View Full Version : Fortec Passion HD to remember settings?

06-06-2009, 12:02 PM
This problem has been driving me nuts since I bought the unit from new, so hope there is a solution!

We watch TV from about 8pm til midnight so we obviously switch the TV and Fortec off at the mains during the other times.

The Toshiba TV retains its settings fine, brightness, sound changes etc, but the Fortec forgets them! e.g. time offset, display brightness, TV format etc. - in fact there's quite a few!

It seems madness that it loses it's settings as I can't think of any other household item that does, so is it a fault?

It does however remember the channel order I set up....

Any help appreciated!


06-06-2009, 12:20 PM
Why do you switch off at the mains ?

Heat cycling with power ups and downs will damage your equipment, its designed to be left on in standby.

A lot of equipment cant cope with no power, I've got some bits of kit that can with an ac***alator inside or a backup battery.

I have a F/S passion and it doesn't have the probs you have, but I dont dissconnect from the national grid every night.

06-06-2009, 12:35 PM
So are you saying that I should leave on standby a TV, HD Sat receiver, HDD/DVD recorder, Freeview receiver, DVD player and Nintendo Wii for 20 hours a day? No, this is clearly not correct.... I've not ever, ever, had any problems with 'heat recycling' including PCs.... and besides, it saves money.

Not one of the others loses settings and why should they?

My question is simple.... is this a fault?

PS, sorry TonyO but your reply was not helpful at all....

06-06-2009, 02:56 PM
It depends what firmware you are using?

Some versions did not remember the settings.

06-06-2009, 03:34 PM
Thanks xanadu, I'll have a look. I purchased it in February and seem to remember it had June 2007 firmware in and was pleased that a new version had just come out in Jan.2009 so installed that along with Loader1.5 beforehand. I'll have a check and then see what the most recent is (presuming that that will remember the settings?).

Ta again, Unh.