View Full Version : Fan in a DM8000

28-05-2009, 11:04 PM

One of my friends is trying to install a internal fan into his DM8000 and he has connected the fan to the 4pin connector but the fan doesn't start.

Only when he touches the fan slightly does the fan starts to rotate.

Any ideas what he could be doing wrong or any fans which are guaranteed to work...

Btw he has tried quite a few fans and he can't get it to work...

29-05-2009, 08:51 AM
You have to add 2 lines to etc/init.d/bootup and reboot your box.

echo c0 > /proc/stb/fp/fan_vlt
echo 8f > /proc/stb/fp/fan_pwm

29-05-2009, 10:14 AM
I believe you can have full fan control with this plugin


Not tried this but others have and say it works.

This is a system plugin so appears in the system menu not the usual plugin menu afaik.

29-05-2009, 10:23 AM
Does the fan kick in only when the temp goes up or should it work irrespective of the temp?

My friend tried all that and it still doesn't seem to work...

31-05-2009, 07:18 PM
I believe to have temperature controlled fan it will have to be PWM fan. I've used Akasa 60mm silent case fan and it always runs (about 20dB noise). The DM is in the cabinet and I can not hear it.

echo c0 > /proc/stb/fp/fan_vlt c0 is a hex value for fan voltage

I think the maximum value is ff (12V). Try that.

31-05-2009, 08:17 PM
have a look at part 2 do***ent https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=107382

02-06-2009, 04:27 PM
thanks for all the advice.. it is working now...

13-08-2009, 01:30 PM

I tried tio install the plugin fanmonitor 0.3.2 and after installing it, the fan starts, but after 1 or 2 seconds stop. Also, if i put the two commands:

echo c0 > /proc/stb/fp/fan_vlt
echo 8f > /proc/stb/fp/fan_pwm

Works at 100%. But with the plugin would be much better. Do i need to edit the file S99FanControl.sh ?


13-08-2009, 02:23 PM
My DM8000 needs a fan cooling all the time, either working or stand by. As a matter of fact, it gets as hot in standby as when itīs on or recording. So I put a PC fan on top cover and powered it independently. It has to be switched on continuously anyway.
Iīve had two Dreamboxes before but none of them got as hot as DM8000. Not even nearly.Is it normal?

13-08-2009, 02:43 PM
Mine feels warm but no more, over the right hand side which is the power unit?
I would be upset if after paying a fortune for an 8000 I found it needed a fan, so would be very interested in others opinions on this.

13-08-2009, 02:58 PM
Right m8, I was upset too, but then I got used to it and solving it with a fan. The only thing I could do...

13-08-2009, 05:39 PM
Mine only feels warm to the touch.

I did recently fit a 60mm quiet fan inside mine because the 2.5" SSD I put in partially covers the ventilation slots near the PSU.

Mine is in a unit with only about 6cm clearance above, see the first pic below for temps from the various sensors dotted arount the main board.

I then removed the 8k from the unit left it for 5 mins and as you can see from the second pic the fan speed and temps have dropped quite a bit.

So your local enviroment plays a big part in the temps, either way I'm not worried as I don't think the temps are excessive.

13-08-2009, 09:31 PM
I heard the newer version 1.2 hardware donīt get as hot as the previous. Mine is supposed to be v1.2. Where can I check it?

13-08-2009, 11:00 PM
The version should be on the box label somewhere, what I don't understand is the obsession with heat.

I've looked at other ppls graphs and they are very similar to mine.

It seems to me all HD boxes run hotter than their SD counterparts, even official Sky HD boxes have a fan.

BTW here are the locations of the 8 heat sensors

Temp1 = NTC-0 : direct unter Tuner 4
Temp2 = NTC-1 : diagonally from top right from XILINK Spartan IC
Temp3 = NTC-2 : left of the X804, just below the upper-right corner of the WLAN Modul
Temp4 = NTC-3 : left of the battery under the Elko C419
Temp5 = NTC-4 : left of the front CI / under the Elko C671
Temp6 = NTC-5 : CI between the front and Smartcardreader
Temp7 = NTC-6 : above the Security Simcard
Temp8 = NTC-7 : the right of the rear CI / to the right of SATA port

13-08-2009, 11:15 PM
Well m8, you would understand the obsession if you had my DM8000 and put your hand on the right back side of the cover.

13-08-2009, 11:43 PM
Hmm, I wonder what the difference in heat is between yours and mine which is 1.1a version.

Definately it is warmest as you say near rear right hand corner which is right above the PSU which is generating the heat, I think it's normal. You don't say where yours is housed, if it's in an enclosed unit of course it will get hotter.

13-08-2009, 11:53 PM
have a look at do***ent number2 in https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=107382
shows a pc fan above the PSU, I am probably in the hotest environment forr most of the year!!

14-08-2009, 09:14 AM
It looks like DM8000s can be very different regarding heat generation. Everybody who would touch mine above the PSU would put a fan there right away, no heat sensors neccessary, just common sense. The room temperature never raises above 25°C since itīs air conditioned.
Itīs not mine only. A friend of mine who bought the box quite some times ago (probably the first version) warned me against the excesive heat and told me that his box gets dangerously hot without putting a fan on it. I bought my box only a month ago but itīs not any better in this regard.

14-08-2009, 09:28 AM
For those who are determined to have a fan google satwell and navigate to the DM8000 section where you will find a supposedly recommended fan for 17 euro's

Although my 800 gets hot and I have a fan I have never fitted the box never falters.

14-08-2009, 12:49 PM
No need to bother opening the box to fit a fan. I just put mine (a PC 12 V fan, cost 4 Euro) on the cover above the PSU from where it sucks out. Powered it at 6 V, itīs inaudible and keeps the box at normal temperature. It must be working continuously, so itīpowered independently of the box.

When the box faulters because it gets too hot itīs probably too late.

14-08-2009, 01:22 PM
I installed ordinary 60mm case fan into the box always on with 5v quite cheap and keep it cooler ;)
the difference between v1 and V1.2 is the packaging IF that keeps the dm8000 cooler ,that's Cool :D

15-08-2009, 03:51 PM
So one of the possible answers could be in different PSU units in the boxes. Different kinds of PSUs generate different heat.

16-08-2009, 02:24 PM
not really ;)
there is one dm8000 hardware and 2 different packet for postage v1 and v1.2

16-08-2009, 04:22 PM
Well guys this thread has made me curious about my box.
What is an acceptable temperature and what isn't?
I installed the fan monitor software without the fan curious to see both if it works without a fan installed and also what temperature my box is running at. Attached is the result, does this look OK?

16-08-2009, 04:36 PM
It seems Ok to me, almost same here !

16-08-2009, 05:39 PM
I just feel the case above the PSU - it was hot, so put a bigger fan in!
(High-tech solution)

18-08-2009, 04:47 PM
Not content with fitting an ordinary fan teed off the power supply I decided to try an 80mm PWM fan with 4 pin plug that plugs in directly under/behind the HDD.
Only trouble is I am now even more confused about how the fan monitor software is supposed to work, for instance if I press red "calibrate" the fan stops and I need to reboot to make it run again.
also what do green, yellow and blue buttons do? I have no idea what xxx, yyy and zzz mean.
Here is another screenshot to bore you all with, taken on probably the hottest afternoon this year so far:

20-08-2009, 10:49 PM
I have got a bit further, it has been a struggle for me as I can't speak German. The calibrate and other buttons are not ready to be used at present, the only way to change settings is in the config files not on the GUI.
I have tried various fans, the most quiet option was a 120mm 1300 rpm fan placed on the top of the box as it is too big to go inside.
At present I have an 80mm PWM fitted (bodged with a cable tie) above the power unit.
I have discovered that the file S99FanControl.sh in etc/rc3.d is important.
This line: python /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/FanControl/fan_ctrl.py 45 2000 LED ALERT > /dev/null & contains the settings for temperature (45) and fan speed (in my case 2000 for quiet running)
As the temperature reaches 45 degrees the fan should run at 2000 rpm rising to full speed within 5 degrees (50)
This is governed by settings in usr/lib/enigma2/python/plugins/extensions/FanControl/fan_ctrl.py
There are several versions of this file, only the version 0.3 actually stops the fan running, if the temperature drops 1.5 degrees below the set temp (45 default) later versions 0.3.1 and 0.3.2 slow the fan only to the set speed in S99FanControl.sh

03-01-2010, 05:57 PM
does anyone know what levels of temperature the box can cope with befor considering fiting a fan
my temperatures
sensor 1 37.955 .c
sensor 2 42.3337 .c
sensor 3 49.9964 .c
sensor 4 51.6338 .c
sensor 5 40.6917 .c
sensor 6 34.671 .c
sensor 7 48.9018 .c
sensor 8 42.8811 .c
average equals 43.8389

at the moment i am watching sky hd 1 the temperture does climb slightly when i am doing more like watcing 1 hd channel and recording a nother .
the tempertures are not as high when i watching standard defination

see post #26 above

04-01-2010, 02:48 AM
.....the thing is dreambox manufacters have not even made any housings on the dreambox 8000 for a fan to be fitted.....

Sure they have, it's on the back of the HDD cradle, It'll take a 60mm fan which is what I have fitted in mine.

04-01-2010, 07:26 AM
i have looked but it still doesnt answer the question . the thing is dreambox manufacters have not even made any housings on the dreambox 8000 for a fan to be fitted there is no info on the net any where reguarding what temperture are safe we dont know. i am sure for such an expensive box they would have tested these boxes under extrem loads to cover themselves warranty and all that .

http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/7570/dsc04478.th.jpg (http://img163.imageshack.us/i/dsc04478.jpg/)

And what is That ?

04-01-2010, 09:55 PM
see here
download Dreambox 8000HD PVR setup part2.rar

05-01-2010, 01:48 PM
If you fit the fans to blow OUT through the vents - you won't have to clean them.
No idea what max temperature is - I don't have a problem - and it gets hotter here than the UK (its 25 at the moment!!)

05-01-2010, 07:47 PM
I Just disconnected my Fan for the Winter !

With the box Running, it's just a litle warm, no big Deal !

For all the winter, i will not have Dust Inside :respect-050: