View Full Version : OK Barry Allen

27-06-2009, 07:21 PM
dm newbie question

Whats it all about?

How do I copy and run this on my DM2k?

looked everywhere, and I find reference to files etc, my dm came with enigma 2 on it, can i change this to Barry allen or am i barking up the wrong tree?


I can see my dm in ftp prog, have tried copying to the temp folder but how the hell do I change the image?

oh boy am i lost.

any help appreciated, I'm gonna get ****ed coz I'm stumped.

27-06-2009, 07:33 PM
Barry Allen allows you to have more than one image with your set up, you have an image in the flash which you do not use.

For me and most OoZoon is the best, you keep this updated and with Barry Allen the image you use also stay's updated with the latest driver etc.

Now on your USB or Cf you can have Nabilo, Gemini, Milo, PLi or any image you choose on multiboot.

As long as you keep OoZoon and up to date then your image drivers etc stay up to date.

You say you have Dm2k but from previous reading you have DM8K ?

If yes
Load OoZoon to flash and the you can download Barry Allen direct, you must have your USB or CF plugged in when you do this.

Lastly you send your images using DCC which we all have to MB_Images

When done use Barry Allen to extract the image and then choose to boot it.

27-06-2009, 07:46 PM
Sorry m8, yep I got dm8k, just can't grasp how to get new software onto my dm8k,
I seen that you gotta copy stuff to the temp directory, and i have done that, i have copied enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen_4.8.14_mipsel.ipk file into there and also gemini2-430-dm8000-200906122353.nfi.zip file, but what next?

Read in the dm book that came with the reciever that the bit about Installing new software (page 69) but I'm using an ftp prog to copy the stuff to my db, so how do I load it once i copied it into the temp directory?

27-06-2009, 07:50 PM
You know how to flash the box with web browser ?

If yes flash OoZoon and the come back when done.

27-06-2009, 07:56 PM
Will speak tomorrow, as I'm too fuzzy tonight, I'm totally RABBY'D, lol sorry m8, but we do go back a bit.

By the way Sonic m8, are you the Sonic from the early days, back in the 90's?

was a Sonic I knew then (I was under a different nick then as I use to be a file-guy), lol, come a long way to get lost on a new reciever.

speak soon when I'm clearer, gnight m8.


27-06-2009, 08:00 PM
I know Rabby also but not as well as you :respect-023:

No, I doubt I am the sonic you knew, I have been at this for maybe 7 or 8 years now.

As for not being able, that is a **** poor excuse, I have had a whole bottle of wine already and am more than capable :respect-051:

27-06-2009, 08:39 PM
7 - 8 yrs, well done m8, you been around a lot longer than most these days, I thought the Sonic I knew was from Sweden (or Sandanavia abouts), must be wrong, but it was way back before Echelon was a mod, (at least I think it was - senior moment kicking in - lol) , he was a good poster even back in them days, good on him.

I got a BBQ going out back now so the missis & co are calling me out, will speak more tomorrow, thanks for ur time, hope I'm forgiven for seeing to she who must be obeyed - lol.

cheeres for now.


28-06-2009, 08:18 AM
OK flashed OoZooN to the db

what next?

28-06-2009, 01:35 PM
1. Install Barry Allen - if I remember it is available via the Plugins menu on Oozoon. You will need either CF, USB or HDD (not recommended).

2. You will then need the .nfi image you want to install. FTP this to the MB_Images folder created once BA is installed. The image can then be extracted via the Barry Allen menu - should be self explanatory. After that the currently loaded image reboots. When you reboot the box fully then it will be selectable from a menu displayed on startup.