View Full Version : Your reporter 4 U from Anga Cable in Cologne...

30-05-2009, 12:00 PM
Some stuff I found interesting... with me li'le camera... :D

AZbox HD had a few things coming for a while...

Different tuners, something like Popcorn...

Enjoy the images, I'll try to add more...

L8r... :respect-051:

30-05-2009, 12:29 PM
The best multi-switches, guys...

Centauri for single users...

Then mutliple users...

Then networks...

Blah, blah...

It'll come!

The last 2 are Triax's "little investment" into FIBRE OPTICS, so many apartments can be served from a single LNB... If they connect with Centauri - watchout!!! ;)

30-05-2009, 12:49 PM
Last 2 were new generations of LNB's by Triax... Let's continue with those... ;)

Invacom are old style...

But Inverto are cool!

3 moving LNB's!!!

Can I attach 13 meg video that demonstrates it? :)

30-05-2009, 12:56 PM
There you are: 3 moving LNB's, covering a lot - no moving dish necessary... ;)

30-05-2009, 01:03 PM
good job Goran
cheers mate

30-05-2009, 01:32 PM
There you are: 3 moving LNB's, covering a lot - no moving dish necessary... ;)

And there's me thinking it can't get more complicated.

30-05-2009, 01:49 PM
Great pics goran....:respect-069::respect-046::respect-057:

Good to see the stuff there....


30-05-2009, 04:16 PM
OKI, yet more good stuff...:respect-048:

If you thought you knew what GBox is - well, think again... It's Vbox on steroids!!!:respect-013::respect-applause-00Then, the best Polarmount motors - SuperJack [still - but made in Taiwan, actually...] - and they have their own version of Vbox, too!

And so on... ;)

30-05-2009, 04:25 PM
The best cables around [allegedly], best flat compact dishes for camping and alike, best SW to analyse the stream, Hungarian delivery system for Cable TV and more...:respect-050:

30-05-2009, 04:33 PM
Receivers... of all sorts... Loads of HD with twin tuners, Linux based etc. etc. Some with a difference, innovative... Coming later... ;)

The first 2 photos are of equipment to carry with you to a site and analyse the stream then and there... small and compact!:)

30-05-2009, 04:38 PM
Humax are HUUUUUGEEE!!! You can tell by the size and equipment on their stand...:woohoo-022::beatdeadhorse5:

And a wee bit more... ;) :)

30-05-2009, 04:42 PM
OKI, for my money Kaon are great!!:respect-044::respect-055:

Just look at that!!!:bravo-009:

30-05-2009, 04:46 PM
Finishing the Kaon story and some more... ;)

30-05-2009, 06:00 PM
Many receivers, some I never heard of but they seem good... kinda up-to-date... like this company...:coolgleamA:

30-05-2009, 06:06 PM
Anynews on the new Coolstream HD1? just curious how the neutrino HD receiver does...

30-05-2009, 06:08 PM
Last but not least... the "entertainment" group...:rolleyes: I'll show you wnat I mean later on...:beatdeadhorse5:

30-05-2009, 06:10 PM
Anynews on the new Coolstream HD1? just curious how the neutrino HD receiver does...

Sorry, I couldn't find it there...:willy_nilly: and I went around a few times...:frown:

But look now... The enemies of da people... :D :D :D

30-05-2009, 06:26 PM
OKI, if you ever wandered where you money goes, when you buy a DB... weeeeeeeelll... here it is... - believe it or not but it was sheer "entertainment" for them... they had what no one else has had: 3 "animier dames" per receiver, the DMM had... :rolleyes:

The Big boss [literally! :rolleyes:] was around to make sure that his "business partners" were well "catered for"... even making photos of the happy event... Booze galore, "entertainment" and all... My, my... I was... "flabergasted"... to say the least... :rolleyes:

So much from the lot that steals from Open Source and then kills other people's FW, "because others have 'stolen from them'"...:eek:

****, ****, shisters!!!!!!:9898:

30-05-2009, 06:33 PM
Oh, this was funny: look at her... :rolleyes: :D

The first photo: I was trying to get the used and abused Linux the Penguin... By chance, as I was clicking, in she comes... I said to her "I was only trying to get the penguin..." and she starts nearly cursing at me... as if she was seriously offended... Ochhhh... the "professionalism" of those "dames"... :rolleyes: Yayks!!! :D

2) The lonely Linux, the Penguin... Open Source and all that... alone and neglected in the corner... as the mere "decoration" in the "entertainment industry" at full swing.... Sad, sad story...

Bloody hell!!!! Denny, are you cringing or what?!?:beatdeadhorse5: :beatdeadhorse5:

30-05-2009, 06:40 PM
OK, and now, laydieez and gentlemen... the real enemies of da people... :D BIG time... :D

From the head [the fish stinks!!!]... to the least jolly one... :D

Oych... the shister corporate experience... :D

Yayks!! :beatdeadhorse5:

30-05-2009, 06:59 PM
OKI, the last part... the "wider developments", regarding the net, IP TV etc.:woohoo-022::willy_nilly::king-041:

Dig Deep
31-05-2009, 07:17 AM
Looks like You had a busy time :king-042:

31-05-2009, 10:34 AM
Thank you goran for being our eyes and ears :D

31-05-2009, 12:18 PM
You welcome, guys! It was a pleasure! :D Albeit a costly one...

Any magazines around? I have a story to sell :D

I talked a lot with Reelbox, Kaon, Centauri, AZbox [and so on] guys...

The price of the flagship Kaon box is around EUR 500 or so... And they are really going for the convergence - look at the audio-visual phoning via your Multimedia machine etc. etc. Very innovative!

Kaon were the ones who managed to crack the HDD simultaneous recording of 6 channels, as I jogged my memory speaking to them - I saw it demonstrated to me some 5 years ago, at a similar fair in London. But they gave it up, as it was "a bit unstable". Now, the difficulties are greater with HD mass of data... So, they say 2 channels and 1 time-shifting is the limit.

Pretty illuminating stuff!

But the Reelbox guy disagrees and points out to the "superior quality of their machines, which has loadsa capacity untapped, so it could do it", he said... See, Reelbox has unbelievable PC-like specs, like 3.7 GHz processor, ****loads of memory and so on and on and on... Not necessarily a purpose built machine - but a really capable PC, all-round capacity for all...

They managed to crack sending wireless HDMI stuff/full separate signal, although some say it's not yet 100%, needing reboots 3 - 4 times a day [but I can't confirm or deny, as I haven't got it, since it's extremely expensive, at EU 1200].

But they have 6 tuner slots in the machine and you can watch them independently on various tellies, via the wireless client... They even have a distribution system for it, so you can have just 1 box...

He says they are now ready, as the work on the machines is almost over, to expand to areas other-than-Germany, like France, the UK etc. They will look out for partners now - translating it all into various languages and so on. It seems Funboy lost his toy, hehe... Be that as it may, they seem confident that the prices will fall then, as we all know, with greater production cost are on their way down...

However, I pointed out to him that their market is still "targeted", since very few people, even in richer countries, would pay that much! I mean, one can get 3 AZbox HD great Premium pieces for that dosh and sill have plenty of change to go have a great dinner - and a binge...:respect-059::respect-013::respect-applause-00

Anyway, have a look - you know where to search for details...

31-05-2009, 12:39 PM
Thank you very much Goran for this special cover from Anga Cable, you said you talked a lot with AZbox, did you asked about future for AZbox HD?, Firmware releases, source code, etc.?

Regards and thank you.

31-05-2009, 01:06 PM
Yes, m8. Still mulling it over... Will report back... They are testing, improving, working on it at all times...

How fast? We'll see. At best 2 months 'till FW 1.0, it seems, if I am to believe one of the chief engineers... who seems a nice guy!

Priority is: a stable FW 1.0!!!

Only then should they spend their time and resources giving the community of developers more and better tools... If they must do that and other things before they make the stable FW 1.0 - it takes their time away. Anyway, much of it will interfere potentially with new relases of FW, so better do the FW first, then when it's all cool and stable, the communiy develops more stuff for the stable FW...

Pressure is not good for them, right now, also - as they struggle with Sigma people and all depends on them - a bottleneck is there...

Drivers will not be released, as in "anytime soon", as cloning AZbox HD would be a breeze, then... And any one of us in their place would not like to loose a lot of money they invested in this project. So, when the capital invested is making a profit... who knows...

Stay well...:coolgleamA:

31-05-2009, 04:37 PM
@ Goran excellent report, thanks.
One question, the tuner DVB-S2 of the AZBOX HD is the same of the Vantage 8000 ?

31-05-2009, 05:11 PM
No idea, sorry...

02-06-2009, 12:59 PM
Big apologies... I totally forgot the worst of "entertainers"... This is so saaaaaadddd...

When you see it "up-close-and-personal"... soooo sad, that empty face, nothing behind those eyes, jumping and "performing" for every camera [this was "especially for me", as the only guy with a camera...:frown:

Ecccchhhhh... :respect-051:

02-06-2009, 07:58 PM
When are the Azbox Tuners going to be for sale at retailers?

First it was April...then it was May......Now it's June.... :20:


04-06-2009, 01:17 PM
@ goran
nothing from dg.station stand ?

04-06-2009, 01:48 PM
Yes, 2-3 recs -> CubeRevo. A small, small booth... Post no. 10. This thread, that is...

Plus, in Korean "common" stand [Booth no. 60?], only 1 rec, if I remember correctly. Poor showing, really...