View Full Version : Easiest way to update keys?

23-05-2009, 07:30 PM

Can someone please explain what is the easiest way to update the keys? I have managed to get xcas and mgcamd installed and working but I cant seem to find any info about what to do when they keys change?

Thanks for your help.

23-05-2009, 09:54 PM
Good evening oregon the easiest way to make it work download the softcamupdater file from this board (scd) and placed it in the in the temp directory and go to the plugin menu and ad plugin by the red button then
run it and the keys wil go to the right directory and also set the rights for the mgcamd to 744 and all will go to work have a nice weekend.
greatings arie the netherlands.

24-05-2009, 08:51 AM
Many thanks Rosalba. I have put in the scd updater and run it. Does this mean the keys will download automatically? Or do I need to press something on the remote to make the keys download?

Kind regards from London :respect-050:

24-05-2009, 09:38 AM
Hello oregon the first time i did it manually so go to plugin menu and than
run SCD you will get the message softcam key updated and than pres exit
and the keys are loaded and if your permission is set to 755 there will be light
success greating arie the netherlands near Rotterdam .