View Full Version : Live Scores plugin by danci

09-07-2009, 01:00 PM
Live Scores v0.99
Show live results with goals, red and yellow cards. You may upload your picons in /EMU/livescore/picons/. Picons are 70x70 pixels, (transparent) gifs. If club name is Dinamo Zagreb, picon name must be dinamozagreb.gif. By UP/DOWN you walk one match up/down. With left/right you walk one page up/down. With ok you see details, ( ok for exit )


Extract archive livefeeds.zip and You will see two files ( livescore.plugin and plugins.lst ).

Copy that Files to USB or simply transfer them by FTP to /tmp folder of Your AzBox HD, and now enter on TV in Plug-ins, press Red Button on Remote controller to add plug-in.

If You are using USB select to install it from USB, or if You transfered files to /tmp folder install it from tmp folder.

09-07-2009, 05:50 PM
If you have any of missing picons, please upload!

Picons 09.07.2009.

11-07-2009, 01:09 PM
Picons 10-11.07.2009