View Full Version : New firmware 0.9.2238

06-06-2009, 12:39 AM

Firmware 0.9.2238

Release Notes

- MPEG2 HD 4:2:2 video is supported.
But H264 HD 4:2:2 video is not supported, currently.

- When you try to configure DISPLAY, system is crashed.

- Wrong time information of progress bar on youtube

- Macrovision-protected

- Can't play the movie with high resolution(over 1280 X 1080)

- At ISO files, language detection don't work (Audio: English 5.1 / Spanish 5.1 / Portuguese 5.1 ).
Only have English and at subtitles the same (Subtitles: English, Spanish, Portuguese) only show English
(Use root menu for changing audio track)

- Can't play OGG

- At Diseqc1.2 add possibility to use stored positions on motor,
for example I already have stored diseqc1.2 positions on motor using other STB or a external positions, like Hotbird at position 12 of Diseqc1.2,
i should be able to go to antenna configuration and define Hotbird Position - 12

- Hot cadenas for restarting openxcas modules
(Use "Forward Seek cadenas"(****|) on Live TV mode)

- Support DVD/CD Drives over USB

Here (http://www.myazbox.de/database/official_fw/0.9.2238/patch.bin)

06-06-2009, 01:06 AM
Still no Diablo Fix.. :smash:

06-06-2009, 03:20 AM

Usual installation via USB. Before that deleted all the sat channels and plugins. Then formatted the application area. Then Installed the new FW.

New stuff in there, it seems...

Must go to Network Setup and enable all sorts of servers, FTP, Telnet etc.


Can't put the satellite channel's list using the editor. "Login" for ever... A bug?

FilleZilla can't connect - authentication error. Tried without the password, remembering the previous FW issue... No go. Bugs?!?

Total Commander hooked in. OK, here we go...

Put the 3 channel list files to DISK 2 - channels are there but no signal. I get into the settings and my setup settings for DiSEqC 1.1 are not there. Lost in the process. Can they be "remembered/saved" by the editor? Anyway, must do it manually, one by one. A bug?

Tried installing the OpenXCAS and couldn't find it at the link provided: http://azupd.com (http://azupd.com/) - you only get mwkeytest and BISS plugins there. Is that on purpose or a bug?

Must edit it into http://azboxworld.com (http://azboxworld.com/) -> only then do you get OpenXCAS - and OpenXCAS v. 2 [don't DL that one, apparently it's for developers].

DL-ed and installed OpenXCAS, then get out and reboot via remote's POWER button [press for 5 secs].

Go into Plugins -> OpenXCAS -> Manual Install [you do get all 5 links as azboxworld.com now!] -> install MultiCAS -> reboot.

Do the same to install NewCS -> reboot.

Also for MGcamd -> reboot.

Check that your MultiCAS is working by going to OpenXCAS -> OK -> Activation and Priority -> MultiCAS must not have # in front -> HOME on your remote -> TV -> find TV Globo on HotBird -> wait a bit... It ought to be AU [autoroll] = soon you will see the colours. Mind, it didn't work for me!

If not, then go back to Activ. & Prio. -> MultiCAS and restart it via the OK button. If not -> Reboot -> restart MultiCAS and wait on TV Globo. Hopefully you're now successful and you see the images... I wasn't. If not, find the key on the net [found one from March] and put it in via remote. It didn't work. I may have not waited long enough for the Autoroll to kick in... [B]Is it a bug, i.e. unintentionally not AU?

You know what: I went into the MultiCAS folder and did the CHMOD 755 thing additionally. It was on 744 or something like that. That didn't work either... no big deal.

So, I checked the Ident and it was C0 01, key 00, so 00 and 10 need to be edited.

But look at this:

Nagra ID for Dreambox, Humax and others - ident C102
For TM, Echo 2300, Xcam and some others - ident C002

Must investigate further...

Hehe: actually, after a while of struggling: one must put the key into GlobeCast, ID ident C001, not under TV Globo, which has the same Ident [although TV Globo has the places for 2 full keys, no just one like GlobeCast]. That's why it didn't work.

Find that one and put it there and it'll work. Strange. If they change the key to 01 we will not have the space to put it under GlobeCast - only 1 slot for key 00, not for 01!!!

I compared RedBull's SoftCam key file with other keys on the net and idents in the Nagra section on MultiCAS and found out the real cause, hehe... Is it a bug?

Never mind, I didn't know which Ident and under which name it goes, as so far it was AU, so I didn't really need to know...

For MGcamd you need to put the Autoroll and Softcam key files in your MGcamd folder. RedBull's work just fine... Give CHMOD to 755 for those, just in case. Also, put in your CS file [peer.cfg]. Reboot. Restart via remote. Get out -> TV GLOBO WORKING!!!! Thanx RedBull! In his file for MGcamd the ident is C102.

Sky IT working via CS part of MGcamd and working well! Stable! Nova, too! HRT is fine.

Anyway, I had enough. Must go to bed now, tomorrow is another day...

Then, install Incubus and Mbox. No more. Waiting for better versions of all the rest. It was all a bit unstable previously, with too many of those...

Good night... or good morning, more like... :banghead:

06-06-2009, 11:28 AM
After leaving it over night on Standby - on MGcamd which worked very well last night on HRT Plus [CS]

1) No picture. I think it's most probably an AZboxHD FW bug...

2) Restart via OK button -> no picture - FW of EMU bug?

3) Restart via a yellow button -> no picture

4) Restart by yellow, then OK and then immediately by OK + OK button again -> NO picture.

5) Reboot via remote [Power button for 5 secs] -> picture, finally...

There is a BUG in there somewhere!!! This should not happen!!!:smash:


06-06-2009, 11:46 AM
This should not happen

Indeed so... but fixes that cause even more bugs have become the azbox way of life.

2 steps forward ... 3 steps back


06-06-2009, 11:47 AM
Drag and drop of my Mbox folder from my backup, made before the installation of new FW.

mbox_module -> CHMOD to 755.

Reboot. Activate Mbox, restart all the camds, then just Mbox -> no picture.

Reboot -> as in the above post -> whatever I did - no picture!!!

Reboot again -> again: whatever I did - no picture [mind, only 1 peer online but he has HRT as a local]!

Changed priority and deactivated Mbox, activated MGcamd -> no picture.

Reboot -> picture with MGcamd and working well.

This should be much different, much easier!!!:confused:

06-06-2009, 12:24 PM
From my Backup of EMUs I FTPed to OpenXCAS the IncubusCamd folder. No Autostart folder copied to OpenXCAS folder, mind!

Gave CHMOD to 755 to the module and sh files.

Reboot. Activate it and restart. No picture on Nova.

Reboot -> restart -> no picture.

The same but on HRT -> finally some images... but unstable. Died within seconds... Twice.

Reboot -> the picture comes and stays this time, much more stable.

C+NL works, too. Premiere, also. Nova now works, as well. IT is no go on my server but UK does work, surprisingly! And for a while, with minimal freezing!

But it takes too much prodding...

FW or EMUs? :confused:

06-06-2009, 12:35 PM
One suggestion, for whom you are and plan:
Back to the firmware 0.9.1868 and solve bugs
the HDD by USB connection ... and nothing more! Everything is ok!
Otherwise, one day no one wants to Azbox HD ...

06-06-2009, 12:47 PM
HBO Adria now has the subtitles as chosen, for instance [Cro or Serb]. It does remember the choice in Main Settings -> Language [for subs].

It still feels like they could actually test it properly before letting it out and doing the job properly, while they are at it!!!


06-06-2009, 01:00 PM
Its still in beta test, I am very happy so far, some other boxes , not to mention there names still have lots of bugs and have been out for years!, until its out of beta test try not to tarnish it, its still the most forward HD dual tuner box as a good price !

06-06-2009, 01:05 PM
Edited: after rebooting it finally kicked in. The subs are finally sorted out properly. Although one has to reboot to get it, it seems...

06-06-2009, 01:07 PM
I am finding I allways have to reboot, maybe its just the plugin problem !

06-06-2009, 01:12 PM
I can't get CCCam working with this firmware... :-(

06-06-2009, 03:35 PM
Already warned the ppl, m8 - see my first post in the thread:

Tried installing the OpenXCAS and couldn't find it at the link provided: http://azupd.com (http://azupd.com/) - you only get mwkeytest and BISS plugins there. Is that on purpose or a bug?

Must edit it into http://azboxworld.com (http://azboxworld.com/) -> only then do you get OpenXCAS - and OpenXCAS v. 2 [don't DL that one, apparently it's for developers].

DL-ed and installed OpenXCAS, then get out and reboot via remote's POWER button [press for 5 secs].

Go into Plugins -> OpenXCAS [by pressing OK on your remote] -> Manual Install [you do get all 5 links as azboxworld.com now!] -> install MultiCAS -> reboot.

06-06-2009, 03:36 PM
Btw, they don't have me there, so not as good as SatDudez!!!:rolleyes: :D :D :D

06-06-2009, 03:46 PM
so guys is that new fw any better than old! 2032?
Have you feel any improvement Over 2032?
How is incubus and cccamd performances
Any resolution problem
thanx in advance

06-06-2009, 03:56 PM

For people who upgrade to 0.9.2163 and use the passwd command to set a password this password is used with this new firmware 0.9.2238 even if you format the application area and do a reset to factory default settings.

This was done on request of customer that don't like to lose their password after upgrading! I draw the attention of Azbox developpers on the fact that when doing a reset to factory default setting we expect also that the password is returned to default one.

So this not a bug it is a "new" feature.

So Filezilla users who cannot connect, they should try to connect using the password they set while they where in firmware 0.9.2163.

There are 2 areas:
1) Application Data
2) User Data

And now the format application area no longer format the User Data area where the password is stored.

For Goran, you reboot too much your Azbox in the procedure you give, it is known that sometimes the 1st reboot of the Azbox hangs of some stuff are not working, often a second reboot fix the problem.

So if because you chmod 755 you reboot the box this is a useless reboot. There is many things that we can do without rebooting the box.

While doing test with several emu you must keep in mind that you are testing some channels via CS (you mention it), you must let the time to the server to detect that you are no longer connected! Otherwhise you will typically get that kind of problem. Some protocols have a keep alive discussion and it is only after a few missed keep alive answer that the server disconnect you. While in this state the serveur can reject your new connection request since he think that you are already connected.

So learn the emu you use and go and check the different output files that they generate (with the cards you received...), moreover it is always interesting to start manually the emu via the command line to be able to read the output (hidden when you start them from OpenXCAS).

For me this firmware is better, the only problem is that the PillarBox mode is not well support on SCART-RGB connected to a CRT TV. There is still a problem with the 4/3 - 16/9 signal sent to TV to switch it.

And after the upgrade your box restart in DHCP mode it lose its fixed IP.
You didn't mention it, this is perhaps the root cause of your problem because your Azbox start with another IP address than the one you are used too.

So you first need to fix the IP address or configure your DHCP server to always served the same IP to your Azbox.

Moreover, when you have connection problem with your emu don't forget to also reboot your router since it keep track of the port forwarding it is doing and if you reboot and restart your emu all the time this can confuse it too.


06-06-2009, 03:58 PM
Reading how Goran struggled to kick start the EMU's it seems like Opensat want to create an EMU-proof FW or sth :)

06-06-2009, 04:12 PM
I have really NO Problems with Emus.
Mgcamd and NewCS is running as like bevor.

HDMI Resolution is now standing at the one which is set (bevor 1080i was sometimes 576i and flickering of course)

But again Language Problems in Subtitles,also in Settings, I must change from my correct language to any other, then back and then it works.

06-06-2009, 04:14 PM
Reading how Goran struggled to kick start the EMU's it seems like Opensat want to create an EMU-proof FW or sth :)


People can only complaints when they the control from end-to-end, meaning that they can control the server too.

So don't jump too fast to conclusion, always stop/start emu within a few seconds is never a good thing to do. We should wait to be sure that the server also detect that the connection is dropped.

I forgot to say that I upgrade my 2 Azbox one from 0.9.2032 and the other one from 0.9.2163 to this version without formatting nor resetting to default and except the DHCP stuff and the menu language selection that I need to set again, I have no problem with this upgrade.


06-06-2009, 04:27 PM
So we don't have to format app. Area for this update... Is that right?
looks like not Many usefull things added on top of 2032...
any improvement on sd picture quality,motor setup etc...

06-06-2009, 04:31 PM
I dont understand why people are complaining about stuff like EMU's and CS whislt AZBOX developers have nothing to do with that.

For the record: mgcamd is working like a charm without having to reboot not even once :D

our dbf4all plugin is also working with it, and using the ****| button skips 5 mins on a recording. (used to be 5 seconds or so )

:respect-023: for the AZBOX development team :cheers2:

06-06-2009, 05:09 PM
Pr, do you really think I wouldn't try to login with my password from before? [I was not on the previous FW.]

Btw, I am rebooting in accordance with your advice. Before, with other FW it was better, I found, hence I included it in the "How to" I wrote...

No, there are many issues with some EMU's. The more you add, it seems, the more problems.

It was much easier with only MultiCAS, MGcamd and NewCS.

You add more, you have more problems. That's the feeling I get.

Besides, you really think I don't monitor those that can be monitored easily like Mbox?

It just switches off sometimes. For various reasons. It runs fine for a while and then it's a struggle to kick-start it again. Peers falling off/disappearing etc.

There are bugs, for sure, when one restarts - EMUs won't start, after Standby. Different FW!

Why? I don't know, I am a lay person but with a little bit of experience, enthusiasm, dedication and patience...

Working hard and explaining exactly what I did. So, be so kind to explain what you have and how you did it, otherwise this is not exactly a proper conversation.

06-06-2009, 05:19 PM
|It's NOT official FW just Turn back to 2032 ;) and you'll be ok :D

06-06-2009, 06:44 PM
Anyone losing the EPG on Thor [or more]?

06-06-2009, 07:19 PM
- Support DVD/CD Drives over USB

Can anyone verify this?

06-06-2009, 07:29 PM
- Support DVD/CD Drives over USB

Can anyone verify this?

Yes, working with my Liteon, but still did in 2163

06-06-2009, 07:31 PM
Its like windows. Unless microsoft tell me i just do the upgrade from the current version of firmware.

I,ve done this since i first had the box. Never done a factory reset as they havnt said so. I also wait untill they release it to the settings page via the internet update as they sometimes keep the same firmware number but might do small tweeks..


06-06-2009, 07:44 PM
Oh, yeah: I forgot about this:


For people who upgrade to 0.9.2163 and use the passwd command to set a password this password is used with this new firmware 0.9.2238 even if you format the application area and do a reset to factory default settings.

This was done on request of customer that don't like to lose their password after upgrading! I draw the attention of Azbox developpers on the fact that when doing a reset to factory default setting we expect also that the password is returned to default one.

So this not a bug it is a "new" feature.

Is it really that new?

When I couldn't connect to AZ with Total Commander, Rassha explained why: TC wants to log into Home Folder which doesn't exist in AZbox HD, so one needs to make it. He gave me the Telnet commands and I made it. That was some 4-5 FWs ago. I never lost it, against all the flashing with Factory Default settings and formatting the application areas.

If you don't believe me you can test it.:cheers2:

06-06-2009, 07:45 PM
german forum admin has public this and now our trusted man says it's unofficial fw
very interesting :)

06-06-2009, 08:59 PM
Yes, working with my Liteon, but still did in 2163

Thanks, my XBox 360 HD DVD drive still not working :o15:
Neither are wma's, iso's or 23.97 FPS mkv's...

06-06-2009, 09:19 PM
My DVD USB LG GSA-E50N works.

06-06-2009, 10:23 PM
german forum admin has public this and now our trusted man says it's unofficial fw
very interesting :)

There is a lot of interesting out now :)
Seems to be a big Community, but only for Money and not for the Buyer

06-06-2009, 10:50 PM
There is a lot of interesting out now :)
Seems to be a big Community, but only for Money and not for the Buyer

All I see is forum's claiming to be official and wanting to be the first to release information/firmware/emus.

The only site I trust at the moment is this one.

I think I shall wait for the software to appear in the download lists from now on, then I shall know it is the author who has released it and not a beta tester.

06-06-2009, 11:38 PM
I remember good old days with Magiccam and the software came out which has the time**** one day suddenly All Magiccams died :(
And Today It's a bit hard for me to Trust :(

07-06-2009, 12:34 AM
That's DMM. Not everybody. I for one would never do stuff like that! I fought them over it then and afterwards, when their guys programmed killer Tit1 files for ******* and after that with killing cloned DBs.

Just as I don't want to be treated like "every other man" by ANY woman, because I didn't do anything to her, but some other men may have - it means I ought not be mistreated because of them!!!

So, my point being - do not treat the future as if it can only be the past. Go into the future aware of the past but with your face turned to it, not looking over your shoulder...

You can't see where you're going like that - dangerous!

Not to mention utterly unfair!:cool:

07-06-2009, 12:42 AM
I know It's DMM and That's why we all here on Azbox thread Today :)
the Thing is They says It's not official FW and they do NOT know Who has Public that FW!!! ;)

07-06-2009, 06:09 AM
I know It's DMM and That's why we all here on Azbox thread Today :)
the Thing is They says It's not official FW and they do NOT know Who has Public that FW!!! ;)

Its a Shame whats going on there, and unofficial/Beta, its all Beta so it should be for all who will test it. :troll:
But its also nok to steal something from a Server when this Story is true, but I dont trust them.

We all have only one purpose--- a most bugfree Firmware and a working STB

07-06-2009, 12:18 PM
this fw is the best so far
All emu's works perfect and we have blue panel to start/stop emu which is life saver :)
so far so good

07-06-2009, 08:26 PM

There is a problem with the 16/9 aspect ratio command on some TV.

If you plan a record via the EPG or a direct recording the Azbox restart.


08-06-2009, 11:50 AM
There is a problem with the 16/9 aspect ratio command on some TV.


While we wait for the official release, for those who already have this installed I found a workaround, at least on component output. You can use the new resolution popup menus (very handy btw) to switch to NTSC and then back to PAL and your previous resolution and the screen aspect ratio gets reset correctly. If one of you guys using HDMI want to check this out, you can verify if it works in your case too.

Another bug I found is (verified only on MKVs): if you switch audio track, the audio goes out of sync. I found a workaround for this one too: if you re-select the track that is already selected it gets back in sync. It doesn't work 100% of the times but very often it does.

Edit: never mind, the audio goes horribly out of sync after a while anyway.

08-06-2009, 08:20 PM
Macrovision bug still not fixed. Cannot record anything through scart.

10-06-2009, 08:13 AM

2 more bugs with this firmware version:

- On a CRT TV connect via SCART after using the resolution button it always remains 2 or 3 white pixels in the top right corner of the screen.
The way to make then disappear is to power off and power on the box via the external power switch (so NOT from the RCU).

- Even in stand-by the Azbox continues to send signal on the SCART, this prevent one of my TV to display the channel from its internal TV Tuner. I have to switch on the Azbox to be able to watch the channel with my internal TV Tuner, or to disconnect the SCART at the back of the TV.


10-06-2009, 08:50 AM
For the 2nd prob. there's a temporary solution : disconnect pin 8 from scart - u'll hv no 12 Vcc command to use scart connector for the TV set .

Cheers ,
Val .

16-06-2009, 02:22 PM
I remember good old days with Magiccam and the software came out which has the time**** one day suddenly All Magiccams died :(
And Today It's a bit hard for me to Trust :(

My god that was years ago maybe you should trust a little bit now.
We all got our cams fixed in the end some sooner than others but i think alot of us got caught in that one.

The magic cams guys didn't think about the poor end user just the money they were loosing.

But was never going to be their's any way.

16-06-2009, 04:11 PM
Actually, they are continuing in the same vane, sadly...:rant:

First, after the Magic incident, their programmer killed Tit1 cards, working for Sat Army...

Then the same **** with Chinese clones of DB... even though they used a helluvalot of stuff from DBox2 and all that funky Linux scene, ergo...:beatdeadhorse5:

Nah, sorry, m8, this is good to be remembered: never trust DMM!!! Never part with your money to make them stronger. Never help those who destroy other people's property!! Some never knew they had cloned Magic CI CAMs or DBs, ergo WTF were they thinking, muddafookahs...:reddevil:

16-06-2009, 05:57 PM
There are some problems with movie player function . I have a popcornhour a110 too . I downloaded some bluray movies . It can play the big m2ts files ( for example 25 gb or 30 gb ) but the movie become slow and some freezes in some parts . and also when you change the audio language the movie freeze and never play again . But popcornhour a110 has no problem with these files . I hope we can use its player function with big m2ts files without any freeze and selectable audio function