View Full Version : AAC file browsing

26-06-2009, 06:22 PM
Hi AZBox fellows.

Currently the AZBOx has a weird limitation: the music file browser doesn't recognize the file extensions normally associated with AAC audio files (.m4a and .acc being the ones I can think of).

But if you rename AAC file(s) to a recognized audio format (.mp3 for instance) they get played back normally, which is not surprising since the box has all the necessary codecs.

The pourpose of this post is twofold:

1) To ask beta tester if thay already have signaled this to the OpenSat devs team.


2) To see if someone having a better knowlegde of Linux than myself can find / suggest a way we could use to cir***vent this limitation while we wait for OpenSat to add these extensions to the list of the recognized file formats.

While the FW is not open source, so I can't know for sure, I believe this can be fixed with a very small amount of work, unless the extensions are pourposedly left out because AAC compatibility is still incomplete.

The reason I ask this is that I have my whole music library stored in AAC format and there's no way I'm going to rename all the files to .mp3. It would come handy for me to use the AZBox as a music player too but I can't until this gets fixed.

26-06-2009, 07:28 PM
It doesn't play wma's either BUT if you change the tag to .mp3 it will play them :eek:
So obviously a bug and I'm sure easily sorted...

26-06-2009, 11:16 PM

Try to browse the files via the file manager and not via the Music menu... file manager normally show all the files and try to play them via the File Manager...


27-06-2009, 12:48 PM
Hi pr2, thanks for you suggestion.

It does show all files, AAC files included, but it doesn't open them. I guess it's because it doesn't recognize them as music files and therefore doesn't know which application to use in order to open them.

If the extension was recognized as a music format, it would probably show up in the music browser too.

Now the problem is to see if all these extensions are listed in some config file and thus can be altered by us, or if they hare "hard coded" in the system and only OpenSat can change things.

27-06-2009, 12:54 PM
Why don't you try tricking the AZBox like I have? Change the music file to .mp3 and see if it will play...

27-06-2009, 01:20 PM
Why don't you try tricking the AZBox like I have? Change the music file to .mp3 and see if it will play...

he did that already and they play. he's looking for a setting somewhere in the azbox files that list the music files, so he can either add aac as an option ( or perhaps change mp3 to aac).

or he just has to wait as i'm sure its an easy fix.

27-06-2009, 01:31 PM
he did that already and they play. he's looking for a setting somewhere in the azbox files that list the music files, so he can either add aac as an option ( or perhaps change mp3 to aac).

or he just has to wait as i'm sure its an easy fix.

Oh, yeah, sorry missed that bit but I agree it's annoying and am sure it's an easy fix...