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05-07-2009, 02:58 PM
Mbox Manager is another software which you can manage all your mbox data like peers, cards, providers, etc.
This application for running needs Microsoft .Net Framework.

Mbox Manager 1.0 (2009.07.03)

Base features:
- Create one or more profiles for diffrent boxes, with autoload the default profile;
- Tables with your peers, cards and providers;
- Logging your MBox and NewCS activity;
- Edit Mbox's config files from your box;
- Build add.data file and send for execution;
- Control your mbox: Start, Stop and Restart;
- Data refresh; download temp files with the statistics from box and save history;
Some of the base functions are inspired from MCC (Mbox Control Center)

Other features:
- Peers aditional information: favorite ranking (betweeb 0 and 5), write comment, e-mail address, forum accounts for contact, percentage of our online status and local existence;
- WatchDog function at MBOX Log; everytime when you receive a CW for you, this will be write from which peer came, distance, boxid and the response time in miliseconds;
- Create graphical representation of your saved history;
- Update checking on startup: for new Mbox Manager versions and/or for new Mbox versions (you can enable or disable in settings);
- Every base page and Refresh button have a shortcut-key for faster navigation;

18-07-2009, 08:46 AM
Mbox Manager 1.3


- New parameter on Profiles: Type (local windows or remote linux)
- Added Mbox for Windows support (for pc-dvb cards like SkyStar). For old saved profiles, only need is to select the profile type.
- For windows profile type, add NewCS Control (start, restart, stop)
- Some new provider logo
Some people ask "Why the application connect to the webserver". Simple, it is for update checking. If you don't want to use this feature, disable from options and check manually when you wish (Actions->Check for Updates).

25-07-2009, 09:50 PM
Mbox Manager 1.4

- Added Card Search (actions menu)
- DoubleClick on Status Table jump to Peer's Page
- Updated CCcam.channelinfo file (July 2009) - used by NewCS Log
- Added Timeline and Remove on History Graphics

26-08-2009, 08:15 AM
Mbox Manager 1.6


- Profile activation fix for some boxes (tested on kathrein ufs-910)
- FTP Client fixes
- Some new Provider Icons

02-09-2009, 04:40 AM

- Save window position and size
- Added Reset Window on Option menu
- Some changes on Mbox Log and FTP Client

05-09-2009, 10:32 AM
- Bugfix: reset config files when change the profile
- Added Compatible Box List in Help menu (users can read the current list and add new items)

05-09-2009, 07:46 PM

Mbox Manager 1.64

- Profile activation fix for AzBox

08-09-2009, 01:37 PM
Mbox Manager 1.7

- Added Status-Table filter
- Added Mbox Log filter
- Added posibility of enable mbox Watchdog with stopped log
- Bugfix: reload custom config files when change or reactivate profile; added manual list reload button
- Fix text coloring at config files editor
- Added connection timeout when the web server not responding (10 seconds)
- Added some new provider icons

10-09-2009, 12:54 AM
Mbox Manager 1.71 (2009.09.09)

- Profile activation fix for some images
- Changes on Mbox Log
- Changes on NewCS Log

I hope these log changes will resolve the execution crashing.

11-09-2009, 12:02 AM
Mbox Manager 1.72 (2009.09.10)

- Added autounzip after Mbox Manager update; new file added: settings\unzip.exe
- Bug fix: Profile activation for Kathrein

22-09-2009, 11:59 PM

Mbox Manager 1.8

- Added NewCS Status command (create html file)
- Added results counter on Card Search, showed on the title bar
- Distinct ecm/pid values for each profiles
(to save and use another value, not default, go to Status-Decode, change the ecm/pid value and press refresh button - right bottom corner)
- Mbox start fix with SSH
- Some small fixes

07-11-2009, 04:20 AM
Mbox Manager 1.9

- Autorefresh position save
- Customizable default status filter
- Added Intruder Alert Table: count alerts when the mbox log is enabled (MBOX Log -> Intruder Alerts)
- Added Offline peer alert function (Options -> Settings -> Peer Alert)

Info: If this function is enabled, on data refresh will appear a list with your offile peers who are offline more than setted days. If you have some exception peers (don't want to alert you), add them to the ignore list (you can add/remove when the alert window is showed).