View Full Version : dm800 help

29-06-2009, 01:19 PM
put new ip addy in, and in net test, reads,
in ether ,green,
loc net, green,
dhcp, disabled,
ip addy, unconfirmed,
nameserver ,unconfirmed,
do i have to change something else please,.

29-06-2009, 01:40 PM
I'm not at my box but off the top of my head gateway? and I think this can be the same value as nameserver

29-06-2009, 01:45 PM
thanks v, in nameserver, iv got a nunber,,,

29-06-2009, 02:49 PM
nameserver should be the router's ip address.
Your router should have dhcp setup, wth a limit - so you can have some fixed ip addresses on your network. - lleave 10 or so at the end of the dynamic range.
set your DM to one of those addresses.
now TURN IT OFF and back on again - REALLY!!!

29-06-2009, 03:35 PM
sorry of, cant get to grips with that one, iv put my ip no in nameserver ,wrongly i suspect, cause nothings changed,.

29-06-2009, 03:40 PM
check your ip addresses in the router admin panel , then use dhcp to assign one on the dm800 , then reboot and change it to a fixed ip address away from the main router and pc ones ( you have about 256 to go at ) turning off dhcp , so use 50 or 100 or whatever so it uses the same one each time

or assign it manually in the dm800 yourself and switch off dhcp

thread moved to correct forum

29-06-2009, 04:48 PM
thanks echelon, done that ,but, i still dont know what to put in the line nameserver 1, cant grasp it sorry,.

Dean sat
29-06-2009, 05:04 PM
Nothing goes in to nameserver1 your .noip goes in to inadyn
All the best Dean.

29-06-2009, 05:06 PM
routers are generaly depending on the router make try it might be right.

it's very hit and miss, but who knows.

regards: canthackit

29-06-2009, 05:12 PM
Try setting your gateway and nameserver both to: then do another network test and see how it goes. On your PC, take a look at the network settings to get a grasp of how it works, its different from router manufacturer... as canthackit says some use but most i've seen are as I mentioned above.

Open a command prompt on your PC/laptop and type in:


This will be useful in what you should type in on your box.

29-06-2009, 05:26 PM
if you don't like the command prompt, you could use this utility: adapterwatch

IP Addresses ( shows IP address of computer
Default Gateway would be the router address

29-06-2009, 05:48 PM
put new ip addy in, and in net test, reads,
in ether ,green,
loc net, green,
dhcp, disabled,
ip addy, unconfirmed,
nameserver ,unconfirmed,
do i have to change something else please,.

thanks, do no my ip no, but ip addy keeps saying unconfirmed,

29-06-2009, 06:00 PM
have you
now TURN IT OFF and back on again - REALLY!!!

29-06-2009, 07:34 PM
thanks of, but really doesnt confirm,.

29-06-2009, 08:15 PM
yesssssssssss, thanks all ,thats got it, :bowing-036::hurray::respect-039:

08-07-2009, 09:04 PM
exactly same prob here as above posts and very lost atm
using out of the box image, only got today
ip on db800
ip on pc
sub on both
gateway same on both
nameservrer as linksys router

connected with crossove lan cable

set up
pc connected wifi to router
dbox to pc with lan cable
please help guys - been on all day, have tried all the above configs and dbl checked everything
flash ****** pro still not ercognising box with ip as box
thanx in advance
also cant seem to fing a 'dummies' guide for the box on here

08-07-2009, 09:21 PM
Connect DM to ROUTER with normal cable - not crossover.
what is the ip address of the router - you have given 2 different sub-nets above.

Have a look in the public uploads section - new guide for network. (Unless its been moved to DM8000 sticky)