View Full Version : CTechMaker Version 4.3

08-06-2009, 12:52 AM
CTechMaker Version 4.3 - TechSat TEAM
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CTechMaker4.2 is never released by TechSat Team. CTechMaker4.2 is a dangerous FAKE!

CTechMaker Version 4.3 - TechSat TEAM
Questo programma genera automaticamente la Softcam per gli STB Clarke-Tech.
This software automatically generates the Softcam for STB Clarke-Tech.
Diese Software erzeugt automatisch das Softcam für STB Clarke-Tech.
Ce logiciel produit automatiquement Softcam pour STB Clarke-Tech.
Este software genera automáticamente Softcam para STB Clarke-Tech.

In some cases it is necessary to copy the libmySQL.dll in C:\WINDOWS\system32

What's news in 4.3 version?
° Adapted to changes in the structure of the database.
° Added direct link for download any makers tool in the Tab "Forum".
° Improved database access.

TechSat TEAM