View Full Version : incubusServChg+CCcamServChg+CCcam info plugins

10-06-2009, 11:30 PM

Three Azbox plugins.


incubusCamd server manuel changer new face

CCcamSerChg server manuel changer
CCcam info new face and bug is resolved



3plugins extract and ftp send azboxhd /EMU folder

and files chmod 755 and cccamserv.conf edit

AzboxHD plugins menu and select plugin...

See you...

11-06-2009, 01:00 AM
you are doing amazing Job for the community ;)
God Bless

11-06-2009, 07:31 AM
do you have to install the CCcam and incubus client seperately along with the plugins?

11-06-2009, 09:33 AM
Keep up the great work mate, it is really great how you are helping this box to become an amazing bit of kit.



11-06-2009, 10:14 AM
Thank you.

Dig Deep
11-06-2009, 10:24 AM
Good work mate. Thank´s :respect-051:

11-06-2009, 11:35 AM
Many Thanks.

Looking forward to using these plugins when I get home.


11-06-2009, 11:49 AM
the big job many thanks

12-06-2009, 01:28 AM
thanks for an excellent plug-in

12-06-2009, 12:18 PM
CCcam "how to install"!

1) Unpack the compressed CCcamCAS for AZbox HD onto your PC [use 7Zip, which is freeware!]

2) You'll see CCcamCAS folder + an additional module.seq file

2a) Edit the module.seq file so it contains the exact names of EMUs/CS SW you have in your machine; delete those you do not have and add those you do have; make sure you leave CCcamCAS without # in front of it , which means it will be active, while all the other EMU's will have # in front of them = inactive

3) FTP into your AZbox HD [or so - using a proggy like FileZilla, which is freeware] and open EMU -> OpenXCAS in your AZbox HD

4) Drag and drop the whole CCcamCAS folder, from PC to AZbox HD OpenXCAS folder

5) Give rights or "CHMOD" to 755 the whole CCcamCAS folder, then also the cccam_module itself, inside the CCcam folder

6) Edit, save and then put into CCcamCAS folder the CCcam.cfg file, in order to add the server details like so:

#C: ccserver.dyndns.org 12345 username pass
C: YourM8's.dyndns.something port YourUsername YourPass

# in front of a line means it's not active - in this case it's just an example-line, hence # in front of it... Leave it as is.

7) Reboot using your remote controller's Power buton for 5 seconds or so

8) Restart CCcam via the OK button on your remote [thanx to HW!]

CCcamCAS for AZbox HD is still in Beta stages of development and can only hook onto 1 CCcam server for now but more is coming. It is not fully working yet - some providers might not work, even though they are working with your Incubus, for instance!

================================= ==========
================KK'S PLUG-INS===============

Some info for KK's plugins, also by me... ;)

For CCcam Card Centre:

Unpack, no need to install anything on your PC.

Start the programme [AZboxHDCCcam.exe] by double clicking on it... :biggrinjester:

Click on Box Settings -> AZbox HD Login.

Put your AZbox HD's IP address [like 192.168.x.x] + pass [= azbox] -> OK.

Click on Online Card, then Connect on the left side and then on Refresh, lower left....

Now you see it... or you don't... well, you do see which cards are on your peer's "menu"...

Maybe you can even open a few channels... depending on how "close" to him you are...... and if CCcam for AZbox HD "works" with them... hehe..

P.S. You can even edit your .cfg file, add or remove servers etc. CCcam -> CCcam.cfg Edit -> File Read -> click on a server/peer -> edit at the bottom -> use the buttons as appropriate and even UP into your AZbox HD when you're done etc. etc.

================================= =

Here is what I did for the CCcam Card Server Changer Plug-in [and all works fine!!! ;)] - I'll try to retrace my steps...


Connect your PC with your AZbox HD using, say, FileZilla [freeware].

Get into the EMU folder and create sub-folder: incubusServChg.

Give the folder CHMOD rights to 755 [it already is like that by default but just make sure...].

Edit the cccamserver.conf file on your PC -> add the details as described:


or "in English" :D

card_server_url_0=cccam://YourUsername:YourPassword@YourPee r's.dyndns.something:HisPort

Now copy the content of the folder incubusServChg on your PC to your AZbox HD's folder EMU/incubusServChg.

Give CHMOD to 755 to all the files, except incubusCamd.conf [I think].

Press Exit on your remote to go to OpenXCAS -> go to incubusServChg plug-in ->
OK to select a server ->
Yellow button to restart the Incubus Camd CS SW ->
Exit button to go to OpenXCAS Menu ->
HOME buton on your remote ->
TV ->
choose a channel you know your peer's cards should open...

Incubus is now working well at my end... Watching HRT, then C+NL just fine!!!

Enjoy! :respect-051: