View Full Version : Original FW Series 5

22-06-2009, 07:06 PM
Oficial Series 5

MV MV-S5_5.06.01

New for 5.06.01

-File download (movies from Internet)


File Download How TO

File Download (movies from Internet)


Network, file download, get movies list
Select the movie from the drop-down menu
File download

You can exit menu and watch TV normally while downloading
To stop downloading go back to network, file download, and press STOP key on your RCU

While downloading you can not use other USB and network functions

Here (http://mvision.tv/descarga/serieS/serie5/MV-S5_5.06.01.zip)

24-06-2009, 07:18 PM
Oficial Series 5

New for 5.06.03

OSD translation fixes

Download (http://mvision.tv/descarga/serieS/serie5/MV-S5_5.06.03.zip)

18-08-2009, 08:11 PM
Series 5

New for 5.07.01

Support for Videoclub option x-rated movies
Mpeg Player resize problem fixed

http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/9156/downloadbutton.gif (http://mvision.tv/descarga/serieS/serie5/MV-S5_5.07.01.zip)

18-09-2009, 07:45 AM
Series 5

New for 5.08.00

Support for GolTV DVB-T C.I. CAM

http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/9156/downloadbutton.gif (http://mvision.tv/descarga/serieS/serie5/MV-S5_5.08.00.zip)