View Full Version : New font for CRT display

24-05-2009, 09:58 AM

In firmware 0.9.2032 you have the opportunity to change the font used in your Azbox, you can try wathever TTF (True Type Font) that you want.

I have done several search and find this one to be really readable on a good old CRT TV:


Font is called Prototype 2.0

2 methods to install it:
- Copy the TTF to the root of a USB stick.
- Plug it in the Azbox
- System configuration -> System information -> Font, press OK it will read the available font in your USB stick clicking again on OK will install the font on your Azbox.
- Once finished leave the menu.
- reboot the Azbox.

Method 2
- Simply copy the TTF in the /EMU folder (via FTP, no need to chmod 755)
- Go to System configuration -> System information -> Font and with the left and right arrow select the font.
- Leave the menu
- Reboot your Azbox

Personnaly I prefer to use the Method 2.


24-05-2009, 10:05 AM
Thanks my friendĦĦĦ
When will be released the new SW with Sigma Driver??