View Full Version : azbox

27-05-2009, 02:51 PM
i am thinking of buying one of these boxes , i currently have a patched humax 5400 with dragon cam ,i am looking to upgrade, does the azbox open more packages than my setup . also i have never owned a linux reciever before, will this box be a good box to learn on for a novice .......... thanx

27-05-2009, 04:43 PM
DM500 (or better still an Eagle box) is the best to learn on...

However when the AZbox gets out of beta stage and 3rd party 'CS' software gets sorted then the AZbox will be the clear winner...

So it all depends on if you can wait !!

27-05-2009, 06:05 PM
i am thinking of buying one of these boxes , i currently have a patched humax 5400 with dragon cam ,i am looking to upgrade, does the azbox open more packages than my setup . also i have never owned a linux reciever before, will this box be a good box to learn on for a novice .......... thanx


For me Azbox is a great box, I really enjoy it, it is more than just a satellite HD receiver, it is also a webbrowser, a RSS feeds reader, and a real multimedia player to play movies at 1080p resolution.

The firmware is still in béta stage and we got a new firmware release regularely, some improve things but also comes with their own bunch of bugs. If you are not happy with the new firmware, you can always rollback to the previous release. So if you enjoy testing and accept to have bugs then my advice is for you to wait that the know bugs are solved and that the firmware get out of the "béta" stage.

If you are not familiar with Unix it will be confusing at the very beginning, but there is lot of people here and elsewhere to help you. The community is growing. Azbox is really not complicated for the emu since everything is in the same directory, no need to go configure config files at several places.

For me Azbox is the right choice, if you doubt simply create a comparison chart with all the features that propose the AZbox and look at what propose the competitors... you will be fixed that AZbox is the right choice.

Look also at the user manual to have a good overview of the box.
