

23-05-2009, 11:50 PM
not works
never mind
CCC soon LOL
It should be ready before 2012 Olympicz :D

24-05-2009, 12:15 AM

HEre are the files under openxcas

Ok... found two issues with your config... both on incubusCamd.sh

1) You didn't add killall to original incubusCamd.sh

2) Your .sh scripts are wrong... no CR after each line try with different editor like Crimson Editor...

#sh killall incubusCamd.sigma sleep 3 cd /EMU/OpenXCAS/incubusCamd2./incubusCamd.sigma &

Should be:

killall incubusCamd.sigma
sleep 3
cd /EMU/OpenXCAS/incubusCamd2
./incubusCamd.sigma &

This trick is confirmed working not only by myself... others tested and working.

24-05-2009, 02:13 AM
Here is the latest one with 2 incubuscamd , .sh file Created copy-paste by Crimson editor,All files set to 755 ,soft and hard rebooted but still no picture,I tried one of them only works with original .sh file thats all I don't know What I'm doing wrong :(


Thanx again MAte
p.s I've just deleted Autostart but still no Luck :(

24-05-2009, 09:09 AM
i have test many time , result = not work .
other method please this method not work

24-05-2009, 11:13 AM
Where is the information file in incubuscamd decoder. ecm file or log file.

I don't think there is... no much info from emu.

24-05-2009, 11:40 AM
Ok... try with this, copy to /EMU/OpenXCAS... remove old directories... and add correct incubusCamd 0.55 files... incubusCamd.sigma, .prio, .conf. Make sure .conf are correctly configured.
Do chmod 755 to .sigma and .sh files.

After running script with Yellow button on OpenXCAS make sure you do telnet to AzBox and run "ps" to make sure that incubusCamd.sigma is listed as running. If not then script fails to load incubus probably .prio not present or .conf fails.

24-05-2009, 12:51 PM
you must make sure the emu is running by typing ps and find it listed.

also,the best way to troubleshoot it is to start it manually in telnet window and looking at the log.
you need to type
/EMU/OpenXCAS/incubus/incubuscamd (or the right path for the binary)
and you will see the messages it is giving.
Forget for the moment the .sh scripts,the emu can run manually every time despite the scripts.

Telling us "is not working" is not helping much to find the problem.
Post the logs you get from the emu.

24-05-2009, 02:16 PM
I've took a different angle to this.

I have the incubusCamd standard folder with the .sh cotaining the kill commands shown. I then have a folder for each server

incubusCamd1, incubucCamd2 etc.

each contains the conf file for that server.

a openxcas.conf file

name = incubusCamd1
daemon = incubusCamd.sh
version = 0.55

this will show in the OpenXcas plugins as a Camd

the incubusCamd.sh file

killall incubusCamd.sigma
sleep 3
cp /EMU/OpenXCAS/incubusCamd1/incubusCamd.conf /EMU/OpenXCAS/incubusCamd/incubusCamd.conf

this stops incubusCamd then copies the file. Then just restart the original incubuscamd

no need to deactivate any incubuscamd's in Openxcas plugins menu just.
select the incubusCamd1 press ok
select incubusCamd press ok

after a reboot because all incubusCamd's are active it appears to load highest incubusCamd number to incubusCamd.

24-05-2009, 06:12 PM

Why don't you simply rename everything, including the incubuscamd.sigma, incubus.sh, incubus.conf.

So for each folder you need to have:

incubuscamdX.sigma, incubusX.sh, incubusX.conf

Where X is 1,2,3,4,5,....

Adapt the openxcas.conf file in each sub-folder.

In this case for the Azbox it will be each time a different emu, since everyname will be different.

Use properly the killall command in all the incubusX.sh if the * doesn't work simply ensure that all the incubuscamdX.sigma are killed.


24-05-2009, 09:26 PM
with this way killing incubuscamdx.sigma will be a bit tricky cos you will have 5 different sigma file ...
how you can manage that? Because with .sh file we kill currently running cam and start the one we want is that correct?
Why disabling any cam normally not kills process of that cam ?
sorry for too many questions
Many thanx to all support

25-05-2009, 12:02 AM
MMP[~]$ /EMU/OpenXCAS/incubus1/incubus1.sh
: no process killedd.sigma
BusyBox v1.00 (2008.04.24-06:54+0000) multi-call binary

Usage: sleep [N]...

Pause for a time equal to the total of the args given, where each arg can
have an optional suffix of (s)econds, (m)inutes, (h)ours, or (d) ays.

: No such file or directorybus1.sh: line 4: cd: /EMU/OpenXCAS/incubus1
/EMU/OpenXCAS/incubus1/incubus1.sh: line 5: ./incubusCamd.sigma: No such file or directory

That comes up on telnet I hope we can findout whats wrong

25-05-2009, 12:05 AM
thank you iko i say the problem now .

25-05-2009, 12:24 AM
?? :d

25-05-2009, 12:32 AM
Ok... try with this, copy to /EMU/OpenXCAS... remove old directories... and add correct incubusCamd 0.55 files... incubusCamd.sigma, .prio, .conf. Make sure .conf are correctly configured.
Do chmod 755 to .sigma and .sh files.

After running script with Yellow button on OpenXCAS make sure you do telnet to AzBox and run "ps" to make sure that incubusCamd.sigma is listed as running. If not then script fails to load incubus probably .prio not present or .conf fails.

I've done all these and Not on the telnet list
Same .prio and .conf files working with a single installation
Does autostart cause that problem or should I edit .conf file name? er etc

25-05-2009, 02:20 AM
MMP[~]$ /EMU/OpenXCAS/incubus1/incubus1.sh
: no process killedd.sigma
BusyBox v1.00 (2008.04.24-06:54+0000) multi-call binary

Usage: sleep [N]...

Pause for a time equal to the total of the args given, where each arg can
have an optional suffix of (s)econds, (m)inutes, (h)ours, or (d) ays.

: No such file or directorybus1.sh: line 4: cd: /EMU/OpenXCAS/incubus1
/EMU/OpenXCAS/incubus1/incubus1.sh: line 5: ./incubusCamd.sigma: No such file or directory

That comes up on telnet I hope we can findout whats wrong

you are trying to execute the sh file,instead of starting the emu.
If the problem is into the sh file,the emu will never start.

You type this
/EMU/OpenXCAS/incubus1/incubus1.sigma (whatever the name of the binary is)
You must have incubus1.sigma file in this incubus1 folder.

then you will see incubus start,as long as permissions are 755.
Set to log the session in your telnet program and post it to take a look.
It should tell you what it reads from the configuration file,and if it loads the appropriate files.
This is what you need to do for us to know what's going on.

25-05-2009, 02:40 AM
MMP[incubus1]$ incubusCamd.sigma
-sh: incubusCamd.sigma: command not found
MMP[incubus1]$ ./incubusCamd
-sh: ./incubusCamd: No such file or directory
MMP[incubus1]$ ./incubusCamd.sigma
MMP[incubus1]$ [OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
key(263cd7b6), msgflg(448)
key(263cd7b7), msgflg(448)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7

25-05-2009, 02:51 AM
msq_receive: id(7929862) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
msq_send: id(7962631) nowait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): fail to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)

25-05-2009, 03:33 AM
The incubusCamd.sigma file you posted doesn;t start,seem it is corrupted.

Is 380.344 bytes.

Do me a favor,upload an original incubus package,so i can test it myself.

25-05-2009, 08:52 AM
with this way killing incubuscamdx.sigma will be a bit tricky cos you will have 5 different sigma file ...
how you can manage that? Because with .sh file we kill currently running cam and start the one we want is that correct?
Why disabling any cam normally not kills process of that cam ?
sorry for too many questions
Many thanx to all support

You know how many X you had so you simply kill them all or you create a small loop with variable that will kill them all.
When you switch incubus you need to kill all the other running, so what is the problem?
You can also do an intelligent think via a ps command to find the process running and kill them
... but, of course, this requires some Linux skills...


25-05-2009, 11:37 AM
exactly lack of Linux skills cause all my problems but that never happened to me before Working on something this much and still not works ;(
I've used Damir's installer on my first ever installation is that cause this type of problem?
Because there is no explanation for this problem I Use Same Sigma file on Original IncubusCamd It's working ,I copy that file To incubus1 And I add Killall Script to both ,rename the files that needed ,Edit the files needed and None of them working after that :(
So strange I think I have to wait 2012 for CCC LOL
Guys You are Great Thanx For your Help
Best Regards

25-05-2009, 12:03 PM
the file you posted in the link,doesn't run at all.
Not any in the other folder,using a standard command
Isn't any incubusCamd.cfg in the original package?
Give me a link to the original incubus pack,i only see an instalation plugin file,i want the binary and associated files to install manually.

25-05-2009, 12:12 PM
.cfg files deleted by me cos contains my server details :)
a bit dear to share with public LOL
if someone share their working files (exc. Incubus.conf files)that would be great...

25-05-2009, 12:14 PM
found it,let me test it

well,same as you posted before,it freezes the box.
I willl see what's up during the day.

25-05-2009, 01:01 PM
you're a star Dude
Good Luck

25-05-2009, 01:08 PM
With my proposed solution you, of course, need also to adapt each openxcas.conf in each folder to really create different emu in the OpenXCAS. And also the incubuscamd.sh needs to be changed.

25-05-2009, 01:28 PM
Is there any chance to Share your files Here?
Thanx in advance

26-05-2009, 01:27 AM
could you guys make incubus reconnect to server?

26-05-2009, 09:36 AM

me plugins hehehehe
http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=b377b5cb669eb7ac0de4fc1 039a0167417e2f4af37a2c3675621d66e 282a0ee8

Source code

* Bu plugini yazan
* DreamVDR
* Geliştirilmeye açık kodtur.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
FILE *fp1,*fp2;
char birkelime;
char *c;
int a,t,f;
char server[100][255];
fp1 = fopen("cccamserv.conf","r");

do {
birkelime = fgetc(fp1);
if (birkelime != NULL);
if(birkelime =='\r' || birkelime =='\n' )
server[a][f]= birkelime;
{server[a][f]= birkelime;
} while (birkelime != '\377' ); /* Dosya sonu */

do {

for (t=0;t<a;t++)
system("cp incubusCamdorg incubusCamd.cfg");
system("killall -9 incubusCamd.sigma");
DosyaYAZ (server[t]);
system("cp incubusCamd.cfg /EMU/OpenXCAS/incubusCamd/incubusCamd.cfg");
system("cd /EMU/OpenXCAS/incubusCamd/ && ./incubusCamd.sigma &");
} while(1);

int DosyaYAZ(char *serveryaz)
{ FILE * pFile;
pFile = fopen ( "incubusCamd.cfg" , "a");
fprintf (pFile, "%s",serveryaz);
fprintf (pFile,"[Servers]\n");
fprintf (pFile, "%s",serveryaz);
fclose (pFile);



26-05-2009, 09:47 AM
cccamserv.conf file edit server






100 add serv. url.
10 sec. url addres test and incubusCamd.sigma reset.

26-05-2009, 11:40 AM
I'm lost :(

26-05-2009, 01:16 PM
Hi Hocam
Zannedersem Turksunuz Bu forumda sundugunuz dosya hakkinda biraz bilgi reca edebilirmiyim bu sizin yazdiginiz bi emu mu?
oyleyse incubus un bircok servere baglanabilen halimi?
Nasil yukleyecegiz ?
Calismalarinizda basarilar ve cok Tesekkurler

Evet türküm.

Bu benim yazdıgım bir plugin. bu pluginle incubuscamd 0.55 versiyonu için hazırladım.

pluginin mantıgı şu.

cardserv.conf 'a incubuscamdin anlayacagı şekilde cccam urlerini yazıyorsunuz. programı çalıştırdıgınızda bu urleri incubusCamd.conf haline cevirip 10 saniyede birini çalıştırmak süreti ile teker teker deniyor.

aslında güzel çalışmasına rağmen pluginde eksikler var onları zamanla gidermeyi düşünüyorum.

azboxta kanalın decode olup olmadıgına bağlı bir çalışma yapacam ama azboxta bununla ilgili bir dosya veya bilgi bulamadım. onu bulabilirsem.plugini kanal decode iken server değiştitmeyecem ama araştırıyorum bu bilgiyi nasıl elde edebilirim diye.
Yabancı dilim çok zayıf oldugu için forumlarda pek soruyu soramıyorum.

bana yardımcı olabilirsen sevinirim.

kanalı hakkında decode,fta veya encode hakkında bilgi veren komut veya bir program gerekli.(azbox içinde)

kolay gelsin.

26-05-2009, 01:54 PM
Evet türküm.

Bu benim yazdıgım bir plugin. bu pluginle incubuscamd 0.55 versiyonu için hazırladım.

pluginin mantıgı şu.

cardserv.conf 'a incubuscamdin anlayacagı şekilde cccam urlerini yazıyorsunuz. programı çalıştırdıgınızda bu urleri incubusCamd.conf haline cevirip 10 saniyede birini çalıştırmak süreti ile teker teker deniyor.

aslında güzel çalışmasına rağmen pluginde eksikler var onları zamanla gidermeyi düşünüyorum.

azboxta kanalın decode olup olmadıgına bağlı bir çalışma yapacam ama azboxta bununla ilgili bir dosya veya bilgi bulamadım. onu bulabilirsem.plugini kanal decode iken server değiştitmeyecem ama araştırıyorum bu bilgiyi nasıl elde edebilirim diye.
Yabancı dilim çok zayıf oldugu için forumlarda pek soruyu soramıyorum.

bana yardımcı olabilirsen sevinirim.

kanalı hakkında decode,fta veya encode hakkında bilgi veren komut veya bir program gerekli.(azbox içinde)

kolay gelsin.

Hi Guys
Basicly This is a kind of plugin to use Multiple Clines with incubusCamd,
You should edit cardserv.config file with your Server details and run the plugin thats all
Plugin Creates Conf file for incubusCamd every 10 seconds until it finds the working .conf file
Ofcourse still in Beta Stage
Good Luck
(Turkish-English LOL)

26-05-2009, 03:30 PM
http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=b377b5cb669eb7ac0de4fc1 039a0167417e2f4af37a2c3675621d66e 282a0ee8

5 sn. change :D

26-05-2009, 03:41 PM
Lots of Turkish people appearantly, I thought I was the only one with azbox :D

26-05-2009, 03:44 PM
you're not gonna walk alone Dude ;)