View Full Version : CCcam, mbox, gbox, mgcamd, NEWcs - please explain

28-06-2009, 08:30 AM
I'm considering the AZBox Premium but am a total beginner with this stuff and would be grateful if someone could explain a few things for me.

I keep reading about EMUs, CCcam, mbox, gbox, mgcamd, NEWcs but have no idea what they are and their function. I see comments like "you can record using mbox 0.6" or "use mgcamd and Newcs". It makes me think that using these boxes is complex as you need to manually select these various "plugins" to be able to perform what looks like a basic function.

I tried googling but the results didn't really help clarify things. If someone could give a very brief outline what each does that would be enough for me at the moment and would be appreciated.

28-06-2009, 10:32 AM
Why would you need to Google, FFS?!? :rolleyes::svengo: :beatdeadhorse5:

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=100872 - read posts no. 17 and onwards [including the links provided in the post no. 17] and in about a few hours you'll get there!!!:respect-050:

In Nokia and Samsung sections you will find my "Intros" to CS, what it is etc.

Try Wiki, too.

Good luck!