View Full Version : Enigma 2 on azbox!!!

01-07-2009, 01:54 PM
Hi Guys
I personally Want to See E2 On Azbox HD, Do you Guys think it will be possible one day or Opensat will never Public the Source codes ...
There are many Developers Waiting for the Big day But how Long ?
Come on Opensat Do something about that we wish to see that Beautiful Hardware supported by many Dev.Groups ...:flowers-007::flowers-007::flowers-007:

01-07-2009, 02:11 PM
Enigma 2 on azbox!!!

should be

Enigma 2 on azbox???

01-07-2009, 03:46 PM
we need some attention here !!!
sorry I'll try to sort that out ;)
what you guys think about it?
No comment so far ...

01-07-2009, 03:59 PM
Please NO!!!!!!!!!!!

Why you want E2 on Az?? Whats the benefit?????

01-07-2009, 04:32 PM
that's gonna be alternative fw;)
2 platform will work next to each other,more plug-in will be available,because it will be an open source ,azbox will attract more developers...
E2 will turn Azbox to work much faster than now because azbox works with a two seperate processes Tv and Menu that's why box is not crush down even If Tv picture locked up....that stuff makes the box a bit sluggish...
there will be official fw and E2 you'll use which ever you like ;)
Guys please remember dreambox 500hd will hit to Market in 1-2 weeks time with a €300 price tag!!!
this will badly effect azbox sales
please Be realistic and public the source codes ;)

01-07-2009, 04:55 PM
There's no E2 benefit 4 emus : look at the sh4 proc. based receivers .
Regarding quality of HD picture i had a bad experience with kathrein : till early march this year (when i sold mine) , E2 never reached the picture sharpness that aaf based on orig. s/w had .

Cheers ,
Val .

01-07-2009, 05:03 PM
I want to work on Azbox but I can't do anything with no source code

01-07-2009, 05:03 PM
The only good thing about enigma it's the web interface, but soon we should have web interface in the official firmware...

01-07-2009, 05:04 PM
e2 will boost Azbox performance for sure...
CPU let down Kathie ,Sigma+e2 will be great but looks like it will never happen :(

01-07-2009, 05:16 PM
Real face of e2


01-07-2009, 05:40 PM
there will be no benifit whatsoever on Azbox with Enigma2
there will be no extra emu or pluggins, this is becouse all the emus and the plugins will need to be complied for Sigma architecture.

so Enigma2 just for the fun of it , will be los of time.

What can be very nice , for both us small knowledge ppl, and for developers will be the reliase of the Source form Opensat, if they keep the source clouse as it is now then we are dead fish, and left with a box that is clouse source and we are forced to have a receiver that was prommised as open source.

Opensat must give more from the open source, if not then they will louse much of the marked.

01-07-2009, 05:50 PM
e2 or not opensat should allow people to work on Fw ;)

01-07-2009, 05:53 PM
there will be no benifit whatsoever on Azbox with Enigma2
there will be no extra emu or pluggins, this is becouse all the emus and the plugins will need to be complied for Sigma architecture.

so Enigma2 just for the fun of it , will be los of time.

What can be very nice , for both us small knowledge ppl, and for developers will be the reliase of the Source form Opensat, if they keep the source clouse as it is now then we are dead fish, and left with a box that is clouse source and we are forced to have a receiver that was prommised as open source.

Opensat must give more from the open source, if not then they will louse much of the marked.

can be justified. But I can not do something we did not have source code. This will be the last azboxsun.

works with the enigma2 linuxdvbapi

EMU and EMU enigma2 their existing Opensat api will work warned.

According OpenXCAS a enigma2 edit.

How about source code of the tv part only?

If not I may even start to look somewhere else...

01-07-2009, 06:00 PM
site excerpt



But missing library. uffffffffff

In this type of forum, if you share the source code go.

How comes you call the Azbox as a Linux receiver with no source code available for public

Isn't it a little bit Wierd LOL

01-07-2009, 06:43 PM
only for information: you will never get sources from opensat. the only stuff you will get ("MAYBEEE MAYBEEEE SOMEDAY") are the kernel drivers.

and telesat has made a complete ch. editor based on the chanel structures you've posted!!! so you should be able to setup your -I and -L to get it working.

02-07-2009, 12:35 AM
MAybe 2x DVB-s2 is really not possible?
That fact may forcing opensat to not share source code ?!?
What do you think?

02-07-2009, 04:40 AM
only for information: you will never get sources from opensat. the only stuff you will get ("MAYBEEE MAYBEEEE SOMEDAY") are the kernel drivers.

and telesat has made a complete ch. editor based on the chanel structures you've posted!!!

My guess, as a lay person [from Humanities, not IT, me - just an amateur hobbyist ;)], is that - if that is so - that is the reason why the editor is a bit limited and slow, hence some functions were removed in the latter version etc. etc.

Anyway, Opensat, as I stated before, are afraid of pirates and if they give the drivers - even the "low level drivers"? - it might happen very, very quickly somewhere in Asia [read China], they think, hence no "open source"...

I think it's reasonable, up to a point. Which point? "Return of investment", getting some profit and then - maybe...

Btw, DMM had trouble with such stuff and they behaved atrociously, destroying other people's property/HW!!! Let's hope it doesn't happen in this case, if the box is pirated at some point...

02-07-2009, 08:39 AM

I will give you my own opinion about E2.

Personally I prefer to have one and only one firmware available on a STB so that all the developers effort go in the same direction.

Meaning that if someone develop a plug-in for Azbox everybody can use it on its box. Otherwhise forum will have plenty of question about multi-boot, please compile your plugins for XYZ image, we need this also on XYZ, ....

So one stable firmware for everybody + developers for plugins.

Look at what DGS (IPBox, Cuberevo) is doing, they release an official firmware full of bugs, each new release brings new bugs and don't solve the old ones. Now they port their effort on E2 and same story.

Moreover, people think that because they will have E2 all the plugins will works, this is not true, binary are different so every plugins will need to be re-compiled for the Sigma Design (Azbox) processor. So again it will be the same complaints for plugins please compile it for AZbox...

So for me focusing on one and only one firmware is the right way to go, if we want to make Azbox a great success.


02-07-2009, 12:13 PM
Is opensat tries to stop cloning their fw or their hardware by not giving source code to the public?

02-07-2009, 01:13 PM
They are trying to prevent clone boxes by programming buggy software

02-07-2009, 01:24 PM
copying hardware is possible now ,anytime for any make of receiver ...
They just want to stop people to convert their FW to the other make of receivers or Sigma chip really has some difficulties to handle 2xDVB-s2 tuners and they are trying to sell as much receiver as possible before it's too late, that's why they slow down the fw improvement process by holding the source code ;)

02-07-2009, 01:36 PM
I'll leave this azboxsu brother.

02-07-2009, 01:44 PM
Pls don't do that Kanber :(
I hope all this stuff will be sorted soon ...
pls be patient a little bit more ...

02-07-2009, 05:04 PM
Pls don't do that Kanber :(
I hope all this stuff will be sorted soon ...
pls be patient a little bit more ...

What has Opensat not delivered yet that has been promised?

This is the problem with the chipset manufacturer not opensat.

The chipset can handle 3 x TS streams, What is holding it up is the driver to enable this. Once Sigma pull their thumbs out of their ass's and release the driver then Opensat will implement it.

Its not just OpenSat that have to wait for drivers. I know for a fact that since the release of the DM800 there have been several driver releases from Broadcom, but hey we can't talk about that because DM's rule.

All I can say is lets wait and see.

02-07-2009, 06:24 PM
surely we should wait see but Opensat has what all the developers need and they should let people work on the fw etc. and enjoy the benefits of linux ;)
I personally want that because that will speed up the development of the Azbox Hd which is good for all of us ;)
Please don't take me wrong...

02-07-2009, 07:15 PM
surely we should wait see but Opensat has what all the developers need and they should let people work on the fw etc. and enjoy the benefits of linux ;)
I personally want that because that will speed up the development of the Azbox Hd which is good for all of us ;)
Please don't take me wrong...

This isn't going to solve anything though? The drivers that any developer will use Opensat included are not working to their full postential so regardless of source it still wouldn't work.

If a car's gear box is broken then changing the doors isn't gonna get it moving.

Guys this box is still beta lets all just remember this and ease of Opensat for a while. I know hugo is working 7 days a week to get this up and running.

Who knows in the future when there are stable drivers out then Opensat may release the source code.

02-07-2009, 07:31 PM
No, they won't. Been told. Piracy.

No drivers to be given... not even the "low level drivers"... at least for a while...

We'll see...

02-07-2009, 07:33 PM
;) let's wait and see...
I hope this really good Hardware will not wasted by lack of software support ...

02-07-2009, 07:45 PM
We all do, iko.

I feel it's improving, number of bugs are reducing, it's getting faster, more stuff is our there, new drivers are being written [NOT nearly fast enough but...], FW improved, plus the last two combined with EMUs/CS SW... it's getting better!

So, if in a month or two we do not get a stable, fast FW 1.0, with all the trimmings - then make some noise, sure...

Else, we search for a better one...

02-07-2009, 07:48 PM
Btw, imagine you investing a lot of money, then someone else comes in, uses it all and makes it for considerably less, sells it for 200, instead 300 Euros...:gnorsi:

Not funny...:9898: I can understand them, for sure. :reddevil:

So, if they keep to their word and deliver... ;)

02-07-2009, 07:56 PM
The chipset can handle 3 x TS streams, What is holding it up is the driver to enable this. Once Sigma pull their thumbs out of their ass's and release the driver then Opensat will implement it.

This is very good to know, re. the two tuners alleged problem, carried over from the German forum...

Too much testosterone and adrenalin in those pesky, young Germans, on that board, it seems... Too much self-assuredness... :rolleyes: or do we call it arrogance? :D

Nice to know we have a potentially very capable beast... drivers allowing, hehe...

How about 4 tuners in DB?

Or 6 in Reelbox?

Mind, Reel has loada power, as it's a PC, really... with a huge processor power, memory etc. etc.

But, the game's afoot...:302::cheers2::respect-051:

02-07-2009, 08:28 PM
Hard days waiting for Hugo, dm500hd will be around €300 !!!
Even if sigma guys sort out the new driver there is another problem FW !!!
Fw works fairly well at the moment but how about with new sigma drivers?
What if they need to build fw once again from scratch in order to adapt it to the new Driver!
Guys competiton will be harder than ever in august!!!
good luck to Opensat ;)

02-07-2009, 09:03 PM
"They are trying to prevent clone boxes by programming buggy software "

That will be DM that dose that !

02-07-2009, 09:07 PM
U all seen the posts how bad the DM8000 is !, and the DM800 is still having probs. The AZbox is good for the money, and the build quality is good to. I think the best box so far has been the 500 series, great for the money, but the picture was not as good at my 7020. Having said that the AZ has a more sence tuner then my 7020.

02-07-2009, 09:22 PM
U all seen the posts how bad the DM8000 is !,

Utter BS !

02-07-2009, 09:29 PM
Realy ! , lots of dosh and its not perfect !, posted on this forum !

02-07-2009, 09:40 PM
Yes, really, what you see on this forum are user problems and yes it's too much money but that has nothing at all to do with the functionality of the box itself, for me everything is 99.99% working including 4 tuners.

I won't post again as I don't wanna turn this into DB v AZ fight and spoil your thread, for your information I would really like to see AZbox succeed but please don't post BS about a box you don't own :)

If you're ever down the Midlands way PM me and you're more than welcome to come and see my 8k in action.

02-07-2009, 09:45 PM
Utter BS !

u know what, i'd still be better off getting two elites than a dm8000.

02-07-2009, 09:47 PM
azbox has more sensitive tuner that octagon sf908 ( i think it has sharp tuner)
For example. I cannot watch Nat Geo Music channel on 16E BUT with azbox i can watch it!

02-07-2009, 09:59 PM
More people are likley to go for the azbox after dipping there toes in the DM world as its a cost effective solution for HD, E2 as this thread is all about it will be requested as its a wish to get a same box with HD and dual tuners on CS and the ability to record the other channel. E2 is just one software. I think the 8K is a great box, but just too expensive for most , I cant even get on mine most of the time as it stuck on Novellas "GLobo" "SIC". I see the potential for a true MM box , the MRs has no problem with the MENU's watching more stuff of the PC that before. The Mrs had problems with E2 software until I had to set everything up. AZ was easy, now she is filling the HD up !. I think the new HD500 will not effect the AZ much. DM just are a bit heavy handed for my like in how they control other aspects of sat life !

02-07-2009, 10:09 PM
I've watched that 8000 video on youtube it works like a Dream LOL
with same CPU and tuner 500 Hd looks very promising to me :)
p.s I believe 90% of us may buy 8000 if the price was between 400-500 ... 8000 well overpriced lovely receiver :D

03-07-2009, 10:12 AM
Im not sure what to do. I cant hold AZHD without Twinfunktion, also an E2 will not help to make it :)

I have now all Tuners and test it, it works, but only on Combo(can only use 1 Tuner at the same Time)
I will wait another 4 Weeks, maybe some magical happens

03-07-2009, 10:17 AM
I wouldn't, iko!!!! And it doesn't matter, the price etc. I just wouldn't... Many fishes in the sea now...

And dubious is right: but we can make our minds on DMM on other issues... stuff that is well known...

2 sat tv HD tuners is more than enough for me, btw... For some it might be a different combination but it's OK, really!

The only thing we need is for Sigma to do their bit and then Celrun to do their bit and make it the best it can be.... I am sure they will deliver, that much I can tell you. The Q is - when? How long? Not just down to Opensat and their contractors!!! Sigma is the bottleneck!!! So, HW, you may have to wait a bit longer. Give it 8 weeks and maybe...

Then, skins or not - who cares...

Enthusiasts will write plugins, I'm sure... It's a challenge and deep satisfaction for really mature, rich people, to share and to give, so...

Stay tuned... :)

Btw, the prices of AZbox HD have started to fall, I'm told....:cheers2:

03-07-2009, 10:51 AM
I've watched that 8000 video on youtube it works like a Dream LOL
with same CPU and tuner 500 Hd looks very promising to me :)
p.s I believe 90% of us may buy 8000 if the price was between 400-500 ... 8000 well overpriced lovely receiver :D

i watched it too. Everything is much faster than azbox. Well it has to be for 1000EUR LOOL

03-07-2009, 11:27 AM
exactly Silly Price :D
If you do the Price comparison Azbox Really Good value For money and Works Cool here ;)
Let's hope Sigma will do their job properly ...
P.s looks like DM fact once again start to play with our receivers future ;)

03-07-2009, 01:09 PM
What exactly does that mean, iko?

03-07-2009, 01:31 PM
We as end costumers have nothing to complain to Sigma.
All we know is our local shop, and guys that sell this boxes do know only Opensat or some dealer. Why will for example Gold Wafers care about the Sigma
Sigma is only a Chip, and if Opensat did not have the Drivers to that Chip they could build **** as log at it is for the software.

So for me personaly i hold responsible my local sales shop, and the Opensat
this 2 are the main dor to cknok at , we cannot go to Sigma and tell them to build a better software for Azbox HD , this is the Opensat jobb, We cannot say to sigma give us 2 tuners support, this we need to ask Opensat to give the support they had prommised to us.

About Enigma 2, i do not see the point on developing Enigma 2 for Azbox
Azbox HD has nice working software, works stable even in beta stage if we can say so, Enigma 2 will need to be ported to Azbox HD, and only that will take long time, this is not donne in 1 day, and this is not donne from us low level knowledge ppl.
It can be donne fore sure, but then we need some advanced programers to be part of it, and make it happend.

on the other hand , i do not see the benifit of Eniogma 2, as all addons , emu, pluggin, and so on will have to be re-writen to work with the Sigma Chipset.

Maybe will be better to gather all forces to the existing software, and make that better.

03-07-2009, 03:39 PM
thats the True, E2 is not the magical great Combo for AZHD, because NO Plugin will run as it is, all must be rewritten!
You cannot run a Plugin which is designed for a DMM CPU on sigma without major Changes, equal if the Firmware is rewritten for Sigma.
Also a porting to sigma will not give us stability, look at all the other ported E2, nothing is really stable. It runs, yes, but thats all on most other Machines.
Many Crashes,overload and many other Reason.

And yes, we have NOTHING to do with sigma, its Opensat, who must deliver Twin!
When they bought Sources without this Funktion, Opensat will have a big Problem.

03-07-2009, 04:20 PM
Please tell me
why should every plugin be rewritten?

the sigma processor is a mips compatible
the HD Dreams are using also mips processors
its like intel and amd

and also the mips dreamboxes are using processors from different companys
The 7025 has a ATI CPU
and the 500, 800, 8000 are using cpus from broadcom

in my opinion
if we would have enigma2 and the api everything that was compiled for mips dreamboxes should also run on the azbox

03-07-2009, 04:36 PM
Please tell me
why should every plugin be rewritten?

the sigma processor is a mips compatible
the HD Dreams are using also mips processors
its like intel and amd

and also the mips dreamboxes are using processors from different companys
The 7025 has a ATI CPU
and the 500, 800, 8000 are using cpus from broadcom

in my opinion
if we would have enigma2 and the api everything that was compiled for mips dreamboxes should also run on the azbox

Search google for QBox HD and CCcam.

03-07-2009, 04:42 PM
What has Qbox HD todo with that?

Qbox hd has totaly different processor architecture
its no mips processor but a sh4 like in hd ipboxes and the kathrein 910 / 922

And the cccam for qboxhd is a fake like cccam for azbox
it is like incubsucamd nothing more nothing less

03-07-2009, 05:07 PM
There is a possibilty dm may slow down release of the new sigma driver...
you never know ;)

03-07-2009, 05:30 PM
oh yes
Sigma Design is about 20 times bigger than Dream Multimedia

and of course they are waiting for the authorization from dream multimedia (a firm that is buying absolutely nothing from sigma) to give opensat new drivers

In germany we call that "da will der Schwanz mit dem Hund wedeln"
someone else can translate that ;)

Its like another argument that i am often reading here
Dream Multimedia is peeing themselves because of the big concurrence that the Azbox hd is for them

Again and again the same old die-hard slogan (hopefully the right word to describe what i mean ;-) )
we should always wait ...
its never the fault of opensat that we are still waiting for
drives, stable firmware, plugins that were told us running months ago
and so on

Of course CCC is nice to have
but its no cccam 2.0.9 ;)

Its like incubuscamd with another name and has absolutely nothing do to with the real cccam
including that it has only a very small part of the features real cccam has

And now Enigma2
the arguments against it are really ...

Everyone who wants to use the original Opensat/Cellrun Firm should do that
But give us the possibility to decide on our own
The Opensat Firm is still missing hundreds of small Features that Enigma2 has

Is it so hard to give us pre compiled drives modules?
and where is the ****ing gpl code that opensat is using

Its time to send an email to gpl violations or the fsf

03-07-2009, 06:37 PM
Here are a few replies to similar debates by telesat [my translation, with some shortened points, without some embellishments and epic dragging of the point etc. :D], compiled into one, to help with some issues here - at least it clarified a few things for me, a lay person in IT terms:

Enigma2 on kathrein ipbox topfield.... 'Accidentally', I am a part of the DuckTales team [working on various boxes - my comment - like E2 was modified by him for Kathrein etc.], so let me explain:

E2 & plugins: the only common thing is the GUI
On the other hand, cpu in DM is mips/mipsel
the above mentioned recs have the STi processor
Ergo, one has to modify a bit the plugin (source) and recompile

With AZBox we have a different situation:
GUI is different but the cpu basis - the same.
Therefore, we have the same situation: one must change the source a little bit (now because of the GUI) and recompile it.
Although, various plugins/programs which do not use the GUI - work on AZBoxu, like FTP server etc.

So, see who has an advantage, when it comes to plugins.

As far as the channel lists are concerned - there's loads of them now. But if necessary I will put the import/conversion from E2 possibility into the editor [into the AZBox format], which was he initial idea but I gave up on it, as we had many lists in the meantime appearing.

Dvb subtitles - Jiri is waiting for the necessary info and he agreed to compile his drtic for AZBox, although AZbox HD already has the subs support - in the media player we have the support for with everything one needs: opening, moving, locations, size, font colour, sync (additional synchronisation, if a film was cut off at the beginning). Generally there isn't a problem to add it into the TV part of the box [then I lost the thread/point here, it wasn't quite straight forward - but it says something about using all of those from divx films (my comment)]

The thing that is bothering me: why isn't anyone doing the reverse parallel?!?

AZBox has options which no other box has or it does it much better. Is no one bothered by the fact they do not have many of the features AZbox HD has? http://www.azbox4yu.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

You Tube - no comment necessary!
Media Player - all kinds of formats supported
IPTV - this, I think, no one else has http://www.azbox4yu.com/images/smilies/smile.gif
Internet Browser - additional optimisations are planned but - they are a part of the FW, integrated and it works http://www.azbox4yu.com/images/smilies/smile.gif
etc. etc.

Let's not forget that within a few months the FW is brought into a relatively stable phase with plenty of stuff supported.

We are waiting for additional optimisations by Sigma, which will bring additional speed and quality.

It is logical to wait for some stuff to stabilise on the original FW first and then move to the alternatives.

After all, the FW is still in beta phase of development, albeit an advanced beta phase.

If Opensat invests into the development of SW for their first Linux based box - how can they abandon what they have done thus far? I.e. we're working on this for 1-2 years, making a brand new box but we're staring completely anew, from scratch, instead of continuing with already tried and tested FW? Do you really think this is justified and profitable? http://www.azbox4yu.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

You never though that their next box might be a continuation of thus far achieved/worked on/developed? Hmmm... In other words, following your logic, enigma1 is for dm500, enigma2 should be for dm600, enigma3 for dm800, enigma4 for dm7000... How far? Enigma xx ? http://www.azbox4yu.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

[Telesat offers tools and whatever else one needs to develop stuff for AZbox HD, as he is addressing a developer, chemstar, if memory serves...]

I am really interested in what is there that is really new, which images were produced after DMM [read Gemini team] stopped their support [for some DBs - my comment]?
What if anything is really published, modified - at least 3 things, be concrete?

Behind all the images for DMM there is an original FW, with all the original drivers, with one team packing some skin and another packs a different skin, some modify the Emu management, a mode of restart, starting Emus, a different Camd, some team include some plugins and another some other plugins...

But what is essentially different, when the same basis is in all of them??

It's just a parallel and the same goes for azbox...And then goes his lament of poor DB owners...

...as AZbox not only costs considerably less but moreover - is much more capable...

He brings up the poor effort to make YouTube work on one of BDs, as an overstretched plugin - but not on a HW level,
if I understood properly and memory serves etc. etc.

In other words, those boxes are essentially Sat TV receivers and AZbox HD is a Multimedia Centre!!!:respect-050:

Comments, please, dear developers... - both the "agreeing" ones and the "disagreeing" ones... ooooh, like maybe... I have a feeling that his IPTV function point might not be 100% correct... or is it?!?:seeya:


03-07-2009, 06:57 PM
Well for IPTV you have VLC running as plugin inside Dreambox so you can stream stuff directly to Dreamboxes... or adding a youtube plugin on DMM could be using a nicer Browser... so both could be done on Enigma2 without problems.

But I agree that going the E2 way is a bad idea... quality of firmware will suffer if we add 2 options to this receiver, much like Kathrein in the past. In this early development cycle is bad to branch efforts on two different firmwares.

I believe that current GUI will be a lot better than Enigma2... only issue is that they don't provide enough support or open needed parts like EPG or TV framebuffer to be able to make more poweful plugins. But also being beta firmware that could be understood... later on they might change everything. So better wait for 1.0 fw release and then provide all needed info.

Only real problem is if fw 1.0 never comes out on time before people get tired of waiting...

03-07-2009, 07:20 PM
Hmm, for me NOONE has told, its Beta!

Ive bought the Box in my Shop, nothing told about Beta, bad Firmware, really nothing.
Ive looked on the Box outside for Features and bought it, Peng, ready!

And after some Tests I must see, most of Text out of the Box was a big LIE, not ready,not functional.
This happens now like this for 4 Month, some Peace of the Cake is now working, but some important not.

And again, with E2 we need new Plugins, you cant take them to a working E2 on AZHD and they are working, they must be converted like on any other E2, like Topfield and so on.
So ANY Tool must be rewritten, equal if it is much or less work, IT IS work!

And only the Author can do this, if you dont wanna make big Hours and Weeks and Month with reversing.

E2 looks nice, but AZHD looks also nice, when it is a little bit faster in Menues, Im sure. Also a little optimize on some Menues, a good looking Infobar and not the **** like it is now.
Most Things are missing, like Caid, Emu, ECM, Percentage on Satquality and much more.
So only Way is to wait. If I could help with finding Errors I will do that and help the Guys if I can, but more I cannot do.
Ive bought a Box, totally normal in a Shop, nothing talking about Beta, so Opensat must do something, not I.

03-07-2009, 07:28 PM
what a great thread ;)
thanx for all those inputs ...

03-07-2009, 07:37 PM
You said it
GUI is different but the cpu basis - the same.

Then why not using the same GUI and solving "all" problems

The difference between an Sat Receiver and a Multimedia Centre is the Hardware
It would not change using Enigma2
You still could watch all that nice codecs

And the Rest
there are also Dreambox plugins for youtube (and other tubes ;) ) and browsers

But no one wants to stop developing the Azbox Firmware

If opensat would give us the possibility
they would still have the possibility to develop their own gui

You see there are no real arguments against publishing the source code and giving the community precompiled drives modules

In worst case no one will develop anything
(dont think so ;) )

And the fear that there will be clones ...
That is a really asocial thinking

Without the source code that thousand of developers have coded before there would be no linux and the gnu utilitys that the azbox is using

Opensat should give something back to the community and not suck the work others have done like a parasite

That they are violating the gpl is also another point ...

03-07-2009, 07:43 PM
Kathrein (Marusys) Firmware and Enigma2 by Team Ducktales is a super example

Because the Enigma2 is a total community work

Kathrein has done nothing

And now everyone can decide to use the original Marusys **** or the community enigma2

Dont think that the Kathrein firmware is more worse through enigma2 without helping that port in any way ;)

And that would also be a way for opensat
they dont have to help the enigma2 port they only should release the base to start developing

03-07-2009, 07:59 PM
guys I'm also wondering how comes latest Dreambox cccam also supports qbox ONE?
best regards

03-07-2009, 09:12 PM
I am not defending Telesat's logic, btw! I do, however, would like to see some well reasoned, point-by-point refutation, as it were, of his facts and reasoning....

Not seen it yet, sorry....

0) Iko, obviously, they paid...

1) Opensat paid a lot of money = "invested". They have the right to get some return. It's reasonable they do not want to release the drivers etc. They don't want to have someone else get the fruit of their labour... and risk...

2) And they want to continue producing new HD boxes, so they naturally want to keep writing 'till they have managed to develop something really good... and portable...

If they give it away they'd be shooting themselves into the foot...

Not very clever... Hence, an unreasonable request!

It was DMM who were stealing a lot - from DBox!

Then, when theirs were pirated - destroyed other people's HW!

So, not really cool, by any means...

03-07-2009, 09:27 PM
dmm has nothing stolen

the concept of open source is that everyone can use it as long as you are bringing back your own modifikations into the community
and they are doing that
and they also have openend a cvs with the enigma2 source code that is mainly maintained by dmm

The only one that has stolen something and nothing given back is opensat !!!

Of course yes dmm is fighting against clones
and i am totally against their methods

But the clone strategy that opensat has
is much more illegal (the gpl ...)

03-07-2009, 09:38 PM
And before i forget it
yes dmm is destroying others people software (not really the hardware ;-) because it was the bootloader)

but in europe clones are illegal
it makes no difference if dmm is destroying them or the customs if they find a container with clones

but in my opinion dmm has the right to fight against clones
clones are also the number one enemy for hugo
why are you defending his fear while railing against dmm for the same fear

Don't they have the right to defend their intellectual property?

The problem with the hole argumentation is
that dmm is in your opinion the bad company that has to be destroyed ;)
and opensat is the hero that must me helped

I dont think that we will find a solution for that dispute ;)

03-07-2009, 09:47 PM
@ iko

qbox one is a ppc receiver with enigma1
same architecure as all the sd dreamboxes

its running because the core hardware is nearly identical

03-07-2009, 09:52 PM
Colla do you work for DMM??? That is why you want E2 to fail on AzBox?

We don't need E2 on AzBox for it to win! AzBox GUI is a lot better... IMHO

Kathrein examples you post are full of lies! Kathrein original firmware video quality is great versus Enigma2 quality. Also green screens all the time on Enigma2 so not many time to watch tv. Same thing with Ipbox E2... waste of effort and time!

Opensat don't let same mistakes happen to AzBox please!

DMM clones bootloader is like hardware destroy... no boot = useless box for many! And most didn't knew it was a clone DM500... not user problem that some shops were selling clone boxes as real box.

03-07-2009, 10:04 PM
I am a fan of HD, AZ, and I am happy when I see this debate in various forums. This means that up to HD is a good direction. If it were not so - not by DM vendors so nervous.

I look forward to a happy, wait for the fw 1.0 how much will be :bravo-009:

03-07-2009, 10:13 PM
No i am not working for dmm

Do you have a kathrein?
i have one

yes the video quality actually is not as good as that one of the original firm
but why is that so?
because tdt had no original drivers !!!
that drivers included in the e2 images are their own work

thats why i am saying that opensat should give us drivers modules

and the greenscreens
have you ever seen e2 on kathrein on your own eyes?
greenscreens are very rare now
At the beginning of the development it was buggy but now
much more stable than azbox is ;)

and no its not like hardware destroying because
all the clone boxes could be "repared"
someone has written an alternative bootloader
by the way the original (destroyed) bootloader was written by dmm
it was their intellectual property ;)

and if you are really buying a clone without purpose
you should demand your money back
because thats beguilement
or go to police

releasing the source code and giving us the drives
would be the best thin opensat could do

than we could write own mod images and we would have the possibility to write / port an alternative gui (could be also neutrino ;) )
(the first thing i would change in a mod firmware would be implementing the possibility to playback original dvds)

dmm has done the same and now they are on the top

all the other companys are following dmms suit
but they are not doing the same to reach the goal

i can only repeat that
actually opensat is stealing other peoples intellectual property
and you are defending that ...

03-07-2009, 10:22 PM

This I hate, so "cor, blimey" to you, too, sir... :rolleyes"

dmm has nothing stolen

Except the idea... :rolleyes:

the concept of open source is that everyone can use it as long as you are bringing back your own modifikations into the community
and they are doing that

Yeah, how to make money with other people's inventions, which were given to everyone for free... Bloody well "modified"!!!!! :rolleyes:

That's what I call not seeing the wood for the trees... :rolleyes:

and they also have openend a cvs with the enigma2 source code that is mainly maintained by dmm

Paid for and profiteered from it... How very "open source"... :rolleyes:

The only one that has stolen something and nothing given back is opensat !!!

And we have seen future, have we? Boy, you are full of yourself...

Of course yes dmm is fighting against clones

....yeah, but guess what: Opensat is somehow - rather miraculously - "wrong" doing it, the way they do it, right? :rolleyes

and i am totally against their methods

We'll see...

Btw, it's not the first time. They are consistently vile!!!!

But the clone strategy that opensat has
is much more illegal (the gpl ...)

What I see is that you are seriously evasive, hence not debating the issues, which I find slimy, quite honestly...

Reasonable people can actually engage each other's points. But you're not exactly that, are you...?!?

I am not an advocate of Opensat. Some of my interests sometimes coincide with theirs, as some of my interests sometimes collide with theirs... So, I criticise them, when I find grounds to do that - not frivolously, like you do.

Do us the honour of growing up [lose the "lol" ****e, FFS!] and actually try to put yourself in their shoes: how would you behave? :smash:

Use the above questions I put to you to orientate yourself in the concrete situation, please... If you dare...:sifone:

03-07-2009, 10:26 PM
calm down guys ,I really enjoy to read this thread PLs keep share your knowledge with us ;)

03-07-2009, 10:47 PM
Hmm, for me NOONE has told, its Beta!

Ive bought the Box in my Shop, nothing told about Beta, bad Firmware, really nothing.
Ive looked on the Box outside for Features and bought it, Peng, ready!

And after some Tests I must see, most of Text out of the Box was a big LIE, not ready,not functional.

In Poland (and I think also in the whole EU) you have the right to return the item purchased & demand a full refund from the retailer on the basis of non-compliance.
You have 6 to 24 months for this depending on the country and particular situation.

Also MOST of the goods purchased over the Internet can be returned with no questions asked within 10-14 days...

03-07-2009, 10:51 PM
come on beta fw is not really that bad bad ...
But If you are not happy just ask for refound or exchange with another receiver...
but don't ever think about qbox hd cos it's in alpha stage ;)

03-07-2009, 10:54 PM
And before i forget it
yes dmm is destroying others people software (not really the hardware ;-) because it was the bootloader)

but in europe clones are illegal
it makes no difference if dmm is destroying them or the customs if they find a container with clones

Really? How very compassionate of you.:rolleyes::svengo: You are aware that open source is done fundamentally out of such emotions and ideas of people really rich enough to give and give freely, are you not? :rolleyes:

How would you feel if you were sold a clone, you had no idea, then you wake up and your machine is suddenly useless? [Very compassionate, indeed! :rolleyes:]

Guess what: DMM had an alternative - they could do it legally, through the courts... But why bother, eh? Why not hurt people, if you possibly can - that'll teach them!! - even some of their very own customers, who had legal copies, too... And not once!!! I remember Magic CAMs, too... And so they are doing something really generous and "compassionate" there, aren't they? :rolleyes:

but in my opinion dmm has the right to fight against clones

Right. But it's not like that was the only option - someone putting a gun to their head to do it... ?!?!

You are making it sound like you DO advocate their actions, actually... Not giving us any alternatives they might have had etc.

clones are also the number one enemy for hugo
why are you defending his fear while railing against dmm for the same fear

Oh, great: here we have really nasty people, destroying other people's property, some of them even their own customers


a company that has done - which crime EXACTLY?!?!?!?!?

Don't they have the right to defend their intellectual property?

Well, maybe they should use their "compassionate, 'open source' intellect", in order to prevent the innocent getting caught in the middle, rather than their mean, destructive intellect that has NOTHING to do with "open source" to which they are allegedly "contributing"...:respect-046:

God saves us from such "contributions" to "open source community"!!!!:rolleyes:

The problem with the hole argumentation is
that dmm is in your opinion the bad company that has to be destroyed
and opensat is the hero that must me helped

Heh, I think that DMM needs serious competition, Your Highly Intellectual Inquisitiveness... :rolleyes: THAT IS IN THE INTEREST OF THE HOBBYISTS!!!!

But that's higher mathematics, for such "highly intellectual" and rather "non-partisan" fans... :rolleyes:

[Yes, you're a fan, whereas I am a rational man, and not at all masochistic, thanx - I am not paying €1000 for a box, ta very muchly...]

I dont think that we will find a solution for that dispute

Nah, not like that we ain't, not with that "logic" where all is the same, the innocent are guilty BEFORE they have actually committed ANY crimes, in order to defend those who ACTUALLY DID hurt others badly - no way out with such "reasoning", no...

But we will see and we will see soon... I am almost certain that FW 1.0 is a few weeks away, maybe 2 months. We've seen Sigma and Opensat improve certain things, so it's moving in the right direction... The first thing then [when they have more time for that] will be more tools for the developers, who already write aplenty for AZbox HD, thanx!!!!

And then the customers will speak with their wallets, if there's any reason in them...

Btw, how long did it take DMM to come up with something semi-decent?!? :rolleyes:

Then, look at Opensat and AZbox HD project... Not copying the DMM, doing their own thing, btw...

03-07-2009, 11:06 PM
using the linux code
you are accepting the gpl license

its not my license ;)

and if the license (that you accepted using the code) bounds you to release your modified code
their is nothing to discus

they are legally bounded to release it
look at gpl-violations.org

If opensat not agrees with that license
they have to write their own operating system ;)

so the discussion if and how you can make money under that conditions
is too late
maybe next time opensat should decide themselves for windows as os ;)

and in a few days i will write an email to gpl-violations (or the fsf) to tell them the situation

i had one of the first sold azboxes
i had preorderd it months before they were sold

And now after so many months i am still disappointed with the situation
Its no Linux Box
its not enough to paint a linux penguin on the cardboard (i know there is no penguin but opensat is making advertisement with linux inside ;) )
people buying that box like me and many other i know want to modify it

and please dont tell me there is a sdk / toolchain

Originally Posted by colla View Post
and they also have openend a cvs with the enigma2 source code that is mainly maintained by dmm
Paid for and profiteered from it... How very "open source"...

Yes that is open source !!!

TDT and Duolabs and ***** and if they want also opensat could also use that code
but they also have to give their modifications back
like duolabs has done it
the qboxhd is ...
but they openend an own cvs with the source code

You are also evasive
i am still waiting for an explanation why precompiled drivers would be a catastrophe for opensat
because if someone really wanted to clone the azbox
he dont need the source code or drivers
he clones the hardware and than he installs the finished firmware

a clone is a clone because is behaving like an original box

and i will tell you something else
for the last months i was a great supporter of the azbox
i have openend azbox areas (ok sometimes i have only convinced the admin ;) ) in several german boards
and i was supporting it
explaining uploading and so on
(look at dreamworld board or minicat ... (yes i am using several nick names but in dreamworld you will now who i am ;)))

so dont think i am against the azbox
but in my opinion its wasting potential

and i am sick of all the lies that i heard during the last months

Do you know that opensat has promised us a cvs? ;)

One of the official answers

1) We are discussing internally about the best timing to release CVS, and how many time we need to prepare it. We can and need do it, and for sure sooner or later we will do some at this respect, but at this moment we cannot simple release if this means lost time fixing bug improving some new features.

that was 3 months ago ...

Thats a really nice delaying tactic

03-07-2009, 11:12 PM
thats why i am saying that opensat should give us drivers modules

Riiiiigghhttt... And how long before clones hit the street then, clever pants? :rolleyes:

At the beginning of the development it was buggy but now
much more stable than azbox is

Right: how long is AZbox HD in the development?

and no its not like hardware destroying because
all the clone boxes could be "repared"
someone has written an alternative bootloader
by the way the original (destroyed) bootloader was written by dmm
it was their intellectual property

Aha, the DMM couldn't have done something similar? Poor DMM, we should all be compassionate towards them but never mind the hobbyists? Some "comrade" you are....:ack2::respect-050::reddevil:

and if you are really buying a clone without purpose
you should demand your money back
because thats beguilement
or go to police

Nice. Do NOT blame the culprit, the company who did it of their own free will, do not blame the rich bitch DMM, blame the fellow hobbyists. You really are a champion of "open source"!!!!!!!!:number-one-043::respect-053::grouphug:

(the first thing i would change in a mod firmware would be implementing the possibility to playback original dvds)

dmm has done the same and now they are on the top

all the other companys are following dmms suit
but they are not doing the same to reach the goal

Christ, you have no idea what you are saying... It's Sigma who do NOT give even their big customers the src and the tools, no permissions etc. They have to be involved all the way and this is where the bottleneck is.

Stop embarrassing yourself so freely, ffs... :rolleyes:

i can only repeat that
actually opensat is stealing other peoples intellectual property
and you are defending that ...

You poor deluded sod...:respect-037::rofl:

03-07-2009, 11:17 PM
Nice conversation here now.

Seems some ppl here do not know that even DMM has clouse source code.
Tell me some Driver that DMM has re-worked and are public ?

I have been using DMM boxes since the day they come out, the Blue Screen DM 7000, and i must say that Azbox has come much longer ahead than the time it took DMM to have a stable box.

Enigma 2 is a total clouse source, and all the third part images we see are all based on the Enigma2 deliverd from DMM, so is the Enigma 1 or most of it.

Goran is totaly right in here, DMM stolen the source code from Dbox in the old days, when Dbox was not produced anymore, at list this is how i have understood it from reading round.

Work on Kathrein and IPboxes, or Topfeild and Qbox HD , are based on Enigma2 , but drivers are made from the community, card drivers for example.
Enigma 2 was ported to Kathrein 910 some months back and TDT made it possible, IPboxes are based on that Enigma2 source, and thanks to Tideglo for his work IPbox is much better than Dreambox 800/8000 in my eyes.

Kathrein 910 , i had one but sold it few months back as my patince run out with that box, but have now seen with my own eyes that Enigma 2 runds realy well.

TDT has made Enigma2 for Topfeild boxes now, and i am very intrested to hear how it works , but that maybe must be discusted on a new thread.

Qbox HD, well must be said , it is a nice box, but has way to go before it gets stable, things are also moving fast with Qbox HD, and compare to an DM 800 is more stable even that software is in Alpha stage.

Ipbox HD versions, are the one that are realy looking good here, with support from DGS original image, Enigma2 made from Tideglo and card reader drivers made from Paco this box rocks now, biside that ****** has developed their own Enigma 1 image that realy works very well,
this is the only box now that has support from 3 diferent softwares, and they work realy well, I have 1 my self here and runing Enigma1 with Incubuscamd is very very stable box.

Azbox HD, is the best box so far, stable software and very reliable hardware
but lacks software support, it is comming but is slow. Here needs to be donne something quick, make some stable software, make some webif , and few other things that are prommised on pappers, but do not yet work
This box has real pottential, but software it is leting it down for now.

to the question about the Qbox One and CCcam, well it was (DMM) aka CCcam developer it self that released CCcam for both Qbox One, IPbox , Dbox, IT-Gate receivers that are based on Enigma 1.

When it comes to stealing, then i must say that some one is stealing more and some less, but they all are doing it,
But remember that some source code are not under GPL, so we can not ask or demand this sources , some codes are writen from this companies and they have the legal right to do what they wish with it.

03-07-2009, 11:19 PM
situation changed
when dmm was founded (hopefully you still know ********) there was no concurrence

There was only the Dbox2
dont compare it to today

a new car company could also not produce a car that concurrence with the ford modell t just because they are new on the market
they have concurrence with the actual situation

but know it makes no sense to discuss that

i will recapitulate that thread i a few sentences

you think
opensat is doing everything right
the community should be happy with the development tools and shut up (directly said ;) )

and i want the gpl code (and if the fsf reacts i will get it)
and in my opinion they should also give us drivers so that we can develop something on our own

the rest (about making money with intellectual property) is not so important ;)

03-07-2009, 11:35 PM
Sigma Designs ties all third parties with a Non-Disclosure Agreement and sells them their SDK with precious drivers and doc.
SigmaDesigns gives (or sell) a "personal" key with SDK.
Boot loader for SMP863x can run only "signed" kernel.
You can read some horror stories on hijk forum at mpcclub dot com
about cheap media player bought from parallel non official reseller
and then upgraded with other (expensive) players' firmware which someday stopped working after x releases.

I think we will never see some parts of sources tree from third parties like Opensat.
But the cloud is big and m8s you could search for "opentwix" hacks and increase your knowledgement...maybe.

03-07-2009, 11:37 PM
Ok just a few words to the clone situation because i have not seen your post before mine was ready

There are 2 kinds of people using a clone
The first group has bought it because it was cheaper
and they should know the risk and what they have bought

and the second group wanted to buy an original dmm
but the dealer betrayed them

The first group
knows that they are damaging the company
i have no mercy with that users
if a company does the same with that users

i think you would also affirm that this is not ok
doing that by the users
because its threatens the existence of a firm if there are to many clones on the market
(Hugos fear ...)

The second group has my sympathie
they should give their box back (there are possibility's but i know that could be not easy)

The problem is
what would you do
there is no possible way to punish the bad users without also punishing that that were betrayed

Another point
why cant i write v i s o d u c k ?

At the end
i know that dmm also not released the driver source code but precompiled modules ;)
and i also know most of the other pointed out facts
but writing in English is like you all know if that is not your mother speaking language very exhausting
so i am always trying to reduce my text
if we would discuss that in German that would be much more extensive (but i think you would have a problem writing that all in German ^^ like i have in English)

Hopefully my last words because i feeling like Don Quijote fighting against windmills ^^

03-07-2009, 11:40 PM

About the Open Source stuff please let me laugh when I read that only Opensat is stoling Open Source code to include them in their product.

You have plenty of hardware running Linux based solution that you don't even know that it is linux embedded, don't you think that they don't use what they found on the net?

MacOS-X isn't it based on Linux, are they 100% compliant with all the GPL rules.
In France the Freebox is also Linux based and the people make the same criticsm.

I don't know if Opensat is or not using Open Source code without mentioning it... that's life if you publish something on the internet don't be suprised that you retrieve it cut&paste elsewhere.

At my small level I am writing many FAQ and tutorials around the Azbox JD to help people, many of them are cut and paste elsewhere simply by changing a few words and then replacing my signature...

So that's life! All the creator are victim of this, put copyright rules and putting patent on software is stupid because you cannot develop the same things into several ways. Sometimes in software there is one and only one optimal way to implement it, so yes 2 brains without talking to each other can have the same idea.

Now we are always the same debate Azbox vs the rest of the Linux STB (especially DMM), so please let them live together. A competitor is always welcome if can wake up the market and make companies came with innovative product at competitive price.

I prefer a company lile OpenSat that pay fulltime developpers to create a good firmware, rather than a company that create a basic stuff publish it on the Internet and count on hobbyist free time to debug and develop their stuff.

Opensat is a young company in the Linux Sat they come with a partner Celrun that give them a good basis of development, they make an innovative choice in the STB world Sigma Processor.

Yes firmware is in beta stage but honestely they can already say that the latest one is the official release 1 without any problem.

May be I am an extra-terrestrial but I don't have problems with my Azbox, I just review all the features of the Azbox today and yes there are small bugs but nothing that prevent me from watching TV.
I never had to JTAG an Azbox, nor cold start it to reboot it.

People came with stupid cosmetic stuff and claims that it is very important for the box to have this and that icons, color, bargraph, %... and what? Isn't the goal of Azbox to watch TV, aren't you able to do this with the box today?

About DVD playback, Azbox cannot release a firmware that will read DVD copy protected, so yes we will need an extra developer that will create something special for the Azbox to bypass the CSS stuff.

When I read you everybody wants to develop on the Azbox! OK then you have the SDK, you have a tuto on how to set it up on Ubuntu... there is a plugins competition around Azbox.

So please site Administrator create an Azbox developers sub-section because it seems that they are lots of people that are ready to develop plug-ins but they don't have enough support. We will see which success will have this section, the real people that develop plug-ins of the Azbox are known and they are not that much!

And I would like to thanks them all to still be motivated to develop on the Azbox when we see all the criticism that we receive when we announce something for the Azbox and the mis-respect and the bad things that we can read when there is a small bug on what is released.


03-07-2009, 11:47 PM
The Worst thing is the Creative Owners with a Linux knowledge started to loose their interest :(

04-07-2009, 12:10 AM
using the linux code
you are accepting the gpl license

its not my license

and if the license (that you accepted using the code) bounds you to release your modified code
their is nothing to discus

Yes there is: return of investment. Reasonable time to get the return on investment.

they are legally bounded to release it
look at gpl-violations.org

If opensat not agrees with that license
they have to write their own operating system

I don't think this is the case. But the judge will have to rule on when they have to release their modifications, I suppose...

so the discussion if and how you can make money under that conditions
is too late

Right: you can, obviously, make money under those conditions, if you're DMM... So, the answer to that is - be as mean as possible. To whom? Not to copying bastards but to us, the hobbyists.:smash:

You are a phoney bugger, m8! Either that or you're as dumb as they come... If you're a puritan of that sort, then you're the latter. If not, then you are some kind of a dealer or otherwise utterly disinterested in REAL people, REAL hobbyists, hence you are not a hobbyist...

We know that these are businesses after all. Going against bigger businesses. We know which ones are on our side. And I know DMM are no as close to us as some others are or might become...

maybe next time opensat should decide themselves for windows as os

And maybe you really can't see the wood for the trees...

and in a few days i will write an email to gpl-violations (or the fsf) to tell them the situation


Because you're "disinterested"?!? :rolleyes: My condolences!

i had one of the first sold azboxes
i had preorderd it months before they were sold

And now after so many months i am still disappointed with the situation

Oh, I see... His Royal Highness is a "little" impatient"... :ack2:

Even heard of the word "spoilt brat" and "mean"?!?:respect-040:

Its no Linux Box
its not enough to paint a linux penguin on the cardboard (i know there is no penguin but opensat is making advertisement with linux inside)
people buying that box like me and many other i know want to modify it

So, have you lately "modified" a DB? Or Kathrein? QBox? How come such geniuses do not make something great of such boxes which HAVE given it all to the developers?!?

and please dont tell me there is a sdk / toolchain

Funny, this... as I was about to, sure... As it IS out there... Show us what you can do, then... Many do already... Are you such a poor developer, then? Who is very mean because of it...:respect-055:

Yes that is open source !!!

TDT and Duolabs and ***** and if they want also opensat could also use that code
but they also have to give their modifications back
like duolabs has done it
the qboxhd is ...
but they openend an own cvs with the source code

So, some companies want the unpaid people to do their development for them? Bless... Plugins are one thing but the core stuff? How would you "help" with developing the Sigma drivers? They do not want to give anything out, FFS... Without it, as you should know, it just won't do! Wake up!

You are also evasive
i am still waiting for an explanation why precompiled drivers would be a catastrophe for opensat

Oh, no you don't: I AM ANSWERING IT ALL!!! YOU ARE NOT!!!

Who's evasive now?!? [Christ, worse than a child...]

because if someone really wanted to clone the azbox
he dont need the source code or drivers
he clones the hardware and than he installs the finished firmware

a clone is a clone because is behaving like an original box

Really? And how are they going to clone all of those parts without anyone noticing? Realistically speaking, they must leave traces, which can be used to punish those people, not the innocent users, FFS!!!! You see, then a seriously "compassionate" company goes after the cloners, NOT AFTER THE HOBBYISTS!!!!

Some brain you have... You talk as if whatever you say has no bearing on yourself and no relation to reality is necessary, so long as it sounds vaguely "cool"... My, my...

and i will tell you something else
for the last months i was a great supporter of the azbox
i have openend azbox areas (ok sometimes i have only convinced the admin) in several german boards
and i was supporting it
explaining uploading and so on
(look at dreamworld board or minicat ... (yes i am using several nick names but in dreamworld you will now who i am))

Wow! So did I. But do I look vindictive and all princly, like you? And you know, maybe I should feel more aggrieved than you... But I am not! I can see beyond the immediate right here and right now and beyond myself. That's what "open source" is all about IN SPIRIT, not in empty words of yours - and especially not in MEAN ACTIONS, yours of those of DMM!!!!!

Chew on that for a while...

so dont think i am against the azbox


but in my opinion its wasting potential

So, out of your REAL LOVE for them [well, actually, not them but their "potential" - how "cool" sounding] you're gonna use the force of the state to show them what your love really means... WOW!!!! I think you and people like you, with such twisted "logic", should be forbidden by law to have kids!!!! :rolleyes:

and i am sick of all the lies that i heard during the last months

Do you know that opensat has promised us a cvs?

One of the official answers

that was 3 months ago ...

Thats a really nice delaying tactic

Hehe, you really do not have a clue: if they turn their attention to that then FW 1.0 is delayed. What's the priority?

Moreover, you DO have the right to set YOUR priorities and they do NOT have the right to do THE SAME THING?!?


BRAVO, MAESTRO!!!!!!!!!:bowing-036::respect-023:

04-07-2009, 12:20 AM
Oh no
but this is really my last post ^^

i know what hardware at my home is using linux
because i am buying all my hardware with linux inside

router, access points, receivers, computer, smart-phones, navigation systems and so on ...

and no mac is not based on linux but on bsd

Do you know how many developers Opensat has?
and who is developing the software

No its not opensat its still cellrun

i also know that opensat has only licensed the gui
they dont have the whole source code

so we dont need to discuss that
i am not a total newbie ;)

The SDK is not enough
most things cant be realized through plugins that can be created with it

04-07-2009, 12:27 AM
Sorry Goran
time to tell you something that has nothing o do with the azbox

Cant you argue without flouting other people?

What a poor argumentation ...

04-07-2009, 12:31 AM
situation changed
when dmm was founded (hopefully you still know ********) there was no concurrence

There was only the Dbox2
dont compare it to today

Why not? It's the truth.

Btw, thanx, F.F.!!!

a new car company could also not produce a car that concurrence with the ford modell t just because they are new on the market
they have concurrence with the actual situation

but know it makes no sense to discuss that

Oh, yes it does!!!! If you use other people's patents - you must pay... Pirates do not. But they can be traced. Full stop! Do NOT attack the hobbyists!!!!!

i will recapitulate that thread i a few sentences

you think
opensat is doing everything right
the community should be happy with the development tools and shut up (directly said ;) )

BU*LL*SH*ITE!!! You do not know how to think!!!! NO ONE SAID THAT!!!

We are not "fans"!!! FFS, FF was not too friendly in his comments. I certainly haven't spared Opensat from criticism, from pushing for full DiSE1C 1.1 [we got a brilliant solution!!!] and onwards!!!

and i want the gpl code (and if the fsf reacts i will get it)

Personal. Vendetta. "Memememeeeee.... beautiful, infallible ME", you keep saying, rather narcissitically... Sad! And laughable!

and in my opinion they should also give us drivers so that we can develop something on our own

the rest (about making money with intellectual property) is not so important ;)

Really? How about if it was you who invested so much money into development, risked, had a vision and courage - would you really give it all away, as you ask, straight away?!?:rolleyes::svengo:

What nonsense...:beatdeadhorse5:You're utterly insincere!!!:puke:

04-07-2009, 12:33 AM
Sorry Goran
time to tell you something that has nothing o do with the azbox

Cant you argue without flouting other people?

What a poor argumentation ...

Is that why you are avoiding that "poor arugmentation" by a million miles?!? :rolleyes:

Try engaging... IF YOU DARE!!!!:party:

04-07-2009, 12:41 AM
No its not opensat its still cellrun

i also know that opensat has only licensed the gui
they dont have the whole source code

The SDK is not enough
most things cant be realized through plugins that can be created with it

Heh, I talked to some of their guys, person to person [Celrun and Opensat], I heard their arguments and they heard mine, unlike you - they didn't evade all the points you have no good argument against. They seem much more mature, to me, then you [Celrun]. And they certainly are not newbies.

You, on the other hand, are a total newbie when it comes to elementary non-IT stuff, as I have shown above...

04-07-2009, 01:00 AM
waste of time
discussing that with a fanboy like you ;)

there is a small slogan
i hope you know it
don't thing that now, i am flouting you
but i thought at it at that moment

Don't discuss with idiots
because they pull you on their level
and there beats you with experience

My "vendetta" is now much more interesting

but you would say i should wait
(in fact i can't take opensat to court, that can only someone that is holding the copyright at a part of the linux source code but i know someone
but normally the first step is writing an nice official letter with the prompt to stop violating the gpl licence
and if there is no reaction ...

and maybe if you don't know, no company ever has won against the fsf
opensat should not try, thats wasting of money)

And now
how long opensat needs to release it?
1 month, 1 year, 1 decade?

There is no problem to wait another month ;)
But it makes no sense to wait for a year or a decade

You are really fighting for your right by pushing for full Diseqc 1.1
That is such a total basic feature
its really absurd that this is not working

can i join your movement?

04-07-2009, 01:13 AM
The only boy here - and fan-like - is you!!!! Indeed, childish, narcissistic, beyond reason, utterly irrational, hence blabbering like a woman scorned - but actually a spoilt brat, a weakling, constantly evading whatever you need, if you can't counter-argue, in a very slimy manner, really......:smash:

End of...:gnorsi:

04-07-2009, 01:15 AM
Oh no i cant leave that thread ...


i would propose you an arrangement ;)

if you have contact to opensat and cellrun
(i know many people with contacts to Hugo that helps nothing ... but ok)
than tell them please to release the gpl code
they have do do that (gpl license ^^)
i am not speaking about sigma nda code or their special gui and so on
only the gnu tools and the kernel

if you could do that and of course you should send me an pm with their answer than i will wait for while (in case that they are willing to release the missing code)

Use your good connections
and help opensat and the community

04-07-2009, 01:16 AM
I own a Kathrein as other receivers... and I can tell you that you lie again when you say E2 is stable... tested just some weeks ago and compared to AzBox. And you also lie when you say that TDT or AAF or PKT E2 is stable versus AzBox firmware.
I can watch tv on AzBox no issues... also I can watch movies no issues... try that with Kathrein and after 1 week you need to reinstall because it got corrupted after several green screens.

But don't worry I already found you are bias...

Also you cannot force anybody to release propietary drivers or others own work based on using Linux. If you write, please ask Intel to release their compiled Wireless drivers and Nvidia GPU drivers too... after you get a reply from them maybe you can waste your time with Sigma. You probably have already all the source code for DMM drivers too?

Come on... start to behave and talk facts here... E2 sucks on any platform but DMM. People just waste money buying stuff that doesn't work right with marketing on Enigma interface. They start to think that all plugins will work unchanged... just waste of peoples hopes.

I like the AzBox HD interface and it works great... needs more work on it instead of wasting time with old Enigma stuff. After it gets up to 1.0 level then maybe we can request more advanced SDKs or parts of source released to developers.

Right now it will just hurt us users and our future with AzBox if clone stuff comes out... I would rather wait and keep future support alive.

Enigma2 is not the solution to our problems. We should ask for 1.0 release and future fully functional SDKs...

04-07-2009, 01:29 AM
whats the problem with the intel drivers?
They are exemplary
they are developing all their drivers as open source

Next time please check your arguments before posting ;)

Nvidia is bad ^^
but ati has also released all their specifications for their gpus

@ Kathrein
seems that your kathi is broken
my is working for months without a new firmware (ok 2 months i had to reflash because i wanted to use incubuscamd 0.82/0.83)
(i am using the aaf flash versions)

Are your arguments getting more accurate through repeating them again and again? ;)

But hey i had said it would be nice if they would give as PRECOMPILED DRIVERS not the driver source code
and with drivers you don't have enigma2
why are you all so fixed at enigma2 it would be only one possibility

And yes on the azbox the plugins really should work
because the processor architecture is compatible to that one the hd dreams are using

and please let other people decide
for what activities they are wasting their time ;)

04-07-2009, 01:29 AM
full agree with @tinos

only one thing: opensat could work a bit faster, on my opinion , to show the people that way, they r giving their best!!!
now, with this speed , like they r working on improvments now, we will get old , until azbox maybe gets to that stadium , where u would we able to say: now i have a really great multimedia device..

my patience is slowly, but surly shrinking...things should be happening much more faster!!!!dont know how much more time i'm going to wait, before my azboxes become a new owner... a couple of months in the best case...

04-07-2009, 01:30 AM
if you have contact to opensat and cellrun

than tell them please to release the gpl code
they have do do that (gpl license ^^)

That does not help Opensat or the "community".

1) Sigma will, however. Faster, better, non-restrictive driver!

2) Then the FW, i.e. Celrun. Stable, fast, no longer changing format etc.

3) Then, they told me, they will make more and better tools. Right now, they have no time to do that. Besides, there's no point, if things change - why waste a lot of time and good will of developers? They would have to change it all needlessly.

It's NOT bad right now, as everyone is telling you!

But you are not listening. That makes you a kid. The "La-la-la-la-la, I'm not listening!" type of guy... Not very fruitful, non... Sadly...

04-07-2009, 01:34 AM
Hi all,
I have been using DMM receivers since the early days, I bought the DM7000s and looking back to the early days the darned thing used to lock up more times than I can remember.

Eventually things got better and after a very long time it became relatively stable, however even today I can still get the box to lock up by leaving it with no signal for a short time and then it needs a re-boot.

While I was waiting for the DM8000s to come out after being told next month which became next year I was getting fed up with DMM I decided to give Kathrein a try and considering the cost of the box it did rather well until some bright spark decided to give Enigma2 a try, so I thought why not!!!!

So here we go boot up wait a long time then pray you don't get a green screen because you had the audacity to actually press a key on the remote control.

So please don't fall into the trap, why mess up a receiver which for me worked straight out of the box without any real effort i.e. I can leave it without a signal all night if I have moved the dish off satellite and come back to it in the morning, move the dish and the box works fine without a re-boot etc.

I have had the Azbox Premium for almost 8 weeks now, it gets better with every new release of the firmware, I still have not been able to lock it up yet although I know some other people have had problems.

Remember if you need more than 2 tuners you can always buy 3 Azbox receivers and still have change versus 1 DM8000s.

Ok my rant is over now, I love my Azbox and I would never go back to DMM with their overpriced buggy Enigma2 receivers.

Regards, Welshman..

04-07-2009, 01:38 AM
No Goran you are not listening

GPL Code

Sigma drivers are not under the gpl
and i think the gui is also not under the gpl

only the gnu linux part

you know what a kernel is? ;)

04-07-2009, 01:51 AM
Please just keep using Kathrein with Enigma2 and leave us with our crazy non GPL stuff that works...

04-07-2009, 01:54 AM
Thank you for your advise
but i have to reject it ;)

04-07-2009, 01:56 AM
LOL makes you wonder...

04-07-2009, 01:59 AM
Christ, Colla, you need a great big Rum and Cola....:biggrinjester::respect-applause-00:001_302:

04-07-2009, 02:03 AM
Oh, forgot: do us all a favour and go pester DMM, please...:biggrinjester::respect-013:


04-07-2009, 02:07 AM
Yes you are right
but there is no icon for that

can i alternatively propose you
:spam: or :lurk5:

After that hard and long discussion ;)

But hey that was really nice
I liked that ...
time to exchange knowledge and opinions
They don't have to be equal because this results always in boring discussions ;)

04-07-2009, 02:26 AM
That's good to see you guys chilled out at the end of the day...
Half of us wants Opensat to work on a single Fw for the best result and the other half thinks It is always good to have an alternative FW to compare which works better than the other ;)
Both Parties Correct on their Thoughts but unfortunately Opensat doing what ever they want...
That would be great to have someone here from Manufacturer Of Azbox To Tell us Their Future Plans Directly but as you can see we talk and we do listen ourselves...
OpenSat Should speed up the things but Sigma Guys Let them Down nowadays so we have to be a bit more patient and wait for the news from Them...
I was thinking E2 is a piece of Crap until I've watched that dm8000 video and I understood that bad HArdware letting down the e2 performance (dm800)...
We've got decent Hardware on our Azbox and E2 must be tried to see how it works ;)
Surely It's going to happen but no one knows when ...

04-07-2009, 03:39 AM
i have kathrein with latest AAF enterprise (flash)
and i have azbox hd with latest firmware.

kathrein is extremely stable and fast now....butt.....it allways has that feeling that u are using a OS that is not ment to be used there. some things are really "broke" and i see a lot of green screens "when i want" u just have to search for them.

but for common use...watch tv...zapping..etc etc. it's good.
(without mention that if u lose all your peers in mbox, kathrein crashes.) :S

about azbox hd:
it was buggy months ago....it has a few at the moment...but i love my azbox hd more than i love kathrein. it's more stable at this moment. and it feels like it runs in a better horsepower car than kathrein.

we'll talk in a couple of months. let's wait for november.......remember ? the month opensat said it would be the deadline to realaese 1.0?

i hate all these crying babies. allways saying this is better...that is better.test both and let us know! like i did. i have both, i test everything to the max. and IN MY OPINION now azbox hd is the best receiver OVERALL. and it will be BY FAR in the future. nobody in his perfect mind can say kathrein is best than azbox hd. it just doesn't feel right..... azbox hd has the most pretty menus AND PROFESSIONAL, nice media center. simple interface...that any receiver in the market has.

but...i like kathrein too. it's kinda a receiver, make it all with HD dvb-s2, cheap to have in a room :)


btw: i come to this forum time to time. so i didn't wrote this to wait for answers or opinions... :) probably i will forget tomorrow i wrote this, and never read this topic again, but ey!

i hope someone could take something out of this.

if u are thinking what to buy? azbox hd! 100% sure

04-07-2009, 09:14 AM

Indeed Opensat still has to release version 1.0 ( and yes we'll wait untill november no need to have the sources open now when fw isn't ready.)

I'll aspect a lot of changes between now and V1.0 sow sources have no use so far, we can do almost everything we want now

04-07-2009, 09:50 AM
Its worthless to talk about a new Gui like Einigma because the Gui in AZHD is NOT the Problem!
OK, its a little bit lame and slow, but Im sure, Devs can make this better, but this dont have a high Prio.
To the Word stable, I can crash my Box in 3 Minutes, it comes with Error occurs and I must flash again with domformat, only need to play with alternative Fonts. Also I can delete my /emu in three Clicks, only delete one of my Font, and all other Stuff has gone,too.

Thats not really stable.

I think, some Guys are only looking some Programs and sometime a Film, not more. So then they say,Box is stable, but this is no Test at all, look at all these Errors.

Also take a look for Record, special on HD, sometimes no Sound, no syncron,Gogolist is a Shame over Month, defect Settings, wrong Transponder,wrong FEC, they never fix this, why? It has nothing to do with the Firmware, why doesnt Ng-Box fix this? Its a Feature of the Box and when they are paid for there Job, they should DO IT!
For me they could delete this Gogo ****, when it wont be fixed. It was a nice Idea but only when it works.
Browser,no comment, this is never a Browser.
Webif missing, one of most used Things for me on Dream.
Language Bug is still there on Multilanguage Senders,most on HD. If you change to french and record, you will have english in record,great
I could write like this Site for Site, so please dont talk about any stable, it isnt.

It is more stable than older Versions, and Im with you about the very best Hardware for this Money.
This is the only Point, why Im holding this Box, no Dream can play all this Formats, no Dream give me Livefeeds, no Dream will give me IPTV direct.

I have also two Dreams, they are OK, not more.
E2 is a nice Gui, not more.
DMM has nice Boxes, but very expensive, not more

So when I mix all this Points and think about, I will still wait for Bugfixing on AZHD.
But one Point I cant understand: Opensat is selling this Box with Twintunerfunction, some People say, it will never work, some People say, it can work.
Hugo said, it will work, but maybe with a Redesign from Motherboard, so whats the True?
Its the only Point for me, which makes me not happy.

With the Bugs I can live, when I know, it will be fixed in a short Time, but I cant live without Twinfunction.
I am planning for three more HD Boxes, LCDs are still there.
But I dont know what to buy at the Moment.

I see third Party Apllication growing on AZHD, yesterday sbox for AZHD comes out and works like a Charme on most EMM.
Mboxinfo is a musthave, if you use mbox
Live Feeds very nice.
and more will come.

So AZHD is on the right Way, but we need more Infos about this Twinproblem and a faster Fixing of Bugs. Maybe they need some more Devs, I dont know, but I know we dont need any E2

04-07-2009, 10:54 AM
In german Forum some News about Twintuner.

In August 2009 you can mix any tuner and use them all together.
That sounds great, we will see, if it is true

This Info comes from Opensat.de

04-07-2009, 12:42 PM
Hans, m8, no one said you can't crash it, if you are looking for it - easy...:D But if you know what works - it IS pretty darn stable HW.

Of course, if you wanna make it perfect [desirable!]... In that case such tests are more than welcome!

But it's getting there - not seeing it is... ...not seeing woods for the trees.....

So, good luck to us, eh?:coolgleamA:

04-07-2009, 12:44 PM
In german Forum some News about Twintuner.

In August 2009 you can mix any tuner and use them all together.
That sounds great, we will see, if it is true

This Info comes from Opensat.de

Don't believe all you read on the net, m8... Please....:king-041::biggrinjester:

23-07-2009, 05:58 AM
next tuesday....got info that's gonna be a new firmware that everybody will enjoy :)

it will be a good month ofr azboxhd owners!!

23-07-2009, 07:10 AM
next tuesday....got info that's gonna be a new firmware that everybody will enjoy :)

it will be a good month ofr azboxhd owners!!

If it contains the EPG code I sent them then I'll be happy.

23-07-2009, 08:12 AM
next tuesday....got info that's gonna be a new firmware that everybody will enjoy :)

it will be a good month ofr azboxhd owners!!

Regular Firmware or Enigma2?

23-07-2009, 10:03 AM
If it contains the EPG code I sent them then I'll be happy.

Rumour has it that it will BUT next firmware will be out in 2nd week of August.

We'll see...

23-07-2009, 11:27 AM
Regular Firmware or Enigma2?

this thread has gone his own live,there is no development for enigma2.

the name off the thread is completely wrong,what creates wrong thoughts

23-07-2009, 12:06 PM
Ok. Thanks so question is if new firmware will come out next week or 2nd week of August... any news on what will be fixed?

23-07-2009, 12:39 PM
yes I don't believe e2 will come for azbox because no one wants any plug-in or emu from dm7025 ;)
what if dm500hd works flawless ( not like 800 LOL )???
official fw really slow and you know the rest :D

23-07-2009, 03:05 PM
I would not bet anything, but people are tired and studying, and if Muhammad is not the mountain, the mountain going to Mohammed.

matter of time and number of people annoyed and bored

23-07-2009, 03:58 PM
very true but I reckon you know how many VIP get bored ...
Officially opensat don't care about those people but that type of guys made the DM no1 on the market even with all those crap hardware ;)
anyways they may have really sorted fw on their hands and that may gives all that confidence to opensat ;)

24-07-2009, 03:56 PM
OpenSat Should speed up the things but Sigma Guys Let them Down nowadays so we have to be a bit more patient ...

Sigma guys did the same to Linksys who took over KISS media player.
Last year, angry with just 2-3 FW releases and ZERO improvements in terms of HD material performance & subtitles I destroyed my DP1600, packed it and sent it to Linksys so they could stick it in their a....
I recall Linksys ALSO blamed Sigma for their laziness !

I will never buy ANYTHING from those basta**s !
My friends too....

24-07-2009, 10:50 PM
They should open source drivers then... if Sigma cannot get working drivers should at least give others a chance to improve... but guess it won't happen... NDAs and so...

I wonder how Popcorn Hour did it??? If it is really Sigma shouldn't they have the same issues we are having with highbitrate?... I use to have a Popcorn Hour and firmware on the multimedia part was a lot better than what we currently have 1 year later. Something is wrong or somebody is lying again...

24-07-2009, 11:26 PM
As an Elite owner I am badly suffering from USB and Ethernet Problem...
1080p movies over usb HDD and ethernet not watchable :(
How unbelievable is that !
we have better components on our boxes than well known 1K Receiver and How badly effected by poor FW and driver...

25-07-2009, 01:20 AM
As an Elite owner I am badly suffering from USB and Ethernet Problem...
1080p movies over usb HDD and ethernet not watchable :(
How unbelievable is that !
we have better components on our boxes than well known 1K Receiver and How badly effected by poor FW and driver...


I'm seeing how firmware rear firmware the net limitation is still there, i have so many 1080P film that i could not see (i sold my Kaiboer k100 (popcorn hour A-110) when bought the azbox Hd Elite, that was few monthes ago, and still unable to see...

Now i could not recommend to my friends buying the Azbox HD elite, because they will look so much 1080P films too, i only could recomend a cheaper HD receiver like Ipbox 910HD(or 91HD) + kaiboer k100 and the price of both are the same price of a Azbox HDElite...For same price you will get a perfect player for all formats 1080P (kaiboer k100) and Satellite HD (910HD or 91HD)...

I still hope that in next firmware i could watch in my Azbox HD elite my films in 1080P, and have a separate configuration of display for TV and Video.....

Best regards Clock..

25-07-2009, 02:30 AM
If you press menu while watching any video ie.mkv you will be able to change color settings for that video ;)

25-07-2009, 05:42 PM

With a Premium you put the film on the internal HDD and you can play then without any problem.

There is a software limitation on the USB and Ethernet port because the current driver doesn't support higher bandwidth transfer speed.


25-07-2009, 07:00 PM
Has anyone opened up the Ellite, is there a chance of putting SATA drive on it ?

25-07-2009, 08:24 PM
no ,there is no sata but you may install IDE hdd ;)

25-07-2009, 08:39 PM
Has anyone opened up the Ellite, is there a chance of putting SATA drive on it ?

You can put an IDE HDD where the DOM is connected, i don't know if you can use a master and slave cable to have DOM and HDD working at the same time.

If you use an 2.5" HDD you might connect the 5v to the main power source, this way you wouldn't need an external power source for the HDD.

25-07-2009, 10:40 PM

With a Premium you put the film on the internal HDD and you can play then without any problem.

There is a software limitation on the USB and Ethernet port because the current driver doesn't support higher bandwidth transfer speed.


if i have the premium i will have the same problem, because transfering files to internal Hd is a panic, for the low speed...And i have a PC that is server with 5 HDD (and 2 NAS servers more conected to pc with 4 HDD each one), with more of 15 Tb of films, and i see so many films, i will be all day transfering, seeing film and deleting it from Premium, because i only could use 1 HDD on the premium(or another option changing the HDd installed on premium every time)....

My needs are that the net work better, you said that drivers are the problem, we dont know what drivers are provided by sigma, but we know that kaiboer k100 (has drivers from sigma too) and it work perfectly throught Ethernet....We could not understand why Opensat dont use that driversss...

Why Opensat did not require that drivers that work on kaiboer k100 (popcorn A-110) to sigma and use them in the firmware of Azbox HD????

Edit: yes i can conect a Hdd on IDE port of azbox elite, where DOM is installed without problems, but IDE Hdd are so old, and their capacity is so low or if found one with high capacity is so expensive...I have 17 old hdd ide with capacities of (4, 10, 13, 20, 40 Gigas)...
Best regards Clock..

25-07-2009, 10:53 PM
Drivers from other SIGMA STB might not work on azbox HD, because the azbox HD needs specific drivers for the tuners, card reader, PCMCIA, dual HD video decoder.
(it might need more than that)

Of course that I don't see a reason why this drivers are unstable using high speed USB or ethernet connection. Because I guess the source code for USB and lan from the drives should be the same from all SIGMA chips from the same family chipset.

26-07-2009, 01:56 AM

I'm seeing how firmware rear firmware the net limitation is still there, i have so many 1080P film that i could not see (i sold my Kaiboer k100 (popcorn hour A-110) when bought the azbox Hd Elite, that was few monthes ago, and still unable to see...

Now i could not recommend to my friends buying the Azbox HD elite, because they will look so much 1080P films too, i only could recomend a cheaper HD receiver like Ipbox 910HD(or 91HD) + kaiboer k100 and the price of both are the same price of a Azbox HDElite...For same price you will get a perfect player for all formats 1080P (kaiboer k100) and Satellite HD (910HD or 91HD)...

I still hope that in next firmware i could watch in my Azbox HD elite my films in 1080P, and have a separate configuration of display for TV and Video.....

Best regards Clock..
Hi friend I can watch lots of 1080P rips as large as 10gb and no problem watching, only time the problems occur when I
try to skip chapter or ffw, if You dont touch any of that shouldn't be any probs.


26-07-2009, 02:52 AM
Hi friend I can watch lots of 1080P rips as large as 10gb and no problem watching, only time the problems occur when I
try to skip chapter or ffw, if You dont touch any of that shouldn't be any probs.


The important is not the large of the film, 10,6 for 2 or more hours of film could be low bitrate, you have to look on the medium bitrate, and maximum bitrate of the film with mediainfo or another tool....

So many films that have a low medium bitrate could have high bitrate in some scenes...

only 1080P with low bitrate are working like transporter 3, street dance-step up 2, Mamma Mia...

if you have rips of Underworld 3, Push, try it, in few second will be stutering...
And for example in BDMV format (BD rip) Max Payne, Reino prohibido.

On the limit (stutering in some few scenes) monster house, madagascar 2, Bolt, Punisher 2.

Best regards Clock.

30-07-2009, 12:03 PM
There are many Developers Waiting for the Big day ...
If you exclude the monkey see, monkey do people who can only compile an image if there is a step by step howto and have just enough knowledge to personalise some background images and/or to write their name all over the place ... well, I don't think there are 'that' many ;)

E2 will turn Azbox to work much faster than now ...
If one of my childeren should ever say such thing, I would tell them to go and wash their mounth with soap :ack2:

E2 is written in python which is a (semi) interpreterable language that make things very slow. And is exacly the reason why I traded my dm800 for an Elite. For the record: something that I haven't regreted. :cool:

30-07-2009, 01:15 PM
You can put an IDE HDD where the DOM is connected, i don't know if you can use a master and slave cable to have DOM and HDD working at the same time.

If you use an 2.5" HDD you might connect the 5v to the main power source, this way you wouldn't need an external power source for the HDD.

I got a spare 400GB HDD lying idle and would love to connect it internally in my Elite...

Is there enough space to hold the hdd or does it have to placed outside the case?

And how do I supply it with Power?

30-07-2009, 02:13 PM
If you exclude the monkey see, monkey do people who can only compile an image if there is a step by step howto and have just enough knowledge to personalise some background images and/or to write their name all over the place ... well, I don't think there are 'that' many ;)

If one of my childeren should ever say such thing, I would tell them to go and wash their mounth with soap :ack2:

E2 is written in python which is a (semi) interpreterable language that make things very slow. And is exacly the reason why I traded my dm800 for an Elite. For the record: something that I haven't regreted. :cool:

You should come and see my dm8000 with E2 ;)
And you will never ever talk like that again :D
Dm800 is suffers from Rubbish Hardware ...
I still believe Azbox will run like DM8K with E2 :party:

30-07-2009, 05:26 PM
it will. new programer boss :) knows a lot! :P

30-07-2009, 06:28 PM
it will. new programer boss :) knows a lot! :P

This is just gonna spark off so many rumours.

Just let em know we want LinuxTV with AZBox GUI on top! :D

30-07-2009, 06:31 PM
You should come and see my dm8000 with E2 ;)
And you will never ever talk like that again :D
Dm800 is suffers from Rubbish Hardware ...
I still believe Azbox will run like DM8K with E2 :party:

Wow, Let's compare Ferrari with Kia !



30-07-2009, 06:57 PM
This is just gonna spark off so many rumours.

Just let em know we want LinuxTV with AZBox GUI on top! :D

all i can say is that new software programmer head boss has a lot of linux and programming background. he stars august 1st :)

he was involved in:

enigma 1
enigma 2
caixa magica

and the list goes on. he has really interesting new ideas for azbox.

all i can say is that WIFI in premium is completely fixed :) in just a couple of days, and he didn't even started to work officialy. ;)

30-07-2009, 07:05 PM
all i can say is that WIFI in premium is completely fixed :) in just a couple of days, and he didn't even started to work officialy. ;)

I never had a problem with the WIFI, apart from the speed restrictions, but that's the same with the cable ethernet also. :confused:

30-07-2009, 07:12 PM
there were some problems with some security. wep.. etc. it wasn't 100% stable. now it is.

all known bugs were reported by me directely. so expect now full commitement and aknowdlege from programers :)

30-07-2009, 07:33 PM

I hope you'r right. And at next new firmware we don't have a lot of new bugs.

30-07-2009, 07:46 PM
Respect hfmls, you are becoming a very important man for this box to go ahead. Keep it up mate.

30-07-2009, 08:26 PM
Hay hfmls

If they want to send me a free 'latest revision' box, I'm willing to beta test any pdf's for dum errors :rolleyes:

30-07-2009, 08:51 PM
Wow, Let's compare Ferrari with Kia !



I don't think dm8k ferrarri next to azbox they both have very capable hardware and they both good ...
azbox even has the better CPU but without good drivers and fw Hardware is nothing...
If Azbox survive and opensat give a chance to E2 you will see the Turbo Charged Kia will be how competitive ;)

30-07-2009, 11:53 PM
I don't think we need E2 running on AzBox... but we need to add to current firmware some of the best features that E2 includes... those added to our current native interface will really make this box rock... news from hfmls about new good and experienced programmers taking the lead now on firmware are one of the best news I could hope! Thanks.

Lets forget DM versus Opensat issues and focus on new features that could really help AzBox HD.