View Full Version : azbox with other cam

17-06-2009, 12:04 AM
hi to all i got a azbox hd cliente from my dream server
the thing is i got mbox on both but is it possible to run on azbox other cam like mgcamd ou incubus or other one that works with nagra 3?i got a server (my friend )that he gots CCcam server and i got a line for CCcam from him on azbox but don't open anything nagra 3
my question is can i see from him CCcam on azbox from other cams?if so can someone explain to me please how to do it?

17-06-2009, 09:20 AM
hi there there's anyone to help me please
many thanks

17-06-2009, 01:59 PM
read the old post ,
you have many post to explain .
result : no real CCcam emu for Azbox (all emu CCcam is unstable) this is a reality.
but you have many prerelease of CCcam client in test (just for).
many thanks for all DEVs.

17-06-2009, 03:00 PM
Hi friend many thanks can i install rgcamd or incubus and can i see from him CCcam line) with the one of those emulators?
sorry for the confusion and sorry my english
many thanks

17-06-2009, 05:19 PM

There are only 2 CCcam client available today for the Azbox:

- incubus 0.55 (can only connect to 1 server and only to a 2.0.11 version of CCcam server).
- CCC which is release in pré-béta stage (is not yet really usable it the current released version (many packages are not opened with this version), but the 1st really usable version should arrive soon).

So my advice, wait for the CCC to be available before trying to connect to your friend server.


17-06-2009, 05:58 PM
Many thanks my friend for your reply
i' m looking forward to this CCC good luck for the developers and all the best from portugal,by the way this forum is one of the bests

19-06-2009, 06:25 PM

When you want to thanks simply click on the thanks button below my name. ;-)

Hope you will enjoy your Azbox.


19-06-2009, 07:24 PM
Can somebody send me their working incubus prio, conf etc files minus the server details???

I have been trying to get incubus working with CCcam server 2.0.11 but no lock... My friend can see me connecting to his sever using the incubus cam but nothing clears...

19-06-2009, 07:36 PM
Did you use the installer program?
It works very well.

Always worth a restart of the EMU and a Reboot if necessary.

19-06-2009, 09:04 PM
I tried the installer program.. restarted the emu and the receiver also but no luck.. :-(

20-06-2009, 12:02 AM
Sometimes you must do it a few times... to make it start...

But it does work and it works OK, if a bit unstable.

Check out the IncubusCamd.conf file:

card_server_url_0=cccam://YourUsername:YourPass@YourM8'sSer ver.dyndns.org:HisPort
card_server_url_1=gbox://Your.dyndns.org:YourPort:YourPass @YourM8's.dyndns.org:HisPort:HisP ass

No empty spaces!!!!