View Full Version : AZBox scart is copy-protected??

26-05-2009, 07:52 PM

I have been trying to record from the azbox premium via scart to a sony dvd recorder but i have been unable - as the sony keeps saying "cannot record as content is protected".

This happens on every channel on the azbox. Can someone please try to see if they get the same result? Very frustrated and need help!

Many thanks

26-05-2009, 08:43 PM
Yes, confirmed.

I had heard that the SMP8634 had Macrovision all right.

26-05-2009, 10:02 PM
Thanks gtg60

So, how are we supposed to record anything from the az to dvd-r?

Which recorder did you try it on?

26-05-2009, 10:12 PM
Most people would copy the recording to a PC from the Azbox HDD, and then burn to a disc or USB stick.

26-05-2009, 10:22 PM

Is it easy to transfer recordings from an internal azbox hdd to the PC?

Would it not take a long time?


26-05-2009, 10:26 PM

Is it easy to transfer recordings from an internal azbox hdd to the PC?

Would it not take a long time?

It's easy and recording remains in digital throughout so will be a better recording.

BTW I tried it with a cheap Targa DVD recorder (that I carried downstairs to test for you!), it gave a message saying it was copy protected.

26-05-2009, 10:31 PM
gtg60 - I have an internal hdd in my azbox - How do I get the recording onto my pc? Is there any conversion involved?


26-05-2009, 10:39 PM
FTP it accross.

There are various ways of burning it onto DVD depending on what software etc you have, I use an excellent program called VideoRedo, it can do editing (by single frame), all sorts of conversion and burning. 2 downsides, you have to pay for it and it currently doesn't support MPEG4.

26-05-2009, 11:09 PM
gtg60 - What format are the azbox recorded files in? How long would it take it transfer a 5gb recording onto dvd?

Many thanks for your help.

27-05-2009, 01:27 AM
The recording is a simple TS file,very easy to handle.

27-05-2009, 09:47 AM
The recording is a simple TS file,very easy to handle.

FTP it accross.

There are various ways of burning it onto DVD depending on what software etc you have, I use an excellent program called VideoRedo, it can do editing (by single frame), all sorts of conversion and burning. 2 downsides, you have to pay for it and it currently doesn't support MPEG4.

Yeah TS is an MPEG2 stream, and VideoReDo handles it very well. Other packages mess with keyframes thus losing audio / video synch upon editing, while VideoReDo does a great job.

Also, by saving your edited files in mpg format, there is no video conversion involved, and therefore it's very quick and there's no quality loss.

It's also very easy and intuitive to use even for a total beginner, which is a plus. My wife uses it to edit stuff she records from a fitness channel, and she's not a video geek at all.

27-05-2009, 09:57 AM
Thanks for the info.

But, do you not think it is a bit odd to have macrovision on everything the azbox outputs? Do you think a future fw release will change it?

27-05-2009, 10:09 AM
do you not think it is a bit odd

The norm is to only protect the content if the broadcaster has flagged the transmission as such...

IMHO this would normally only apply to some HD transmissions not SD.

1 step forward... two steps back.

Do you think a future fw release will change it

Yes.. but that change will probably screw 7 other things up.

I'm grateful for these releases, but I'd sooner have less releases with the knowledge that they had been tested by at least one person first.

27-05-2009, 10:15 AM
But, do you not think it is a bit odd to have macrovision on everything the azbox outputs? Do you think a future fw release will change it?

More than likely it will be changed, seems as if there is a new Sigma driver and it has implemented quite a few things without people being aware of it :o15:

But I'm confident it will be changed, in the meantime you can always revert back to the previous firmware.

27-05-2009, 10:26 AM
I hope so. Unfortunately, the previous firmware has the same problem

27-05-2009, 12:03 PM
Is it possible to use "converters" from SCART to composite and stereo (yellow, white and red) and the copy protection will be gone?

My point is, does the copy protection signals uses the composite wires, the components (RGB) or other wire in the SCART?
It could be possible to use the SCART with the copy protection wires deactivated.

I have made a search and I guess the copy protection is where the video signal is, so one of the way to remove it is with a "stabilizer scart lead".
But there are other solutions on the internet, just search for "SCART" and "copy protection".

Here is a good thread:

27-05-2009, 01:40 PM
Maybe also use RF signal out from AzBox... with a composite video converter or directly to VHS... for high quality HDD is only option IMHO.