View Full Version : Help with connection

13-06-2009, 12:09 PM
Hi all,

I have little (big) problem which is giving me headache for last couple of weeks.
All previous updates up to 0.9.1868 worked magic for me but the latest have connection settings changed and I can`t find way around it.

- firmware 0.9.2238
- network set. all enabled
- system information (doesn`t show IP)
- internet settings (wifi on,dynamic IP doesnt connect,static IP doesn`t connect.static IP - IP from previuos firmware)
- wifi settings:
O2 wireless
encryption mode-chose WEP(open system)
passphrase- 10 letters/digits

I have used every possible combination of available options and nothing really helps.

what I think may be the problem is :

-wrong IP (i don`t know much about networking so i always use IP that shows on old firmware)
-wrong password (old firmware - WEP 32,latest frmwre just WEP?)

"Connection failed" pops up every time and the only way to make it work is to downgrade to 0.9.1868.

Thanks for looking into it

13-06-2009, 01:10 PM
Have you tried FW 2032. I find it's much more stable. Hope it can work with Wireless.

Mine is wired and DHCP enabled, all working very well.

13-06-2009, 07:12 PM
fw 2032 seems to be quite reliable wifi wise. I am using wpa with a short passphrase and the connection is up 100%. Samba browsing works well although I did have a problem in that all the azbox could see was "celrun" in the week. A reboot of the linux server and the azbox restored the samba browsing.

14-06-2009, 11:14 AM
FW 2032 is fine but the movie player can`t cope playing series of files (my 2yrs old gets really annoyed when the audio goes out of sync).

well...I`ll wait for next stable release .

thanks for your time guys

14-06-2009, 07:08 PM
I'm not having a great amount of luck getting my WiFi working either, it will work if I unsecure my wireless but who wants to do that?

Anybody got any tips on setting up (I'm using 2032 BTW)

14-06-2009, 08:24 PM
If possible check the secure Wifi settings for the router and use the same settings for your STB.
check in the router that the mac address of the STB is allowed if this feature is used in the wifi router?

14-06-2009, 09:59 PM
You can even reserve the MAC address at a certain address, in some routers...;)

Search function might help here...:smash:

15-06-2009, 02:27 PM
I had the same problem tried all the configurations no luck.Finally in desperation i started from the begining hard reset the modem and connection obtained using dhcp then changed to static ip then added security.

15-06-2009, 04:15 PM
You should Set it to Static IP mate
Go to your Router Settings and find out the IP adresses that connected to the router and find yourself one IP not Clash with any other
i.e>azbox IP (you will choose it)
DNS1:>Router IP
Save it
that's it

15-06-2009, 04:36 PM
Was playing around changing routers last nite and had to press the setup button in the internet/network bit to get it to work again. Even though it had the same ip address.


15-06-2009, 08:58 PM
Well, I got mine to connect to a secure network at last, good few bugs that need to be ironed out though.
I tried it many different ways and this is the only way I had success:
Firstly, set a static IP address as above, then hit setup and rebooted
Secondly go into WiFi and find your network, I encountered many problems here as it often found my network but still showed it as unsecure, no amount of re-searching would alter this, even tried rebooting, so changed name of network and channel in my router to force it to find the correct one, then entered the correct details and passphrase (I used WPA), went back to Internet page and hit set-up and then rebooted.
Finally when it did come online it disconnected my ADSL router but after a few minutes everything seemed to work.

09-07-2009, 09:59 AM
Hi gtg60,

Could you please state the WiFi router settings which allowed you connect to the AZBOX (Network Name, Channel Number, Router IP Address, Static/DHCP settings etc.)?

09-07-2009, 11:14 AM
Hi gtg60,

Could you please state the WiFi router settings which allowed you connect to the AZBOX (Network Name, Channel Number, Router IP Address, Static/DHCP settings etc.)?

I find the new firmware much easier/ reliable to use, here's the way I set it up.

In my router I use WPA-PSK mode, the pre-shared key is 12 characters long.

In my AZBox I don't use DHCP I have set a static IP, after selecting WiFi then picking out my connection on the list I select WPA/WPA2-PSK, enter the passkey, hit select, this will bring you out, then hit setup, it should say completed, then Reboot and you're done!

09-07-2009, 11:19 AM

I have tried the wifi with firmware 0.9.2371, I have a G WiFi Network protected via WPA2. I can connect to my D-Link access point and receive IP via DHCP (range 10.0.0.x subnet, I also test by setting up a fixed IP in the Azbox on the WiFi connection and it works fine.

The only thing I point out is that if you are wired and enable the WiFi both remains active at the same time (until the 1st reboot).
But when you switch from wifi to wired then the wifi is immediately stopped without the need of a reboot. (I already escalate this remark.)

Once again, check that your Access Point is able to handle B/G and enable it. Some new N router are configured by default to support only N.
Moreover if you use a WiFi AP with a special boost fonction disable it since it is then using a non-standard method to boost the signal so only equipment able to handle this will successfully connect.

Don't you setup a MAC address filtering in your router?

If you use WPA, the passphrase is case sensitive.


09-07-2009, 12:02 PM

I have tried the wifi with firmware 0.9.2371, I have a G WiFi Network protected via WPA2. I can connect to my D-Link access point and receive IP via DHCP (range 10.0.0.x subnet, I also test by setting up a fixed IP in the Azbox on the WiFi connection and it works fine.

The only thing I point out is that if you are wired and enable the WiFi both remains active at the same time (until the 1st reboot).
But when you switch from wifi to wired then the wifi is immediately stopped without the need of a reboot. (I already escalate this remark.)

Once again, check that your Access Point is able to handle B/G and enable it. Some new N router are configured by default to support only N.
Moreover if you use a WiFi AP with a special boost fonction disable it since it is then using a non-standard method to boost the signal so only equipment able to handle this will successfully connect.

Don't you setup a MAC address filtering in your router?

If you use WPA, the passphrase is case sensitive.


My WiFi router only supports b/g, I have no wired LAN connection at all and I have no WiFi signal boost functionality.

I have tried to connection with no MAC address filtering on the router without success. Also, with MAC address filtering active I've also entered the MAC address I found on a sticker on the underside of the AZBOX in the 'allowed' MAC address list. This makes no difference either.

I'm already aware that the passphrase is case sensitive.

What is the passphrase length limit on the AZBOX?

Currently my AZBOX cannot even 'see' my WiFi network when I enter the AZBOX 'WiFi' menu and it searches for available networks. (It had been able to see my WiFi network in an ealier FW release). Any ideas here?

Many Thanks.

09-07-2009, 01:27 PM
Try different channels in yr router settings & repeat detection procedure with az .

Cheers ,
Val .

09-07-2009, 02:49 PM
Life is too short use Ethernet Cable and Enjoy the rest :D

09-07-2009, 06:08 PM
set the IP addresses by hand in the router for each required device
use addresses in the same range
subnet addresses must be the same for all devices! or
can you see the wifi of the AZBox HD on your computer?
set radio on (router, transmitt name of network)
passphrase is normaly used to calculate the key number for the wifi protection, done in the router. Use the keys provided by the router. Use the same Wifi protection WPA,WEP or WEP2 or use none for testing purpose and try to setup your link 1st. Put the Wifi router higher from the ground. Turn you AZbox wifi to the Wifi router, if the box is blocking the signal?
Allow the used IP range in the router. Make sure you are using the correct range for home IP addresses or the fixed range required for the AZBox?

10-07-2009, 09:29 AM

I finally got my problem with WiFi sorted. :hurray:

The problem was that the upgrade to FW 2371 did not install correctly (of course the AZBOX FW installation screens indicated that everything was OK with the upgrade). It was only by chance, when I clicked on 'Factory Defaults' that I got the AZBOX to see my WiFi network. After that it was just a matter of selecting the WPA/WPA2 option and entering my WiFI password, the AZBOX immediately connected to my WiFi network. The connection is over DHCP as well, so contrary to other thread replies a static IP address is not required on AZBOX to get WiFi up and running.

Opensat still have a huge amount of work to do with their 'firm'ware (maybe jellyware would be a more appropriate name for the software Opensat release to their customers (testers!)) :banghead:

10-07-2009, 02:13 PM

Doing a reset to factory default setting is part of the best practice to have.

This is particulary true with "béta" firmware, since files location and configuration files can change format.
