View Full Version : what's new (MGcamd,NewCS)

24-05-2009, 11:07 PM

many many thanks NeotionBox
but whats new for this latest version (newcs,mgcamd) ?

25-05-2009, 12:03 AM
no information

25-05-2009, 12:08 AM
Just same old versions out... to me not even changelog means they don't want you to know... or just make a small delay to the real fact that CCC is not released.

25-05-2009, 12:27 AM
i have one big information :
in the "Anga Cable Show 2009" (26-29/05/2009) the big firmware is ok by the new drivers include
one big update is ok .
the new option is ok .
many problem is out .
this latest firm is ok but not public , 2 day and is ok .

25-05-2009, 12:55 AM
NewCS for azbox is still based on 1.20 Release Candidate 13.

25-05-2009, 01:41 AM
It seems like a Big rumour to move our attention in other way like Newcs and Mgcamd, the truth is CCC is not released yet.


i have one big information :
in the "Anga Cable Show 2009" (26-29/05/2009) the big firmware is ok by the new drivers include
one big update is ok .
the new option is ok .
many problem is out .
this latest firm is ok but not public , 2 day and is ok .

25-05-2009, 09:58 AM
Thanks for the info medmed

So only one more day to go then...

My heart is pounding..

Oh wow.. I cant wait.. I'm so excited, everything will be working fine

And maybe as a real bonus something important might get fixed

I do hope the 'new option' is something really fantastic... like changing the screen colour to sepia on utube (cos we have all been wishing and praying for that one, haven't we boys and girls) :rolleyes:

25-05-2009, 10:40 AM
Wow you guys are never satisfied.
Some people really do see the glass half empty and never half full.

The old NewCS had problems inizializing some cards (NDS Sky Italy in my case) using the internal card reader. The new one works flawlessly.

That's already a big plus for me.

A big thanks to NeotionBox and all the other guys (like the_ripper) that in spite of all the naysayers keep spending time end energy to support our box.

Guys know that often satisfied owners are a lot less vocal than a few "warmongers" that make the AZBox appear a lot worse than it is. Some of us, out of lazyness, just don't take the time to say thank you even though they appreciate what you do.

Keep up the good work!

25-05-2009, 11:00 AM
The new one works flawlessly

Forgive me for waiting for any feed back about uk cards before I get the azbox out and try it.

Some people really do see the glass half empty and never half full.

The reality is that the glass is trying to be twice the size that it needed to be :D

25-05-2009, 01:13 PM
Anga Cable is for showing products according to laws and not to show off any new emu - card support stuff ...
And if one company shows any products that didnt pay the mpeg license and / or do anything illegal with current firmwares, they will be collected and not allowed to be showed , also the company will pay a big fine .

So for me its just a big rumour ...

25-05-2009, 01:33 PM
Thanks for the info medmed

So only one more day to go then...

My heart is pounding..

Oh wow.. I cant wait.. I'm so excited, everything will be working fine

And maybe as a real bonus something important might get fixed

I do hope the 'new option' is something really fantastic... like changing the screen colour to sepia on utube (cos we have all been wishing and praying for that one, haven't we boys and girls) :rolleyes:

I was feeling like that on Saturday (2-3 weeks ago) LOL :sifone::respect-039::sifone:

25-05-2009, 02:04 PM
Forgive me for waiting for any feed back about uk cards before I get the azbox out and try it.

Of course, if I was in your shoes and I didn't need a new box right away, I'd probably do the same.

The reality is that the glass is trying to be twice the size that it needed to be :D

My remark wasn't for anybody in particular, I was speaking in general. A lot of people, instead of being happy for the new versions of NewCS and mgcamd, choose to focus on the fact CCCam is not out yet, and they do that in the wrong thread as well.

I understand that for those who need CCCam the new version of other emus don't solve their practical problems, but it's still a step in the right direction.

It's not by spreading fear, uncertainty and doubt that we'll get the full potential from this box.

Some of those that do, are probably just owners that have a poor frustration management. But some are people with other agendas, and that's a different story. I understand why this box, if fully developed, could make someone uncomfortable.

25-05-2009, 02:43 PM
But some are people with other agendas

Now aint that the truth..

There are a few members of this forum who regularly spout crap about what's happening and I feel sure that they do it in an attempt to get every ones hopes up and to have the added benefit of increasing their post count.

Can I ask anyone who's releasing or posting others releases not to bother unless there is clear and concise details of or about the 'release' as it will save us the time and trouble of replacing things just to find that they are no better than what was being used in the first place.

Its just as well that I or a couple of my old mates who are active here are not moderators on this forum... as there would be a quite a few good slaps issued.

25-05-2009, 03:34 PM
There are few issues should be improved ,other than box past the beta stage if you ask me
1-few glitches must be sort out about motor setup menu
2-epg issues
3-hd recording and timeshift
4th and the most important CCC
personally I don't care about any other stuff like enigma+many useless plugins like weather,etc

25-05-2009, 04:07 PM
& most important : fix CI Slots.

My official TVVLaandern CAM still doesnīt work nor
does the Diablo CAM

25-05-2009, 04:14 PM
& most important : fix CI Slots.

My official TVVLaandern CAM still doesnīt work nor
does the Diablo CAM

Thats strange your card should work fine in the reader with 1.57b or newcs and mgcamd combination

25-05-2009, 04:21 PM
2-cI slots
3-motor setup
4-hd recording&timeshift

25-05-2009, 05:28 PM
& most important : fix CI Slots.

My official TVVLaandern CAM still doesnīt work nor
does the Diablo CAM


Do you insert the card with the chipset contact face down?

Normally TVV card works with MultiCAS.


25-05-2009, 07:59 PM
5 Points are fine, but also we need fast a good Infomenue, which emu is running, which Caid is using, like E1,E2 and Neutrino does.
I think this is also very important

maybe also Tools like Mboxcontrolcenter or CCCamTool

25-05-2009, 09:08 PM

Do you insert the card with the chipset contact face down?

Normally TVV card works with MultiCAS.



the card works in the internal reader, but some of the chls
remain black [Trace,FR 3+4,Mezzo]

Other problem is that itīll only work if I put MultCAS on top
of the priority list.

By doing this DigiTV + Kabeldeutschland do not work anymore.

So I guess itīs best to use the official TVVL CAM.

26-05-2009, 07:02 AM

the card works in the internal reader, but some of the chls
remain black [Trace,FR 3+4,Mezzo]

Other problem is that itīll only work if I put MultCAS on top
of the priority list.

By doing this DigiTV + Kabeldeutschland do not work anymore.

So I guess itīs best to use the official TVVL CAM.

Give NewCS and Mgcamd or Mbox a Try.

You will see, this is working much better, no need to share something. Mgcamd will be the best for you, cause you are playing with Keys I read.
Mbox cant use any Keys.

26-05-2009, 07:21 AM

the card works in the internal reader, but some of the chls
remain black [Trace,FR 3+4,Mezzo]

Other problem is that itīll only work if I put MultCAS on top
of the priority list.

By doing this DigiTV + Kabeldeutschland do not work anymore.

So I guess itīs best to use the official TVVL CAM.


If you use mgcamd you should configure properly your file: priority.list try with those entries at the top of the list and restart mgcamd.
S: { 00 6C }
S: { 00 6D }

If you look at channel that are using simulcrypt, it is important to properly configure your priority.list file with the provider ID that you can clear.


26-05-2009, 09:48 AM
Are these new versions available to download through the AZBox yet?
I don't trust my manual install:ack2:

26-05-2009, 10:02 AM
I can confirm that my official via 2.6 is working now with these 2 new versions of mg & newcs in the internal slot . Clock set to 357 (3.57MHz) .

Cheers ,
Val .

26-05-2009, 10:12 AM
Are these new versions available to download through the AZBox yet?
I don't trust my manual install:ack2:

Manual Install is easy as all other Plugins Install in OpenXCAS, its always the same.
Dont forget the Rights 755 for Binary and module.seq for your Pluginentry.

31-05-2009, 06:50 PM
MGcamd with all the files, everything that can work with our EMU's is working with thi, in the Key Files sections...:applause-003:

The whole mgcamd folder goes into OpenXCAS folder of your AZbox HD. Then, give the folder the rights -> CHMOD to 755.

Also, to mgcamd modul, autoroll.key & softcam.key files -> CHMOD na 755.

Reboot AZbox HD. Then, restart using your remote's OK button [thanx to HW!]

Flawlessly opens DigiTV & all else, whatever we can see with our Emu's....


01-06-2009, 11:18 AM

yellow is out, its OK now, not yellow anymore.

Yellow restarts ALL Plugins, not good :)

01-06-2009, 03:19 PM
I am on the previous FW... ;)

Besides, what if all but one of your plugins have # in front? They would remain inactive, non?

Anyway, thanx for the warning - I will see how it's done in the next FW, as the newest one is no good for me...:cheers2:

01-06-2009, 04:54 PM
Yes, will change it:117: - echhh...:rolleyes: everywhere...:o10:

Serves me right...:rolleyes: to write that much...:beatdeadhorse5: