View Full Version : Recording possible with emus?

21-06-2009, 01:21 PM
Will this receiver be able to record to HDD in HD one day? currently none of the solutions or emus allow to use it... do you think there is some hardware limitation like there is on making the Diablo CAM work?

21-06-2009, 01:29 PM
I think if possible, if you look at the log of the CPU, which does not see 50%, this means that the emus are not working well and need more priority for the CPU.

if tests 1 free HD channels, such as astra hd, it works really well


$ top

21-06-2009, 01:33 PM
Recording HDs works for me with newcs+mgcamd (official via card) or mgcamd (gbox or newcamd client) . But not with any cccamd client emus .

Cheers ,

21-06-2009, 01:36 PM
How about the Mbox 0.4 GBox [the fixed one]?

21-06-2009, 03:14 PM
With 0.4 built 023 az records but can't be played - somehow there's a delay between picture & sound , same thing when played on laptop .

Cheers ,
Val .

21-06-2009, 05:53 PM

I heard it's all "perfect"... :rolleyes:

But we heard all that before, haven't we?:o11::reddevil:

We'll see what will come out of it all... A few months from now - if it ain't working... neeeeexxxxxxtttttt!!!!!:gnorsi:

22-06-2009, 12:23 AM
Do we know if it is a firmware or OpenXCAS API limitation? like it was with Multiecms? or it is just a bug in current emus?

22-06-2009, 07:36 AM
Its the Emu
-CCcam cant record, not implemented
-mbox 06 can record
-mgcamd and NewCS can record

22-06-2009, 07:43 AM
Here mbox 0.6 doesn't record only timeshift. My question is regarding recording (not timeshift) while you can switch to a different channel. Could not make it work with HD.

22-06-2009, 08:38 AM

As stated before, today on the Azbox only mgcamd allow you to record and watch another channel at the same time.


22-06-2009, 05:55 PM
And my question still remains... is it a problem with firmware, OpenXCAS API or emu? Also mgcamd didn't record HD here... is it working for you?

23-06-2009, 07:39 AM
hd and SD is working, with Mbox.
With mgcamd I havnt test HD yet

23-06-2009, 08:10 AM
You mean with old mbox 0.4? People reported problems recording HD not able to playback. Also with mbox 0.6 not SD or HD working here.

23-06-2009, 08:33 AM
HD recording is working with mgcamd too.

23-06-2009, 08:34 AM
And my question still remains... is it a problem with firmware, OpenXCAS API or emu? Also mgcamd didn't record HD here... is it working for you?

No your question doesn't remains, I totally agree with the hanswurscht answer:

Its the Emu
-CCcam cant record, not implemented
-mbox 06 can record
-mgcamd and NewCS can record

23-06-2009, 12:16 PM
I won't continue but there is something wrong with recording on AzBox... don't know if it is hardware/software/API but doesn't work on any new emus.

And you keep posting wrong info... mbox 0.6 doesn't work (only timeshift not the same). And when I tried mgcamd it didn't do HD, only SD without glitches. I am talking perfect recording here... like other Linux receivers.

Trying to findout why now seems everything is a marketing campaign instead of sincere user feedback... keep posting stuff that nobody can confirm for real. Does "pr2" mean Public Relations for Opensat? I am looking for real product support from other users as cannot get recording to work. Tired of same people posting stuff that never comes out. Like CCC server now maybe not coming out or that CCC was based on real CCC source code nothing to do with incubus and now we findout it is just an incubus hack... please post real facts here or just don't make people confused with wrong info... for marketing campaigns there are other sources like ads and so...

Please any real user feedback?

23-06-2009, 06:37 PM
And when I tried mgcamd it didn't do HD, only SD without glitches. I am talking perfect recording here... like other Linux receivers.I can confirm that recording encrypted HD channels is problematic even with mgcamd. I’ve tested this with Sky Italia HD, using NewCS as a server to read my own (local) smartcard inserted in the AzBox.

23-06-2009, 08:03 PM
i have elite version ,and HDD 160 go (format with azbox) in USB port and MGcamd (cs) :
- recording video HD ok (NatGeo HD,Premiere HD,DiscoveryHD,DisneyChannel HD)

23-06-2009, 08:16 PM
Which HW? Like Elite/Premium, external/internal HDD, spinning at... etc. etc?

Which FW?

Which EMU/CS SW?

Have I missed a Q? :D

23-06-2009, 08:30 PM
I won't continue but there is something wrong with recording on AzBox... don't know if it is hardware/software/API but doesn't work on any new emus.

And you keep posting wrong info... mbox 0.6 doesn't work (only timeshift not the same). And when I tried mgcamd it didn't do HD, only SD without glitches. I am talking perfect recording here... like other Linux receivers.

Trying to findout why now seems everything is a marketing campaign instead of sincere user feedback... keep posting stuff that nobody can confirm for real. Does "pr2" mean Public Relations for Opensat? I am looking for real product support from other users as cannot get recording to work. Tired of same people posting stuff that never comes out. Like CCC server now maybe not coming out or that CCC was based on real CCC source code nothing to do with incubus and now we findout it is just an incubus hack... please post real facts here or just don't make people confused with wrong info... for marketing campaigns there are other sources like ads and so...

Please any real user feedback?

Hello Tinos,

No Pr2 doesn't means Public Relation Opensat I am just a normal end-user who try to understand what he is doing and who is testing things. When something is not working on the Azbox I say it, I have no action on the company.

About CCC yes I announce it but the dev takes longer to sort out a stable version, but seing all the negative post I stop posting information about it. But no CCC is not a incubus hack. You know nothing about the CCC development so stop talking of what you don't know. And yes multiple peers and server will come.

You must understand that a setup from one user is not the same has another one. I test myself recording of HD channels with mgcamd and watching another channel before posting here that yes it works. French HD channel with mgcamd connecting to NewCS and gb*x.

Now may be that with Sly channels there are issues, I don't have access to sly channels so I cannot test myself.

But I remember your sentence that you no longer want me to comment your post and give you feedback, I have no problem with this. You seems that have more problem with your box than I have with mine, so it is rather you who need me that the opposite.


23-06-2009, 09:27 PM
i have elite version ,and HDD 160 go (format with azbox) in USB port and MGcamd (cs) :
- recording video HD ok (NatGeo HD,Premiere HD,DiscoveryHD,DisneyChannel HD)

Are you using playback on AzBox or via VLC on PC? I was getting glitches on HD... maybe I tested different firmware. What FW? Thanks.

23-06-2009, 09:28 PM
I would advise people not to trust 100% what pr2 posts... seems like far from real to me. Specially the CCC stuff... but time will tell who tells the truth and who doesn't.

24-06-2009, 08:20 AM
Again for you :)

Mbox 0.6 IS working with record, on all Firmware with new Sigma Driver(there is a but with recording HD, it runs only on PC,not on AZHD, dunno why, on AZHD there is no Sound, but File is OK)

Mbox 04.23.3 with recordfix is working

Mgcamd with NewCS is working, also HD

CCcam is NOT working, cause record is NOT implemented yet.

All Records are tested by pushing the record Button :) no timeshift, no playing with EPG
I have a Premium, but I dont use internal HDD, I always use USB HDD for record.

Specially Mbox 0.6 has NO Problems with record, I didnt find one. The File is Top,Picture fine, Sound fine.
The HD Sound Problem special on Premiere Germany HD seems to be a AZHD Problem.
When you play the File on PC, it is working like a Charme

forgotten my HDD Format, it is ext3, format on AZHD, but also with Tools on PC works, also ext3

24-06-2009, 09:06 AM
I would advise people not to trust 100% what pr2 posts... seems like far from real to me. Specially the CCC stuff... but time will tell who tells the truth and who doesn't.

pr2 has always tried to be helpful as far as i can see. I would value more his input than your own. So let that be the end of that discussion, as its not helping anyone.

24-06-2009, 11:02 AM
Mbox 0.6 IS working with record, on all Firmware with new Sigma Driver(there is a but with recording HD, it runs only on PC,not on AZHD, dunno why, on AZHD there is no Sound, but File is OK)

CCcam is NOT working, cause record is NOT implemented yet.

The HD Sound Problem special on Premiere Germany HD seems to be a AZHD Problem.
When you play the File on PC, it is working like a Charme

Perfect! Thank you now I got the info I needed... my problem is probably firmware as I am still on 2032. From what I read I would need to upgrade to 2371 to be able to record with mbox 0.6?

And then for playback use VLC on PC because internal player has issues...

Also read at semi-oficial bug list that there are many issues with Premium internal HDD, so external USB is probably needed for others:

24-06-2009, 01:20 PM
Again for you :)

Mbox 0.6 IS working with record, on all Firmware with new Sigma Driver(there is a but with recording HD, it runs only on PC,not on AZHD, dunno why, on AZHD there is no Sound, but File is OK)

Mbox 04.23.3 with recordfix is working

Mgcamd with NewCS is working, also HD

CCcam is NOT working, cause record is NOT implemented yet.

All Records are tested by pushing the record Button :) no timeshift, no playing with EPG
I have a Premium, but I dont use internal HDD, I always use USB HDD for record.

Specially Mbox 0.6 has NO Problems with record, I didnt find one. The File is Top,Picture fine, Sound fine.
The HD Sound Problem special on Premiere Germany HD seems to be a AZHD Problem.
When you play the File on PC, it is working like a Charme

forgotten my HDD Format, it is ext3, format on AZHD, but also with Tools on PC works, also ext3

Thanx HW. However, not a universal experience [this is by encounter, over on Mbox forum]:

Recording is working, but not very good on Cards, that are far away(more then Dist2), so you need good Peers with good Cards.

Also there is a big Bug on german Sky HD (ex Premiere), recording works but when you looking TV Picture is stopping and starting after some Seconds and than running again for a few Seconds. Seems to be not a Mboxbug, even Firmware or high CPU load
Also no Sound on recorded File, this ssems to be a Bug in AZHD Firmware. The File copied on PC and I have Sound.
In the recorded File all is OK, no stopping or flickering

25-06-2009, 06:49 AM
Thanx HW. However, not a universal experience [this is by encounter, over on Mbox forum]:

Yes, this is correct, but I have only reported my Tests with my own Card.

So Im sure, its not an Mboxproblem for this flickering and stopping while record is running, because the Record himself is 100% OK
When you take Telnet while record is runnning and look for CPUload, you will see more than 90% highload.

With this knowledge I will never trust a Twintuner running on this Box, it cant work!

For the missing Sound, this happens ONLY on HD, all SD are playing with Sound also on AZHD.
And when you get Sound, maybe it is the wrong language on record.
You have choosen german and the recorded Language is english, dunno why.
Also on Csat MotorsTV you get Language Problems. You set german and next Time you have again english or french.

Yesterday I have tested recording from Network, also on far Distance3 without any Problems on SD.
On HD there is the same, Soundproblem(only on AZHD, File is OK on PC)
But while the record is running, you cant look the same on TV, its flickering,stopping, this most on Mbox.
On Mgcamd its only sometimes, but both records are OK

25-06-2009, 08:51 AM
So Im sure, its not an Mboxproblem for this flickering and stopping while record is running, because the Record himself is 100% OK
When you take Telnet while record is runnning and look for CPUload, you will see more than 90% highload.

With this knowledge I will never trust a Twintuner running on this Box, it cant work!

For the missing Sound, this happens ONLY on HD, all SD are playing with Sound also on AZHD.
And when you get Sound, maybe it is the wrong language on record.
You have choosen german and the recorded Language is english, dunno why.
Also on Csat MotorsTV you get Language Problems. You set german and next Time you have again english or french.

Yesterday I have tested recording from Network, also on far Distance3 without any Problems on SD.
On HD there is the same, Soundproblem(only on AZHD, File is OK on PC)
But while the record is running, you cant look the same on TV, its flickering,stopping, this most on Mbox.
On Mgcamd its only sometimes, but both records are OK

I can confirm your findings... ended up upgrading fw just to test as I was on 2032 and recording didn't work with it. Now with 2371 tested mbox 0.6 0010 and it works perfect recording on disk (external USB on Elite) but channel is unwatchable with constant glitches. When you playback from disk you find perfect image and no glitches. Both SD and HD.

I hope CPU load issue could be fixed in the future, maybe it has to do with current highbitrate limitations taxing CPU while controlling bitrate... could be a driver issue. Hope it is not decoding... could you see with top if it was mbox using all CPU?

25-06-2009, 06:27 PM
That really sucks if i can`t record with cccam cause i am only using a HDef server......nobody uses Mbox hear in Australia and can somebody tell me if Mbox can conect to a cccam server?
Will it be possible in the future to record with incubus cam without glitches and forget about cccam for azbox??
I was planning to buy a second tuner for my premium box but will not invest not a single cent any more .......in the end will sell this box and go with DM8000, so i can use cccam and second tuner.
there is a good saying and should of follow it:
-If you don`t know(not sure) what`s good.....ask whats most expensive

25-06-2009, 06:39 PM
That really sucks if i can`t record with cccam cause i am only using a HDef server......nobody uses Mbox hear in Australia and can somebody tell me if Mbox can conect to a cccam server?
Will it be possible in the future to record with incubus cam without glitches and forget about cccam for azbox??
I was planning to buy a second tuner for my premium box but will not invest not a single cent any more .......in the end will sell this box and go with DM8000, so i can use cccam and second tuner.
there is a good saying and should of follow it:
-If you don`t know(not sure) what`s good.....ask whats most expensive

Yeah, that's a good idea, start whinging about CCcam for the AZBox when it's only version 0.1
Have you read any of these threads?

25-06-2009, 08:12 PM
"Yeah, that's a good idea, start whinging about CCcam for the AZBox when it's only version 0.1
Have you read any of these threads?"
Its not only cccam i am whinging about.....incubus its not recording for me eather and from some reports the mgcamd for Sky Italy isn`t brilliant ....so m8 if you love and adore Azbox and don`t have any issues i can only say "LUCKY YOU"....the other think is, that if people like me don`t complain the azbox team want do a think to improve thinks and many many issues this box has. The truth is that they realeased these HD boxes to early without a propper firmware for it, for the sake of a quick buck .

25-06-2009, 08:29 PM
I did do a test from BBC HD, recorded fine, no sound on playback using USB hard drive. However fin when play back on PC. FW2032

26-06-2009, 08:41 AM
"Yeah, that's a good idea, start whinging about CCcam for the AZBox when it's only version 0.1
Have you read any of these threads?"
Its not only cccam i am whinging about.....incubus its not recording for me eather and from some reports the mgcamd for Sky Italy isn`t brilliant ....so m8 if you love and adore Azbox and don`t have any issues i can only say "LUCKY YOU"....the other think is, that if people like me don`t complain the azbox team want do a think to improve thinks and many many issues this box has. The truth is that they realeased these HD boxes to early without a propper firmware for it, for the sake of a quick buck .

what part of BETA don't you understand?

27-06-2009, 05:42 PM
This is just it. Will the firmware ever come out of Beta? I'm new to sat receivers and am thinking about purchasing an AZBox Premium so am reading everything about them. I know these are new to the market but I have to wonder if the firmware will ever be fixed properly to a point where it is suitable for the general public.

All these problems with recording in HD and not being able to play it back on the box or the CPU load being so high that it seems impossible that it will ever support two tuners recording HD simultaneously are worrying.

What does the average Joe do if he purchases one of these boxes now and it doesn't work properly? Not everyone is technically minded enough to start trawling forums for support. The questions is, should these boxes really have been released with incomplete firmware?

I'm not bashing the AZBox but just voicing my concerns as a potential new owner. Recording for me is the main reason I am considering purchasing a SAT PVR receiver. I use Linux on my home PCs which is why I'm drawn to these Linux boxes and I can only hope that the problems get sorted quickly.

27-06-2009, 09:41 PM
So, wait for another month or two. Easy.

We are told that by the end of July or so we will have FW 1.0.

We'll see...:cheers2:

30-06-2009, 08:01 AM
LOL, that's easier said than done.

30-06-2009, 09:33 AM
Im sure, it will never run with this Hardware for Twintuner.
In german Forum they say, maybe it will work with a Redesign for the Hardware(new Motherboard!!)

So we can only use Combotuner(only using one Tuner at the same Time, no record from the other) for maximum with this Peace of Hardware.

I have bought this Box for Twintuner because I have Cable and SAT, for me its heavy to accept....

30-06-2009, 12:56 PM
That makes 2 of us, HW. I waned 2 Sat TV tuners.

But some say you already can record 1 and watch another channel [on the same transponder or two different ones?] with a single tuner. Correct? Have you tried?

But we wait and see.... What else can we do?

30-06-2009, 01:33 PM
Im sure, it will never run with this Hardware for Twintuner.
In german Forum they say, maybe it will work with a Redesign for the Hardware(new Motherboard!!)

So we can only use Combotuner(only using one Tuner at the same Time, no record from the other) for maximum with this Peace of Hardware.

I have bought this Box for Twintuner because I have Cable and SAT, for me its heavy to accept....


Be patient and don't believe everything you read on the Internet (so even this post, if I want to be coherent), twin tuner will come. For sure Azbox is able to handle 2 simultaneous signal.
Azbox is able to handle 2 HD signals or 4 SD signals or a mix of the (1 HD and 2 SD for sure).

Already do the test yourself you will see it works! Record one HD channel and watch another channel on the same TP and you will see that it works perfectely. I test it a few days ago with 2 HDs encrypted channels decoded via mgcamd.

While doing this connect via telnet and issue a: "top" command, you will see the top processes that uses CPU.

Take your own conclusion based on this! Everybody can do the test himself... you have the box don't believe everything you read, experiment by yourself!

Some reports state that the CPU is 90% loaded with this test. From my point of view, it is wrong the top process use around 25% and if you add the other process you can reach 35% of CPU loads for 2 HD channels decoded at the same time. So believe me Sigma Processor is not overloaded by this job!

But I demonstrate what I say; here are the clues:

Recording 1 HD channel and watching another one (same TP), both encrypted (Seca) and decoded via mgcamd connected to a gbox server.

I take 3 screenshots at random during the test (test length 3:50 minutes).

Top command result during recording with mgcamd a HD TV channel, while watching another HD channel (same TP of course).

Mem: 97960K used, 3540K free, 0K shrd, 376K buff, 39832K cached
Load average: 3.33, 2.40, 1.75 (State: S=sleeping R=running, W=waiting)

959 root S 7272 958 12.2 7.1 SDecoderServer
1015 root S 6068 981 5.2 5.9 CRTVCore
979 root S 6068 1 4.8 5.9 CRTVCore
2129 root R 464 2124 2.1 0.4 top
960 root S 7272 958 1.9 7.1 SDecoderServer
61 root SW 0 1 1.3 0.0 kswapd0
800 root SW 0 1 0.3 0.0 kjournald
1011 root S 6068 981 0.1 5.9 CRTVCore
926 root S 1160 924 0.1 1.1 file_control
908 root S 1160 1 0.1 1.1 file_control
907 root S 556 1 0.1 0.5 ir_control
1030 root S 512 1029 0.1 0.5 CRTVSetup
963 root S < 26M 1 0.0 26.7 DStar
968 root S < 26M 966 0.0 26.7 DStar
967 root S < 26M 966 0.0 26.7 DStar
966 root S < 26M 963 0.0 26.7 DStar
949 root S 7272 1 0.0 7.1 SDecoderServer
1047 root S 7272 958 0.0 7.1 SDecoderServer
958 root S 7272 949 0.0 7.1 SDecoderServer
1006 root S 6068 981 0.0 5.9 CRTVCore


Mem: 98268K used, 3232K free, 0K shrd, 660K buff, 39768K cached
Load average: 3.20, 2.51, 1.83 (State: S=sleeping R=running, W=waiting)

959 root S 7188 958 17.1 7.0 SDecoderServer
979 root S 5976 1 5.4 5.8 CRTVCore
1015 root S 5976 981 4.6 5.8 CRTVCore
963 root S < 27M 1 2.5 27.3 DStar
2129 root R 304 2124 2.3 0.2 top
960 root S 7188 958 1.9 7.0 SDecoderServer
800 root SW 0 1 0.7 0.0 kjournald
908 root S 1096 1 0.3 1.0 file_control
968 root S < 27M 966 0.1 27.3 DStar
1009 root S 5976 981 0.1 5.8 CRTVCore
926 root S 1096 924 0.1 1.0 file_control
944 root S 704 871 0.1 0.6 event_dispatche
912 root S 704 871 0.1 0.6 event_dispatche
969 root S 704 871 0.1 0.6 event_dispatche
839 root S 140 1 0.1 0.1 telnetd
61 root SW 0 1 0.1 0.0 kswapd0
967 root S < 27M 966 0.0 27.3 DStar
966 root S < 27M 963 0.0 27.3 DStar
949 root S 7188 1 0.0 7.0 SDecoderServer
1047 root S 7188 958 0.0 7.0 SDecoderServer


Mem: 98572K used, 2928K free, 0K shrd, 392K buff, 40292K cached
Load average: 2.98, 2.56, 1.88 (State: S=sleeping R=running, W=waiting)

959 root S 7188 958 22.8 7.0 SDecoderServer
979 root S 6044 1 5.1 5.9 CRTVCore
1015 root S 6044 981 4.8 5.9 CRTVCore
2129 root R 304 2124 2.3 0.2 top
960 root S 7188 958 1.9 7.0 SDecoderServer
800 root SW 0 1 0.9 0.0 kjournald
949 root S 7188 1 0.3 7.0 SDecoderServer
1006 root S 6044 981 0.1 5.9 CRTVCore
1008 root S 6044 981 0.1 5.9 CRTVCore
1011 root S 6044 981 0.1 5.9 CRTVCore
1406 root S < 820 1 0.1 0.8 mgcamd
1408 root S < 820 1407 0.1 0.8 mgcamd
970 root S 704 871 0.1 0.6 event_dispatche
907 root S 488 1 0.1 0.4 ir_control
917 root S 488 913 0.1 0.4 ir_control
61 root DW 0 1 0.1 0.0 kswapd0
963 root S < 27M 1 0.0 27.3 DStar
968 root S < 27M 966 0.0 27.3 DStar
967 root S < 27M 966 0.0 27.3 DStar
966 root S < 27M 963 0.0 27.3 DStar

Then I playback the recorded program to ensure that it was 100% correct and it was.

Here is the top command result while playing back the recorded program:

Mem: 98276K used, 3224K free, 0K shrd, 364K buff, 38428K cached
Load average: 5.61, 4.11, 2.60 (State: S=sleeping R=running, W=waiting)

963 root S < 30M 1 7.0 30.6 DStar
1047 root S 9116 958 4.6 8.9 SDecoderServer
1015 root S 6388 981 4.6 6.2 CRTVCore
979 root S 6388 1 2.3 6.2 CRTVCore
2129 root R 304 2124 2.3 0.2 top
960 root S 9116 958 1.7 8.9 SDecoderServer
949 root S 9116 1 0.5 8.9 SDecoderServer
968 root S < 30M 966 0.3 30.6 DStar
959 root S 9116 958 0.3 8.9 SDecoderServer
1006 root S 6388 981 0.3 6.2 CRTVCore
969 root S 708 871 0.3 0.6 event_dispatche
1010 root S 6388 981 0.1 6.2 CRTVCore
1009 root S 6388 981 0.1 6.2 CRTVCore
926 root S 1132 924 0.1 1.1 file_control
972 root S 708 871 0.1 0.6 event_dispatche
872 root S 708 871 0.1 0.6 event_dispatche
907 root S 500 1 0.1 0.4 ir_control
61 root DW 0 1 0.1 0.0 kswapd0
967 root S < 30M 966 0.0 30.6 DStar
966 root S < 30M 963 0.0 30.6 DStar

Mem: 97860K used, 3640K free, 0K shrd, 352K buff, 38048K cached
Load average: 6.68, 4.49, 2.78 (State: S=sleeping R=running, W=waiting)

963 root S < 30M 1 7.0 30.6 DStar
1015 root S 6388 981 4.6 6.2 CRTVCore
1047 root S 9116 958 3.6 8.9 SDecoderServer
979 root S 6388 1 2.3 6.2 CRTVCore
2129 root R 304 2124 2.3 0.2 top
960 root S 9116 958 1.5 8.9 SDecoderServer
949 root S 9116 1 0.7 8.9 SDecoderServer
959 root S 9116 958 0.3 8.9 SDecoderServer
969 root S 708 871 0.3 0.6 event_dispatche
1006 root S 6388 981 0.1 6.2 CRTVCore
972 root S 708 871 0.1 0.6 event_dispatche
912 root S 708 871 0.1 0.6 event_dispatche
907 root S 500 1 0.1 0.4 ir_control
1028 root S 404 1 0.1 0.3 CRTVSetup
3 root SW< 0 1 0.1 0.0 events/0
968 root S < 30M 966 0.0 30.6 DStar
967 root S < 30M 966 0.0 30.6 DStar
966 root S < 30M 963 0.0 30.6 DStar
958 root S 9116 949 0.0 8.9 SDecoderServer
1007 root S 6388 981 0.0 6.2 CRTVCore

Now if you do the test using another emu and that the CPU loads become high, it is the EMUs that you need to blame. Remember I am using myself mgcamd for this test.


30-06-2009, 02:58 PM
Im sure, it will never run with this Hardware for Twintuner.
In german Forum they say, maybe it will work with a Redesign for the Hardware(new Motherboard!!)

So we can only use Combotuner(only using one Tuner at the same Time, no record from the other) for maximum with this Peace of Hardware.

I have bought this Box for Twintuner because I have Cable and SAT, for me its heavy to accept....
This sounds worrying. Do you have a link to the German forum? I'd like to see how or what made them come to this conclusion. From the logs pr2 posted the CPU looks capable but that is with only one tuner. Will a second tuner have and large effect on cpu load?

30-06-2009, 03:19 PM
Im sure, it will never run with this Hardware for Twintuner.
In german Forum they say, maybe it will work with a Redesign for the Hardware(new Motherboard!!)

So we can only use Combotuner(only using one Tuner at the same Time, no record from the other) for maximum with this Peace of Hardware.

I have bought this Box for Twintuner because I have Cable and SAT, for me its heavy to accept....

unless the top command is not valid or we are misinterpreting it,, where are you getting the 90% cpu usage? can you show us?

30-06-2009, 03:24 PM
Here we go again with the speculation and conjecture :mad:
The Sigma chip is easily capable of handling 2 HD channels at once, Google for the specs, you will find them, all these people are too happy to spread bad news about the AZBox, the only one I believe is Opensat, everything so far they have promised has been delivered albeit a bit late but they have clearly stated that the Sigma people cause them a bottle neck, with relation to the Twin Tuner set-up in the release notes of Firmware 2032:
2) TWIN TUNER DVB-S2, during last days we have seen a lot of bad information on web about twin tuner support. Azbox can PLENITY support two DVB-S2 tuners at same time. However we are rush to make receiver working more stable, recording and timeshift and PVR perfect working before finishing implementing DVB-S2 twin tuner.`

I'm sure when it does come all those naysayers will dissappear just like the ones did who said CCcam would never come to the AZBox :rant:

30-06-2009, 07:09 PM
I'd like to see that German reference to see what they discovered or why they formed the opinion that twin tuners would not work without HW redesign.

I'd image a lot of it comes down to how well optimised the software is that runs the tuners, HD decoding and recording. It would be a very risky move on OpenSat's part to be claiming twin tuner support if in reality the HW is not capable. That would be a very quick way to kill your business.

Until version 1.0 of the firmware we will have to reserve judgement. Once out of beta them I think we'd have cause for concern and complaints if the box doesn't deliver.

01-07-2009, 09:45 AM
read in myazbox on de. Read the Tests, read the Anouncement from Sellers to opensat and back, and you will know, no twintuner,maybe never without new Hardwaredesign