View Full Version : big help needed

02-07-2009, 05:44 PM
I have just bought 9100super , first problem at setup all i get is Font rds does not exist i need to set to pal but can't get out of this, help please

02-07-2009, 11:38 PM
hi forest01,
i have never had that problem what image are you trying to install and how are you doing it?

more info please mate


03-07-2009, 12:07 AM
i haven't tryed to install any image yet all i did was screw in the sat cable plug in the arial attach the scart and turn it on.

Main screen appears then that error message thats it mate:frown: i have tried to reboot switch off switch on nothing just the same old message i can't even access the menue:frown: all i can do is get in touch with the retailer and ask him to change it:mad:

03-07-2009, 12:16 AM
hi mate,
method of doing Factory Reset.
Turn off with back switch.
Press & hold the up button on the front of the 9100.
Switch the box on from the rear switch, & keep holding the up button until you get a boot screen,then choose factory reset using the front buttons.

try this method.

but did the box have an image or anything installed on the box when you purchasd it?


03-07-2009, 12:38 AM
the only image was the pic of the technomate with a nice back ground then it goes blank after a few seconds then error , i think the problem is that some one when testing at the job as probably not set it to PAL and is why i,m getting this message.

I will try your method later tomorrow as i,m at work at the moment (nights) as soon asi have tried it i will inform you on how it;s gone.

P.S i will add you then we can talk. anyway i,m Rob thanks for your help

03-07-2009, 08:55 AM
flash it back to factory and start again

04-07-2009, 07:28 PM
Now i have it all sorted from my recent problem i haven't got a clue what to do next.

Do i download from satellite like other receivers?
Do download from the net, i have cat5 direct connection?

what do i need and what do i do i have read alot but still very confused:confused:

04-07-2009, 07:33 PM
try reading through the sticky threads , but use up to date firmware and not any old stuff

and decide if you want a cvs pureflash in the box itself and use jiboot for images on an sdcard

or if you want something like say UR18 in the flash itself so it boots that instead of either a technomate image or a pureflash image

so its either put UR18 or similar in the flash , or put the dsteam cvs dual boot into the flash and use jiboot to create menus , then install images on an sdcard , say 1 gig should be ample ( and cheap )

so its decision time before you start doing a thing

and use the correct firmware for your box , ie:- not the 9100 images , but 9101 or whatever they name them ( probably 9100s or 9101 )

also bear in kind that to run any dreambox ported images you need the dsteam dual boot cvs in the flash , as you cannot run dreambox images in the flash , only on sdcard with the flash set to boot dream images as opposed to technomate images

04-07-2009, 08:05 PM
Thanks i will try and take all that in for now,now to buy sd card!!

which sd card to you recommend?

04-07-2009, 08:40 PM
any should work but stick to official ones and not fakes if you can , especially as they are so cheap to buy at the moment

try pl@y or amazon or 7dayshop for either 1 gig or 2 gig sd cards

if you are going to use an sdcard , use dscvs dual boot flash image in your flash (and bear in mind this is just used to boot the machine , nothing else)

05-07-2009, 01:47 PM
Someone told me not to download from sateliites but from the internet instead,how do i do this i am connected through cat5 cable direct from router to receiver

05-07-2009, 02:07 PM
you can use dreambox channel bouquets for this , and dreambox tools and ftp

or use the coloured buttons to download channel lists from the websites attributed to your image

or if you are using ur18 , and press the correct coloured button you will be able to download emus , skins , channel lists , keys , plugins and all kinds of goodies from their host site. same as in dsteam it will d/l from their host site , same thing with some of the other images too

the actual methods vary from image to image but basically there is a host site where you download everything from , or you use tools or ftp programs to do what you wish to do

there is a lot of learning on this box , a very steep learning curve same as with any linux box , so do as much reading of threads as you can , even if you dont get it the first time you will after a while

so depends on the image in the flash as to what you can download from the net ( or not ) , and you never said !!!!

05-07-2009, 03:28 PM
Thank you very much slightly more clear now:respect-048:

05-07-2009, 06:04 PM
here is were i,m at:

Downloaded channels via satellite motor setting very unstable.

I have cat5 cable direct from router to receiver,i have downloaded technomate control 7.1 now i have tried to load ur18 image file with this interface.

after looking at the setting i noticed the receiver has an ip of dhcp is enable so this should be automatic ip from my via my router.

After loading software into tm7.1 cc it tells me one receiver is found

connecting to
Error:failed to connect to
error:socket error

Multi upgrade finished 1
you can close window of update
wait untill "done"is displayed in led of receiver

what am i doing wrong? and how do i know if i,m connected to receiver?

Do i have to have anything open on the receiver while attempting to send a file from pc or do i load file from receiver?

All i want to do is load channels via internet on to receiver, the manual that comes with the receiver is a complete wast of time it doesn;t explain anything on this matter,why do they automatically thing we know:redface:

05-07-2009, 06:23 PM
the manual is for explaining the official software only !!

and you have flashed it with unofficial software that has no manual , so the manual wouldnt be any good anyway , especially as its a linux box and so could be running any script the users see fit

ie:- its not like a tm1500 with a standard set of tasks and rules , and even then technomate wouldnt cover a magic patch anyway !!

not really sure if you are up to this task as all the basics are covered in the stickies but for now will give you newbie benefit of the doubt

so to start with , you have flashed ur18 into the flash ?

I assume this was after a factory reset to clear the memory ? ( using the front panel buttons ) , and another factory reset AFTER you flashed it as well ? ( before and after )

once you have your chosen image in the flash you should be setting the ip address from dhcp to a fixed ip in the actual tm9100 advanced comms menu , and set your pc tools to that same ip , so that you always connect once sorted

then use the tcc to set the password to a default password that you yourself choose , not the image one , and not blank either ( some have passwords , some are blank ) , I use ones of over 6 characters , so lets say satpimps4 or echelon64 or forest1 or something similar

set your tools to username root and use this same password everytime

so you always use the same username , same password and same ip address

so it could be root , forest1 for instance

now reboot it after setting these details and check its connected using your router admin panel , then check it can access the net , and also check that you can access the box using the various tools as well ( with your default name/pass/ip addy )

now try the blue or yellow buttons for installing emus , channel lists etc from the image host website

ps:- if you havent yet loaded an image into the flash , you need to set the current flash ip address and password in order to allow the tools like TCC to connect , so my earlier info is still valid , as you cannot do a thing until the ip addy , name and password have been sorted out in ANY image !

personally I find it best to serial load an image into the flash using a null modem cable and you dont need any name or password or ip address for this , with factory resets before and after , and if using an sd card I then use the jiboot to install these images onto the card after booting into the flash first , and this is done over cat5

warning , failing to flash a tm9100/9101 correctly can result in a flash failure and would then need jtag to restore the flash , a road you do not want to go down , which was why I thought you were going to go down the images on an sdcard route for now

05-07-2009, 08:27 PM
Well after your word of warning i think i'll try the sd card method first.So basically like this:

MMC (Memory Card)
Copy all the files into a Memory Card
Insert the Memory Card into the TM-9100
Turn the AC Power Off/On and Wait for the download to finish
When it says Completed, remove the Memory Card
Turn the AC Power Off/On
Do a Factory Reset

06-07-2009, 04:33 PM
Right i have follwed all the methods mentioned in the stickies apart from serial

Cat5 cable direct connection it sees ip but won't connect i,m using TM7.1 cc
mmc done factory reset,inserted mmc switch off/on nothing just takes me back to the setup ******

06-07-2009, 06:44 PM
Finally got Nemesis loaded looks good now to try and work out to download from internet(channels):party:

07-07-2009, 11:21 AM
Finally got Nemesis loaded looks good now to try and work out to download from internet(channels):party:

ftp the extra url file and follow any instructions with it like chmodding , then reboot and you should find the extra url available as well as other plugins etc

10-07-2009, 05:11 PM
I have everythink set up nice now and i,m runing cccam2.0.11 and want to move to cccam2.1.1 now i know the cccam.cfg is in the var/etc but which file to i change?

10-07-2009, 06:37 PM
I would backup my config files , download the latest cccam ( or cccam + newcs ) full or both files as appropriate ( main and config ) , and select the emu and start it , then add any relevant details to the new cfg file