View Full Version : Video interferences on AZBOx HD Premium

05-06-2009, 10:44 AM
Hi guys.

My AZBox HD Premium is connected to a Panasonic Plasma Monitor via analog component output.

In all video modes but NTSC / 720p I get annoying video interferences that manifest themselves as moving oblique lines.

I have state-of-the art component cables that cost me a fortune back in the days. Also, if I connect the same cables to a different component video source, the picture is perfect. If I choose the same video mode as that source on my AZBox I have the interferences.

So it would seem they are originated inside the box.

I know Wi-Fi is a common source of this kind of problems, so I've started to think the internal Wi-Fi module could be the culprit. Even though in my settings I've selected cabled LAN, I suspect the Wi-Fi subsystem is still being inizialized when the box starts.

My box is wired to my LAN, so I don't really need Wi-Fi: the reason I bougth a Premium was just SATA support. Do you know if there is a way to either completely disable the Wi-Fi module messing with the Linux system files, or physically remove the module without damaging the AZBox?

Also if you have any brilliant idea about how to troubleshoot the source of the video interferences besides Wi-Fi you're welcome to post it.

I know adopting an HDMI display would fix this problem which is only appearent with analog signals, but in the meanwhile I'd like to enjoy my box at its full potential.

Note: I made an identical post on Satpimps. Depending on which one gets answered first (if at all), please post only on that one to avoid splitting the thread.

05-06-2009, 11:25 AM
When I was installing the internal HDD in my Premium I noticed that the WiFi unit looked like it could be easily disconnected, it would only take a few minutes to do it and then you'd be absolutely positive there was no interference from it (as I am sure there are ways to turn if off via software too).

05-06-2009, 12:22 PM

Which firmware version are you using?

You can I think, easily disconnect the WiFi module in your Azbox if you don't use it.


05-06-2009, 12:35 PM
I'm using 2032.
If you both say it's easy to disconnect I guess I'll compare pictures of the inside of the Elite version to see what's different to locate the Wi-Fi module and then try to physically remove it.

If I succeed I'll let you guys know how that affects the interferences, for future reference in case someone else experiences the same problem.

05-06-2009, 12:49 PM
I guess I'll compare pictures of the inside of the Elite version to see what's different to locate the Wi-Fi module and then try to physically remove it.

The module is very obvious, it's beside the UHF Modulator and has a MAC address sticker on it and some wires (aerials) coming out of it.

05-06-2009, 02:17 PM
you know that uhf modulator ,is it possible to connect dreambox to uhf in and pass the dreambox picture through hdmi out?

05-06-2009, 02:26 PM
you know that uhf modulator ,is it possible to connect dreambox to uhf in and pass the dreambox picture through hdmi out?

No, not possible.

05-06-2009, 02:42 PM
Uhm I got weird results.

I first removed the Wi-Fi module and then the UHF mudulator, and the results are that now the video interferences are in different video modes.

PAL / 1080i, which is the one I wanted to use is now clear, but since there still are waves in other video modes I guess I didn't solve the problem. Probably beforeI took the AZBox apart, the Wi-Fi module signal would merge with that other wave source I haven't identified yet and that caused the interferences or their harmonics to manifes at different video frequencies.

Another weird thing is that the interferences are a lot worse just after a cool boot of the AZBox.

I switched the box off and then I removed the Wi-Fi module. When I switched it back on, as soon as I got the picture onscreen it was nearly unwatchable, full of huge moving waves and then they gradually disappeared.

I have a feeling this is too erratic not to come back soon.

I ran out of ideas though.

05-06-2009, 03:20 PM
check mains grounding, aerial leads connections etc.

try azbox / tv on an extension leads to a different mains outlet.

try changing the RF mod settings to different channel /system ( even though you have taken the actual modulator out).

cant think of anything else.

05-06-2009, 04:41 PM
Maybe there is a hardware issue with your unit. I have read problems with HDMI connectors, they exchanged boxes and all fixed.

Make sure you try with a different TV just to be sure, also try to do a Reset to Factory defaults (password 0000) and downgrading to one of the older firmwares.
Wifi or RF should not go inside Component video...

05-06-2009, 06:04 PM
check mains grounding, aerial leads connections etc.

try azbox / tv on an extension leads to a different mains outlet.

try changing the RF mod settings to different channel /system ( even though you have taken the actual modulator out).

cant think of anything else.

I've though of grounding as well. The problem is the AZBox Premium has an external power converter which only has phase and neutral, no grounding. There's no electrical connection between the AZBox chassis and the mains grounding. About the rest, I'll try it out and see what happens.

Make sure you try with a different TV just to be sure,

The problem is I don't have other TVs. I am considering upgrading to a new plasma display, and if I decide to go head I can always buy an HDMI - DVI connector and try the box with one of my PC monitors beforehand.

I think the box internally works entirely on digital data and converts to analog just before outputting to component / scart etc. So I guess if I use an HDMI connection the signal path is entirely digital and thus shouldn't be affected by interferences, unless they are strong enough to corrupt the data stream, which is not very likely.

also try to do a Reset to Factory defaults (password 0000) and downgrading to one of the older firmwares.

I've done that, to no avail.

Wifi or RF should not go inside Component video...

I don't know on which frequencies component video works, but I do know that sometimes harmonics can be bitches even when you start off with different frequencies.

Thanks for your input so far guys, it's much appreciated.

05-06-2009, 06:11 PM
Do you also have interference with Composite (yellow CVBS) RCA plug or via SCART? You could also try forcing your Wifi AP to use different channel instead of auto or change RF modulator freq via settings to see if it does help.

If you could bring your box to one of your friends TVs just to test or maybe to TV Shop that way you can verify that is not only related to your TV set.

08-06-2009, 08:22 AM
The interferences are completely disappeared by themselves (i.e. not as a consequence of me doing something) so I can't try anything until they are back.

Or, if they never come back, I don't need to try anything which is even better:respect-013:

Either way thanks for all your help guys :respect-048:

08-06-2009, 10:54 PM
The interferences are completely disappeared by themselves (i.e. not as a consequence of me doing something) so I can't try anything until they are back.

Or, if they never come back, I don't need to try anything which is even better:respect-013:

Either way thanks for all your help guys :respect-048:

Are there any halogen lamp with a dimmer in your living room ?
A friend of mine had dis/appearing problems with ADSL for the same reason.

08-06-2009, 11:18 PM
The interference could be any external source....

CB radio, radar, radio/taxi/phone mast, DECT phone, Mains LAN, and that's just a few.

09-06-2009, 10:53 AM
Yeah for some reason some component inside the AZBox acts as an antenna for some external interference. It's the only Component Video source showing those problems. The Wii and DVD Player have a perfect picture even when using the exact same cables and signal path.

Right now the interference is gone though. If it stays like this until I upgrade my plasma TV to a new Kuro, I'll use HDMI and that should solve the problem.