View Full Version : Newcs 1.66RC1 out no AzBox binary

22-05-2009, 08:12 PM
Just got released today new revision of newcs 1.66RC1 but there is no binary inside for AzBox... are we going to stay at 1.20RC13 level or we could see an update from opensat?

22-05-2009, 08:28 PM
another dissapointing news for azbox community :(
Peace :D

22-05-2009, 08:41 PM
Maybe this will wake up opensat boys . Who needs who ? Opensat need emu developers or emu developers need opensat ?

Cheers ,
Val .

22-05-2009, 08:46 PM
I am worried because Kathrein is the worst support from manufacturer that you can imagine but they at least get updated newcs and incubuscamd. We are supposed to get the best support ever... but nothing, only old versions of newcs and incubuscamd are out.

I am just worried today... already did wrong choice buying the Kathrein... but don't want to be wrong again! Specially with such good hardware...

22-05-2009, 08:47 PM
why should there a Binary for AZHD?
the Author never !!! made a Version for AZHD,its taken only from Sources from an very old 1.20R13 Version and someone has written the Code for AZHD.

Also Opensat has nothing to do with Emus, they dont give us any Plugins like this :)

22-05-2009, 08:54 PM
Great... so with AzBox it is mbox or nothing then? no choices? or support from any other teams? I can only count 1 person doing some real job on it. If he ever gets sick? We need to pay/donate him a good health plan!!!

22-05-2009, 09:29 PM
If Opensat give no Sources or a nearly good Platform to build Plugins, NO Author will do anything for this Box.
Also most Authors are written by Opensat to do something but they have seen first "Open"Xcas and they all said, no my Friend,never with this .
Mover is the only One who has done a lot for this Box,maybe also NewCS 1.20? who knows :)
Incubus,made one Version,.....gone
Mgcamd,only ported from other, not from Author
Newcs, the same
Mbox, only one who does something
Gcam, big speaking, big talking, big ****ting! They talked about a Gbox version, never seen, never come, always died, only talking for to sell Boxes.

So yes, can thank Mover a lot, without Mbox, the Box was dieing still in February09 for the most People, they will never sell any more Boxes, you can be sure!
Most People buy this Box for Cardsharing, not for looking FTA or Record or Doubletuner, we know, all know, but Opensat knows nothing, also nothing from Marketing.
when I will sell a Box, I give to Author XX one or two, maybe also three Boxes for to build an Emu which is working on this Receiver.
This cost me NOTHING!

But.... Im not Opensat,Im not there Manager, I have only one of this Nightmare Boxes

22-05-2009, 09:37 PM
wow what can I say
I agree with you guys 100%
wake up opensat!!! Before it's too late ...

22-05-2009, 09:42 PM
Big problem with this game is money.

All the emu you all talk of works with Dreambox 100%

So you are all spending money on a box that you HOPE will work like a Dreambox but cheaper.

What is needed is an emu that works on other platforms.

Then you have your own network and an opposition.

If you all want CCcam then get a Dreambox:respect-050:

If not set up on your own with a rival emu and cover more than one box.

Very simple really:respect-013:

22-05-2009, 10:34 PM
The box we're talking about is not only cheaper it's also built with much better components than dream mm receivers ;)
That's the reason all those azbox users try their best ...

22-05-2009, 10:49 PM
At least when a new version of rqcamd is released there is a version for azbox HD.
I hope other EMU authors could do the same.

For now we get updates for Mbox, Multicas and rqcamd (and maybe MGcamd) the same way as other boxes.

22-05-2009, 11:01 PM
But rqcamd could be deleted from list as it is only for America broadcasts... (strange that incubus coming as a branch from rqcamd doesn't get updated too... I guess it will be so easy to compile it for AzBox).

22-05-2009, 11:44 PM
the problem with AZbox ,in the first place when they had the betatesters compain ,they realy **** it big time ,in stead of sending free boxes to real developers they send boxes to nob heads and shops owners to sell the maximum possible....what a shame

23-05-2009, 12:26 PM
But rqcamd could be deleted from list as it is only for America broadcasts... (strange that incubus coming as a branch from rqcamd doesn't get updated too... I guess it will be so easy to compile it for AzBox).

While they are based in the same source code,rqcamd and incubus are made by different authors,each of them do was they please.
At this moment,both emus are not sharing the same source code,they are independently kept.

23-05-2009, 09:43 PM
Most People buy this Box for Cardsharing, not for looking FTA or Record or Doubletuner, we know, all know, but Opensat knows nothing, also nothing from Marketing.

Hmm. Good tuner
Possibility to make combo DVB-S2/ DVB-T/T2

--> Good hardware . I love this peace of hardware : )

So , please explain me why did you go and buy a box in development knowing that all the CS stuff you need is not there ready ?
And now flooding forums with wishes?
I suppose all of you already had a working combo for CS?


23-05-2009, 11:11 PM
You will not believe that

but some of us have pre ordered the box
during a short periode while the softcam support was fantastic

And now i know all of you will ask what is emu support with this box ?!

Tested OK with : CCcam 2.0.9 ( Client ), Gb0x ( Client ), MGCamd ( Gbox client OK, as Internal Emu Ok ), Newcamd and NewCS ( Also OK ).

All working OK.

I tested my C+ Nordic, Cyfra+, C+ NL Card OK...

Now we are older and wiser ;)
And we are still waiting for cccam 2.0.9
and we now that there will no newer Version of all that nice Softcamds like NewCS because nearly no one is supporting the Azbox

Its a big bluff ;)

And i dont want to think about what will be in one year

24-05-2009, 02:15 AM
no martini no emu

24-05-2009, 10:08 AM
and as pipino said earlier, it seems like the only people who got beta box's are the shils who now post nothing but lies if anything negative is said about the box. They all probably have satellite shops.

At the moment all i'm using my azbox for now is watching movies over my network, and i cant even do that probably even though the receiver has being out 6 months as it still cant handle high bitrate mkv's over a network. Yes bandwith is capped, but this has being going on for months and months. It'll be 2010 and the shils will be saying we need to wait for a new sigma driver.

24-05-2009, 10:34 AM
and as pipino said earlier, it seems like the only people who got beta box's are the shils who now post nothing but lies if anything negative is said about the box. They all probably have satellite shops.

At the moment all i'm using my azbox for now is watching movies over my network, and i cant even do that probably even though the receiver has being out 6 months as it still cant handle high bitrate mkv's over a network. Yes bandwith is capped, but this has being going on for months and months. It'll be 2010 and the shils will be saying we need to wait for a new sigma driver.

I aint a shop owner m8,

own a dreambox, azbox n a sky box.

Don't tar us all with the same brush. I am defending this box due to the flak coming from those that are happy with their own box's but aren't happy with competition.

Dig Deep
25-05-2009, 08:09 AM
I think the box is working fine, we all need more but things are going in the right way :respect-048:

I have a few Dreamboxes as well but this AZ will be a better machine as soon as things get sorted, of course we all need some CS stuff but they will come.

25-05-2009, 08:50 AM
hmm, CS ist still working fine, but there is always a BUT, an IF, a WHEN.

IF you use mbox, you cant record on crypted Channels
IF you use mbox, dont bother about EMM, it will not work.
IF you use inkürbis, you cant use more then one Line.
IF you use mgcamd, you cant use any Card with it.
IF you will have stability, take another Box or still wait for future Releases.

I have tested mgcamd, it works as a Client, near stable. In Combination with NewCS it is a good but not perfect Way for CS.
Also tested Mbox, it opens ALL Channels, no Problems with stuttering most Time,its working stable but you cant record because Mbox seems to have a record Bug on AZHD.
Also you must have another Solution for to update your Entitlements from Card.
Yes, tested also Incubus, but this is a shame, never switch channels, or it crashes early, sometimes it runs for an hour with stuttering.

So Im still waitung for a CS Solution which is stable, no need to control every Day if still running or crashing again, also record is working and Card is updating.

25-05-2009, 08:57 AM

Mgcamd is really stable and recording is working fine.
For me Mgcamd is the best public emu so far for Azbox.

To read your local card you need indeed NewCS.

Mgcamd + NewCS is the best thing to use today on Azbox.


25-05-2009, 09:09 AM
Yes, as I say, but modern Cards not working, also as I say, always a BUT, an IF, a WHEN

25-05-2009, 10:44 AM
I saw things improving: from MulitCAS reading more and better than before, to Mbox getting better, improved versionss of MGcamd etc. etc. Even older versions of Mbox with GBox suppport and recording sorted.

So, to be fair, overall speaking, I think things are improving. And I know that OpenSat are listening! They are working on it as much as humanly possible, under the cir***stances and within an early framework of development they set out for themselves. We were warned of that.

That means, they want control initially, to develop their own platform properly, they want to have a shot at it first, as they may have more similar boxes later on, so good luck to them. We would all try to do the same thing if we were in their place, if we are fair and think about it a bit.

They also said that we must wait till June/July for FW 1.00.

I, for one, will keep my disappointments in check, as it were, i.e. I wonīt go overboard until then. If we still have no working solutions by then - we capmaign for the release of all the tools etc. to some really good teams...

In the meantime, not being a sat-dealer myself, having a DBox2 only, as a backup, I am doing my best so we actually GET THIS BABY ON ITS FEET SO WE GET THE BEST POSSIBLE COMPETITION to DMM, RATHER THAN TRYING TO UNDERMINE IT!!! BAD IDEA, unless youīre on DMM team!!! THAT IS NOT IN OUR INTEREST!!! So, please, ease off a bit!!!

We can argue various points we have, hopefully rationally and as calmly as possible, and ask/press Opensat to be more open and helpful in finding the best developers to help out - thatīs all fair enough!



Please, do not shoot it down in flames before it even took off!!!

They said June/July - give them time, please!


25-05-2009, 11:10 AM

noone flames this Box, Hardware is good, Software is a Nightmare. Only Facts here, no silly overstearing.
Guys are reading Threads, they should read the Honest, no lies, no when, no maybe, no in July!
IF in July something there, which is good, we will also post this, you can be sure.

26-05-2009, 10:47 AM
Some were flaming. Well, a little bit too much - and thatīs my point! - regardless of the fact Opensat said that we will have FW 1.00 in June/July...

So, chill a wee bit more, thatīs what I say - because they were open in as far as warning us about it beforehand, so we were getting the box knowing itīs in Beta stages of development. Look how the sponsors here are selling it. Just look at the caveat. Thatīs fair, isnīt it?

So, really, some of it is just a little bit OTT. Scale it down, please. Just a notch or two down. Itīs not yet the time, if we are being honest and minimally fair!

We all agree we should have it a bit faster. But some are taking the proverbial Mickey here...

We all agree that more developers should be the way forward. But at the moment, while still working on the very foundations, like the Sigma driver and the FW itself - what would be the big point, if all would have to be changed accordingly?

I am as anxious as anyone to see this box succeed!!! No one wants it less than me.

But letīs get just one thing straight: with this much cynicism, in some quearters, we are undermining it, instead of helping. It simply IS NOT in OUR interest! DMM - yes. NOT so for us!!!

All I am saying is to please keep this in mind. We want a success story here and right now I think this is a wee bit too much...

Please, guys, June/July is not that far! Then, we take stock and we do what is necessary: we petition Opensat and form teams and do whatever we can, depending on our knoweldge, experience, connections etc.

I think that if we calm down a bit this, what I have just written, is a way forward, something majority of us can agree on, as a productive way forward.

Good luck to all of us (of good will and Reason, aat least)!! ;) :)

26-05-2009, 10:56 AM
Look, as I was writing my post - this is what I am talking about: regular updates, improving it and working hard on all aspects of it!!!

[QUOTE]*[Firmware] 0.9.2163

Release Notes

This release is the firmware for testing new drivers with following features:
- Scart RGB
- LATM audio codec
- 4.2.2 HD content (not fully supported)

- Support WPA2

- Create Menu Network Services, Between Internet and Storage: possible active / desactive and configure: SMBD, SSHD, FTPD, TelnetD, interface

- When receiver boot network IP is set correctly, but gateway and/or name server takes too much time.

- At DVB Subtitles, you can see the subtitles but when you select the subtitles only show first languages of list (example: Digi TV 1ĻŽW).

- Activate Ą°moveĄą channels on list, possible to move one channel or group of channels at same time

- If receiver is plugged during several hours at HD channel Time shift and pause stops working
(Pause works but only for 2 seconds), only way to make box return to NORMAL is reboot.

- At time shift options |<< & ****| button should seek the 10% position of buffer

- When change password on parental control and lock, password is not changed at LOCK on channel list.

- At Movie Player, add option to turn OFF subtitles or messages, if no subtitles or message come after 3 seconds. Basically need optimization of subtitles, still sometime appear at MKV the subtitles messages during several minutes without go out.

- When picture resolution is higher than 2Mpix, AzBox wants to start optimization, but never finish.

- In "FTP Manager" you cannot exit like all the other menus with the exit button, only with Home button.

- When change root password keep changed password when reboot, very URGENT for safety reasons (THIS IS VERY CRITICAL AND VERY IMPORTANT).
After updating, root password will be removed.

- Satellite Nilesat 101/102/Atlantic Bird 4 (7 ĄÆ W) is missing in the satellite list

- Error executing the menu item "Delete All Channels. The lists "genre" and "countries" are not deleted. Only factory reset will restore the two lists.

- Start search/browse subtitles in movie directory (especially useful when we watch from LAN and have long URL).

- Backup RSS reader address, now after update everything is deleted

- If You-tube is forbidden on router and then try to open You-tube on azbox , of course will not be possible to show video, however when you go for a TV channel, you get a surprise picture in windows have resolution of youtube ( 1/4 of full screen). You must restart box for NORMAL picture/QUOTE]

26-05-2009, 12:19 PM
You wrote 100 Times calm down, who is calmed up ?

I see not all with lila Glasses, also I see not all negative, but objective

26-05-2009, 05:43 PM
"Objective" for you.

Not so for me, some of the stuff that I can read on this and a few more boards....

Some of it is CLEARLY OTT - if you canīt see it then I think you certainly are not "objective"... I think I am much more "objective" than most, as I am trying to push the thing forward and see the points they have to add to all of this but not forget that this is still a BETA STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT AND OPENLY DECLARED AS BETA by Opensat, so they were not that much "underhand", as some here alleged they were....

If that is so, then many are way too OTT!!

As you can see I think that some of the Opensat team could learn a thing or three about what good PR is, good management, people skills, respecting "realistic" frameworks and so on. But that does not mean that the whole Opensat is equally bad and not responsive etc.

Actually, I think that people at the top of Opensat are very responsive, listening to us, trying all they can to improve it and make it a success, as we can all see, with constant improvements in FW etc. Do NOT ignore the elementary FACTS, please!

Beta!!!! And going forward! Still! When and if it stops I will be the first to say so. But that is NOT the case yet!!! Fullstop! :)

OK?!? ;)

27-05-2009, 12:27 PM
Yes, if it stops, we are all on Nightmare :)

But(yes, there is a but) as you can see the new Firmware is again a very....special Thing and this is not good for a better consider for this Box.

This is NOT a Firmware Thing, it is the Release Notes for me.
Why they didnt write clear the Letters, understanding for every one?

Why they didnt wrote clear, hey Guys, ftp and ssh is still deactivated, IP static is gone, because we made new Menues and so on?

Also the Rest, most of all dont understand what they wrote in der Release Notes, then IF they could understand, we dont have so much Questions about FTP,SSH,Sound,IP,Wlan.

I have my Box since January this Year and seen all Firmware, all Management Bugs, PR Bugs, Boardbugs and also seen wrong Betatestmanagement and much more Errors, only in Management.
This all makes the Round in a lot of Boards, negative Publicity, but the Box isnt negative, its one of the best Hardware you can buy for this Money.

The Problem is, if you get every new Firmware new Bugs, the negative is leaving, positive is gone quickly.
Most Guys who dont have this Box are all talking negative over AZHD, why? Because they read something and this is branded in Brain :)

So I give you a Consens too much talking negative is not good, not good for all.
But I must not talk always negative over Bugs, and there are stil a lot of.
When I report something like Bugs, I can do this without Emotions, thats the Difference.

27-05-2009, 01:26 PM
Agree 100%... they release stuff makes people expect something and then disapointment!