View Full Version : Top Of Whishlist

07-06-2009, 07:51 AM
How technically feasible would it be for Technomate to add functionality for a usb wireless network card.
We know that the receiver is capable of becoming a network device surely all that would be necessary would be to add driver software for the usb network device.

What do others think?

tinto de verano
07-06-2009, 09:10 AM
Hi joany,

I'm no TM expert, I'm no expert at all in anything, and pardon me for intruding in this wishlist, which I'll keep an eye on as I'm considering replacing my HDCI2000... one of these days.

Now, apart from the fact that it would be great for TM to add that feature, I'm assuming:

1) TM has ethernet port
2) TM has no wireless connectivity
3) You cannot run an ethernet port all through the house...

Have you considered one (or 2) of those network through the mains adapters (homeplug, powerline... network): plug one into a wall socket and your router, plug the other one next to the TM and plug an ethernet cable between the adapter and the TM: you've got it networked! (I think, I hope).

Apparently, those new network thorough the mains adapters are faster than a wireless connection and therefore are even more suitable for video streaming...

Hope this helps.

tinto de verano

07-06-2009, 09:36 AM
if the TM has an ethernet port you can have these solutions:

Wireless Ethernet Bridge: setup the bridge on the pc, when it is configured move it to the TM ethernet port
Internal power grid: mains plug Ethernet adapter to mains plug Ethernet adapter

depending on what you are up to (cs?), this could be a solution:

RS232 Ethernet Adapter

On the usb, don't know if it is possible (hardware/software wise) or even could be implemented. As for now only the file system goes over USB?

07-06-2009, 10:09 AM
Hey guys thanks for the suggestions. I never considered mains connectivity. Great idea.

btw I haven't tried cs but the uw team seem to be developing the diablo in this direction so I might find myself investigating this further.

does anybody use the cs aspect of diablo fulltime (rather than the software decryption built into u/w).

08-06-2009, 12:57 PM
As Giga suggests, I use a high speed mains ethernet adaptor and works well. Biggest problem is finding a decent newcamd server. TM with Cccam would be an improvement.

08-06-2009, 02:12 PM
As Giga suggests, I use a high speed mains ethernet adaptor and works well. Biggest problem is finding a decent newcamd server. TM with Cccam would be an improvement.

Hey fbbc are you able to pm me and tell me how it works.


08-06-2009, 02:42 PM
The ethernet connection is most likely a Ethernet crossover cable for a direct connection: TM to TM not connected to home network

then you would have to set the IP address for both the 6000 super (+)
in the menu
- system settings
-- IP settings
give the 1st 6000 super (+):
give the 2nd 6000 super +:
and both subnet

when using software transfer use this only on the same model (TM 6900 super to TM 6900 super)
-- Data Transfer
- software (would transfer firmware to other 6000 super (+))
- channel (would transfer channel list to other 6000 super (+))
- all (would transfer channel list & firmware to other 6000 super +)


if both 6000 super (+) would be connected in a network you would not need to give addresses to the boxes but just put DHCP usage on in the IP settings and let the 6000 super + scan for the IP address
and you don't need the cross over cable.

when using ethernet adaptors to mains or from serial, most likely you have to setup these on the computer.
If you are using a router, and using the DHCP from the router make sure the router can provide IP addres(ses)
address range. check router and adaptor manuals for this.

the other mather can't be discussed in details, there is somewhere a thread on this forum that shed some light on the non discussed item. Can't find it for now. Perhaps other users do know this thread and point you to it. (discussed last months)

08-06-2009, 02:54 PM
is the thread I mentioned and could not find:
Ethernet & Serial Treat!!!!!!! 24/10/08 (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=565375)