View Full Version : What types of files can be played on dm8000 ?

29-06-2009, 03:50 PM
I tried to run 7 types of HD files, copied to the internal HDD. They run perfectly -ts, -mkv and -mov. Not recognized and no run -wmv, m2ts and MTS. Avi they acknowledged, but fails to run properly. Tested on the last Newenigma.
Does anyone know any plugin / update, to make Dreambox 8000 recognize vmw or m2ts ?

29-06-2009, 05:35 PM
I guess they are both Micro$oft format files?
wmv = Winblows Media Video

MTS - High-definition MPEG Transport Stream video format, commonly called "AVCHD;" used by Sony, Panasonic, and other HD camcorders; based on the MPEG-2 transport stream and supports 720p and 1080i HD video formats.

AVCHD stands for "Advanced Video Codec High Definition;" the format was jointly established by both Panasonic and Sony in 2006.

The Dreambox uses Linux as an OS .........

I seem to recall there is a post on the VIP forum about what files the DM will play