View Full Version : dm8k & moteck v box

04-07-2009, 07:49 AM
Do I have to store all sat positions one by one in the moteck and then scan them in via the dm8k as I am doing it.

Whats the process as I've looked at oldfarts guide and as I've only got one cable going into my dm8k it doesn't seem to apply for me?

04-07-2009, 08:53 AM
depends on if the vbox is new or not.
if you have used it before on another reciever,then your dish postitions are already stored inside it and all you have to do is put the same position number in your image software as is stored on the vbox.
ie if hispasat 30w is number 30 in the stored sats in your vbox,then you just set up hispasat in your tuner configuration to number 30 as well.

why are you wasting time scanning sats?
just install the latest settings.i will upload mine for you here if you wish.

TIP: if you wish to watch ITV HD for instance,you need to edit your lamedb file.
follow these steps:
- make sure you scan the transponder with ITV HD channelSource: Digital Kaos Sky HD Channels
- open /etc/enigma2/lamedb and search for a line that contains only "10510" text (this is the name broadcasted for ITV HD)
- delete 3 lines (one before that line, the "10510" line and the line after it) and replace with the text below
- execute "killall -9 enigma2" from telnet session right after you save labedb
After enigma is started you should get the ITV HD channel. This should work in any diseqc config as long as the transponder is scanned before the change in lamedb.ian.

this is what you need to paste in

c:000D49,c:030D49,c:040D4A,p:BSky B,c:050001,f:5

for some reason this site is putting a space in the BSkyB after the word Sky.this is not supposed to be there and no amount of editing by me can correct this.

04-07-2009, 08:58 AM
Thanks for helping out on this ian, my v box is new and I'm a bit stumped on what to do next.

I have astra2 scanned in but that's all.

04-07-2009, 09:01 AM
I have DCC on my pc and I can connect to my db via that.

How do I install the latest settings?

Step by step would be great


04-07-2009, 09:10 AM
i have limited knowledge of E2 mate as i only have a 7020 and my knowledge consists only of using E2 images on that,but its my understanding that its not possible to store sat positions in the vbox from E2 software.
you have to first do it from a reciever using E1.although i could be totally wrong.

so you are going to have to use the supplied vbox remote to do this.
you will have to go into the sat meter in your image software and then select the desired sat.then move the dish east or west from the vbox remote untill the best signal and lowest BER are obtained,then store the position also from the vbox remote.make a note of the stored position number for that sat and then move on to the next.after you have stored every sat you desire,you will then have to enter your tuner configuration settings and save each sat with the corresponding number that you made o note of earlier.
after this is done just load the latest settings that are to your liking and taste.its a ballache,but it only ever has to be done once.ian.

04-07-2009, 09:16 AM
I have DCC on my pc and I can connect to my db via that.

How do I install the latest settings?

Step by step would be great


you need to download dreamset from the dreambox tools section on this site,then setup you LAN settings for your dreambox.ie ip,and password ect and also select the type of enigma you are using.this depends upon your image,but is usually Enigma2 ver 3.
if you box is virgin,ie has no lamedb file at all in /ect/enigma2 then you may find that you need to first of all send any lamedb file over using an FTP program,for dreamset to work for the first time.
you then load the latest settings into dreamset and transfer them across to your box.ian.

04-07-2009, 09:27 AM
OK, so I got to do it the old fashioned way,
Get the frequency of a fta channel off each sat,
search for each sat via those settings, moving the dish via the v box,
then store and manually scan each sat.

Damn, I thought we would have progressed beyond this by now, it's like going back to when I first bought my Echo ad300ipva.

Oh well, L y ng s a t here I come

04-07-2009, 09:34 AM
yes unfortunately thats still the only way of programming a positioner and thats exactly what a vbox is,just a positioner.as i said,its a ballache,but once its done the positions are always in the vbox,that is untill you reset it.so whatever software,image or reciever you use in the future,these positions will never have to be added again.
but i wouldnt do it via a free to air channel.
i would use the images sat meter on first of all the strongest transponder,just to find the sat,then select the weakest transponder you dish can recieve to fine tune the sats position,ie for 1w choose a focus sat transponder(if you have a 1.2m or bigger)and fine tune from that.once you have a signal on the weakest transponders,of course all the others are fine.
but as i also stated,there is absolutely no need to waste much time and effort scanning the sat.the recieved channels will only be as good as your satelites.xml file anyway,and unless you have a very up to date one which includes every available transponder there is,you are going to miss out on many sat channels and feeds.
try to use settings and dreamset before you do anything.
this makes life much easier as the channels are then already in your box and you just select one.TV1000 for instance,then select your positoner setup in your image and all of the parameters for that channel will already be displayed.its just then a simple matter of moving east or west to get the best signal,then storing.ian.