View Full Version : Azbox internal password problem

26-06-2009, 03:44 PM
Hi guys,

This is a shout for help with the Azbox HD internal password. Versions of firmware up to 2032 seem to have the internal password set to ‘azbox’ allowing access for the AZBoxEdit program via the LAN connection. Later firmware versions seem to require the internal password to be set using the telnet connection from the PC. So, if I format the application area and install the latest version 2371, do a ‘factory defaults’ and then use telnet to install the password ‘azbox’ all goes well with two receivers I own but I’ve just tried to do the same to a couple of other receivers and they won’t let me install a password because they have an unknown password already installed. How can I put the correct password into these two receivers?

Simon [alias Ken]

26-06-2009, 04:22 PM
Interesting situation :(

26-06-2009, 04:32 PM
I had the same problem! The solution is to restore firmware 2032.
After the 2032 firmware, I think not hit it.
The receiver restart often ...
Recording Hard Disk is in fail ...
Many problems ...!!!???

26-06-2009, 11:08 PM

Format application area no longer formats the user data,area where the password is stored.

Try to do a reset to default factory, I hope that the password should return to blank (0.9.2371) or azbox.

It is now useless to use the format application area since it no longer delete any user specific parameters. Also remember to enable Telnet and FTP in the Network service Option.


27-06-2009, 12:06 PM
Thanks to those who replied to my problem.

jgg, we tried what you suggested and indeed you can use 2032 firmware, load your channels from AzboxEdit and then upgrade to 2371 firmware without loosing your channels but of course you cannot make further changes to your channel lists from the PC.

pr2, we tried the factory reset after loading 2371 firmware and it doesn’t clear the stored unknown password. Unless anyone has any other ideas, I think this problem is only going to be solved by the firmware writers. They might ensure this password is erased when you do a factory reset or they might set it to be ’azbox’ anyway. If anyone is in contact with the firmware writers, you may like to relay our problem to them.

Thanks in advance,


27-06-2009, 12:27 PM

Here is a hardware work around...

Disconnect the DOM from the AZbox, connect it to a IDE connector on a PC, delete all the partition in the DOM.

Plug-back the DOM in the Azbox put the firmware on a USB stick boot the box, Upgrade menu appears, do a format applcation area, all the partition will be created automatically in the DOM. Then select 1 to install the firmware from USB. You will have a brand new Azbox with the latest firmware.

There is perhaps another workaround but I don't know it.


27-06-2009, 05:23 PM
Thanks, pr2, for your suggestion. We located and removed the DOM OK but could not get it recognised by a PC either internally or in a USB Caddy. I guess we shall just have to be patient for new firmware.


28-06-2009, 10:55 AM

You should use an adaptator that allows you to connect portable HDD (2.5" HDD), because the power supply came from the IDE cable in this case.

But this is theoritical, I don't test it myself.

Solution 2:

- Come back to an old firmware where the password is stored in the Application Area and not on the User Area.
The delete the whole /DISK2 content (delete also all hidden files).
Then upgrade again to the latest firmware.

I guess that this trick will delete the stored password.

Otherwhise anyone has an idea where the password file is stored in Azbox? So you can just delete this file once you have access via telnet... with the old firmware.
