View Full Version : Recording via usb

29-06-2009, 04:07 PM
I have a TM5400ci and an external hard drive attached via the usb port. I can not record any scrambled channels but can record FTA ones. Also i can only record 2 hous at a time.

Please can someone tell me how i can record scrambled channels and if there is any way that i can increase the recording time? I do have the latest firmware loaded (169p)

Any help will be much appreciated.

29-06-2009, 09:52 PM
Am pretty sure that the 5200/5300/5400 can only record FTA channels. The "Super" models of these are supposed to be able to record scrambled channels.

Have noticed the 2 hour limit but don't know a way around it.

30-06-2009, 10:20 AM
Thanks for your help. If i want to record scrambled channels i had better buy another receiver. The 2 hour recording must be something again to do with the receiver that i have as no matter what size hdd you have it will still only record up to a max of 2 hours.
If there is someone out there that knows of a way to sort these issues out then please let me know.

30-06-2009, 01:17 PM
Just pressing the record button the TM 5400 defaults to a 2hr recording session max, even on my 5400 CI super.

However if you set the timer to record say a 3 hr film it will record for three hrs.

Can't help you regarding recording scrambled channels as it is not a problem for me. Have you looked on the Technomate web site?

Regards Fivestella

30-06-2009, 01:35 PM
don't know if this works in a non-super? On a 5000 super you can extend instant recording by pressing a second time the recording button.
you get then a display showing:
elapsed time
remained time
duration 02:00:00

you can change the duration by using the numeric keys.

default recording = 2 hours,

30-06-2009, 04:36 PM
Thanks fivestella and giga for your comments.

I think that i have sorted the recording time, however it seems like the 5400ci will not record a scrambled channel unlike the super version. Maybe Technomate will be able to sort a fix out for this problem although i would think that they will leave things as they are to make people like myself go out and buy a new box. Maybe i will spoil myself (with the ok from my partner) and buy myself a HD box?

30-06-2009, 04:59 PM
you now have super and super + (super plus) models

TM-5000 Super+ Series & TM-6000 Super+ Series ...
Software is compatible with Super models


30-06-2009, 07:52 PM
Thanks fivestella and giga for your comments.

I think that i have sorted the recording time, however it seems like the 5400ci will not record a scrambled channel unlike the super version. Maybe Technomate will be able to sort a fix out for this problem although i would think that they will leave things as they are to make people like myself go out and buy a new box. Maybe i will spoil myself (with the ok from my partner) and buy myself a HD box?

They brought out the super as they could not solve the record problems.
the new super plus was said to be new better software, a mate who knows lots more than me said it was a chip change as they couldnt get the old one any more, and was a bit better.
If any one has each and can check, may be of interest!
For me I am getting a AZ premium to replace my dm7020.

30-06-2009, 09:23 PM
Ah well! That certainly looks like the end for my 5400ci, however i must say it really is a good receiver and if i could record scrambled channels i would probably keep it and miss out on the HD channels for now.

TR8, the box you are getting is supposed to be fantastic, please let me know if it is as good as they make it out to be and if it is, who knows i may even get one for myself.

Cheers Dudez:cheers2:

31-08-2009, 04:00 PM
I have a TM5400CI. I have tried several ways to record scrambled chanels via usb but dont record(black screen).I now use a DVD recorder via scart with no problems.
Hope this helps