View Full Version : Contest on Azbox homepage

23-05-2009, 10:03 AM
It seems the guys are a bit overwhelmed with
all the problems they´re facing.

They´ve even initiated a little contest for people to build
plug ins for them. You can "win" a Premium/Elite box there.


There were times when companies released actually working
products. Now we the end-user should even develop it???

Just imagine buying are a car and being told that you should
bulid you own motor???

Strange times indeed..............

23-05-2009, 10:12 AM
This is only plugins. Motor is FW 8)

23-05-2009, 10:51 AM
Yet another thread knocking the AZBox, pathetic.

Why do other companies feel threatened by this box if its so crap???

Is it because it could potentially be better?

23-05-2009, 11:34 AM
I ´m not knocking it at all.
(got a Premium myself)

But seeing that a lot of bugs that still haven´t been fixed and the
lack of communication from Opensat makes me a little angry & worried.

I agree that this box has a lot of potetial.

Right now I would be pleased though if it´ll do just the things
mentioned on the box it came with........

23-05-2009, 11:49 AM
I know that they are workin flat out to iron out the problems and Sigma have released new drivers.

I think 4:2:2 HD is coming with the next firmware update along with many fixes.

Its the hardest thing to do when you own the box, but if we can be patient then we can all benefit from the new and improved features.

23-05-2009, 04:18 PM
I think this is a great idea. Will encourage developers from other platforms to get involved

23-05-2009, 05:35 PM
i too think its a good idea.
if somebody could create a decent CCcam plugin he could easily earn himselve a azbox premium

23-05-2009, 05:38 PM

Great idea Azbox (Opensat)....:respect-039:

Lets hope the guys who build plugins come up with great plugins...

Thing is do you need a box to write the plugin????:confused:


24-05-2009, 07:04 AM
No you don't need a box to build plugins ( butt it's helpfull when you wanna test what you created).

24-05-2009, 09:39 AM
No you don't need a box to build plugins ( butt it's helpfull when you wanna test what you created).

Thats what we are here for :)

24-05-2009, 02:15 PM
It seems the guys are a bit overwhelmed with
all the problems they´re facing.

There were times when companies released actually working
products. Now we the end-user should even develop it???

Just imagine buying are a car and being told that you should
bulid you own motor???

Strange times indeed..............

I find it strange people are willing to buy something that "has potential". I suspect there aren't many here who actually remember when receivers were released fully working, nothing needed to be "ironed out". If there were wrinkles, word got around quickly and no one bought it.
Now people can't wait to buy the newest box, then they sit there looking at it waiting for someone to fix it so they can use all the advertised features. No knock here on the Azbox, they are all pretty much the same, they arrive on the market crippled...and everyone loves it. Very strange times indeed.

25-05-2009, 12:05 AM
I think it is really early to develop anything for this box... firmware is still beta, and not even with working newer Sigma driver... most of stuff will change in the future. So lot of work for an unfinished interface... best plugin would be one that loads Enigma2 and gives users a choice to use something else. IMHO

25-05-2009, 09:06 AM
tinos have point it!

A lot of Devs could also get bevor an AZHD when they are building there Plugins for Opensat, but they WONT!
Because the Plattform is very....special, very....alpha, very....uninteresting for most.
Its near easy to build some simple Plugins, but its more then tricks to build some complicated and complex Things like CS tools.
Because you need a lot of knowledge about working CW,ECM,EMM,Pids,Sids,record, more then one Tuner(but this is more easy then the other Things) and some more, its much mor tricky as on E1 or E2 based.
Also make some Things portable to sigma is........more special, some Authors wont port it.
Hmmm, there are two Sites which will sell AZHD with sharelines, they wont have more Payserver in Scene, this is one Point, next is, without Sources for the important Parts they wont do anything.

Also a Contest will not change anything in this Situation I think.

25-05-2009, 09:15 AM

Thing is do you need a box to write the plugin????:confused:


Setting up a toolchain to develop plugins is more difficult than installing nano-X (= graphical interface for AZBOX ) on your PC. So in first instance you don't 'need' a receiver to develop a plugin.

@ceyer: 'PLUG-IN' does not stand for motor in car, but for dices on rear-view mirror, etc... Can you imagine that car manufacters stop improving the engine to spend more time and resources in the design and implementation off those mirror dices. ;)

@tinos: if they are goin to put enigma2 on the AZBOX I will sell mine imediately. You dont put a lanmower engine in a car :ack2: Let me also imediately bust the myth/hope that CCcam and all others will run if enigma is on it. It's a bit more complicated than that .

25-05-2009, 12:03 PM
Hmmm, there are two Sites which will sell AZHD with sharelines, they wont have more Payserver in Scene, this is one Point

Well if thats the case there wouldn't be any enigma dev. left.
I could give you a dozen sites where they sell DMM with sharelines all over Europe.

Because you need a lot of knowledge about working CW,ECM,EMM,Pids,Sids,record

Well that knowledge and info must be availeble then because mower has mbox running.

And indeed when enigma is goona be ported I sell my 2 boxes too