View Full Version : AZBOX Premium LAN/WLAN

24-06-2009, 01:28 PM

I have a problem with LAN/WLAN, the same appears on versions 2032, 2163 and 2371 on my TD210SP

WLAN works ocassionally, it is slow and unstable(disconnects for unknown reason eventhough signal is good). It was not working in original and 2032version.

LAN is not working in all above versions, it was working with original shipped version from the shop. Than I loaded the new versions and LAN stopped functioning.

Please let me know what could be the reason and help me solve it since it should be a basic functionality and it is very annoying.

24-06-2009, 05:51 PM
Do you use static ip ????

24-06-2009, 09:02 PM

Go to: Home -> 11. Configuration -> Internet.

You have a test functionnality in this screen can you use it and says what happens.

You can also find the IP address catched by your Azbox or setup a static one.

When you say LAN is not working, what do you mean exactely?

Can you telnet to the box?

If you want to connect to it via FTP you need first to enable the FTP service in the Home -> 11. Configuration -> Network Service
I saw that telnet is also an option so check that it is activated. Or even better restart both FTP and Telnet (Disable->Active) to be sure they are.


25-06-2009, 01:54 PM

thanx for the replies

FTP enabled all the time, I use static IP in order to get ftp from my totalcommander.
Not working I mean no connection anymore. From time to time I get WLAN connection, not sure what it triggers, I tried allmost everything(resolution change, reboot, version swap...)

25-06-2009, 02:14 PM
For example I select WLAN, it finds my home WIFI, static IP, I put the WEP, press connect and it say done/finished. The network is not connected though.

When I select the wired network(LAN), Static IP, all IPs are set(incl. GW, DNS1, DNS2...) I press connect, it says done/finished like there is no problem. No connection!

I tried also DHCP, dis/connect LAn cable, reset router, reboot azbox, all possibilities. It seems the drivers for WLAN/LAN are fighting to each other, sometimes WLAN wins(rarely). Once per 3 days maybe. Than I am able to ftp, telnet, upload the HDD, all ok.

25-06-2009, 06:41 PM
Hi all

most likely I found the problem. LAN CABLE LENGTH is around 15m and where my laptops DELL and HP work without ANY problem, it is probably too much for the AZBOX.
On my other cable ~12m on the same router the AZBOX LAN works 100%

thanks also for the hint to set DNS2 to It helps the WLAN.

25-06-2009, 07:00 PM
if you can set the wire lanspeed to 100 Mbps instead of 1 Gbps, if it is standard cat5 cable. This would be the operatings speed for cat5 ethernetcable and limited to a maximum of 100 m (328 ft)
