View Full Version : Recording BBC HD problem

09-07-2009, 02:24 PM
Anyone else got this problem or know what's causing it. When i record BBC HD it's fine while i'm watching it live but if i go out of the room & come back & rewind to where i was & start watching it from there it starts acting strange like picture breakup & skipping a couple of seconds then back to normal which is really annoying cos i miss what people are saying cos sound goes as well. It doesn't just do it when i pause or rewind either, when i play back my recordings it does the same thing, just tried it on last nights torchwood.

I've never heard of this problem before on any receiver so i don't know if it's just my humax foxsat hdr, all i know is it's only happening on bbc hd, itv hd is fine & all sd channels are fine so that must mean something, any help appreciated

09-07-2009, 11:53 PM
Oh well i've just found out if i record BBC HD in non freesat mode it works fine so i'll have to remember to do that in future, weird though i don't know why it should make any difference.