View Full Version : how to delete satellites from dm8k

11-07-2009, 01:41 PM
How do i delete/remove satellites that i have set up in to my dm8k?

I want to clear down the list to just 1 satellite left as I am trying different things to clear my problem in setting up sats.

11-07-2009, 02:37 PM
In tuner setup change LNB to not available for each sat you don't want.

About your problem, you are storing the satellite position to the vbox from Positioner storage inside the Positioner setup menu ?

11-07-2009, 03:53 PM
yes, I press the 'store position' button each time i go into this menu.

11-07-2009, 04:06 PM
and you also change the number to match the position number you set for each satellite ?

11-07-2009, 04:24 PM
well I have for the sat I am able to set up.

Can you tell me where the 'Tuner Selection' menu gets it's information from as to what sats that have been made available in the tuner setup menu?
As I can only get three in that menu and have made about twenty available giving each one a different number.
Yet I can't scroll through to see them in 'Tuner Selection', could there a corrupt file somewhere that feeds this information through to this section?

I press the red button to get into the 'Tuner' menu, but when I try to scroll through the sats I have made available they are not there!


11-07-2009, 04:33 PM
I think it gets it from the satillite.xml file found /etc/tuxbox/satellites.xml

11-07-2009, 04:37 PM
you need to enter tuner configuration.
there you will see the sats.from this move left or right to select the desired sat.you then need to select advanced and then select the lnb you wish to use.
then select DiSEqC 1.2
then scroll down to the option to use usals with this sat and select no.
after you have done this you will then see three zero's appear underneath.
its here that you enter the same storage number as you stored in you vbox.
ie if you stored 16E at position 16 in your vbox,then you enter 16 so it shows as 016.
then save.
you then move back to the sat select and choose the next sat and repeat the whole process again for every sat in the arc.ian.

11-07-2009, 04:43 PM
well I have for the sat I am able to set up.

Can you tell me where the 'Tuner Selection' menu gets it's information from as to what sats that have been made available in the tuner setup menu?
As I can only get three in that menu and have made about twenty available giving each one a different number.
Yet I can't scroll through to see them in 'Tuner Selection', could there a corrupt file somewhere that feeds this information through to this section?

I press the red button to get into the 'Tuner' menu, but when I try to scroll through the sats I have made available they are not there!


had the same problem - the satellites are there, but the tuner menu doesn't know. As I said, the only solution I found was to tune one in, save and power off the box & back on again; next; repeat ...

p.s You can "pick'n'mix" your satellites from http://satellites-xml.eu/ then download and put the file -> /etc/tuxbox/satellites.xml

11-07-2009, 04:45 PM
you need to enter tuner configuration.
there you will see the sats.from this move left or right to select the desired sat.you then need to select advanced and then select the lnb you wish to use.
then scroll down to the option to use usals with this sat and select no.
after you have done this you will then see three zero's appear underneath.
its here that you enter the same storage number as you stored in you vbox.

I have done that.

ie if you stored 16E at position 16 in your vbox,then you enter 16 so it shows as 016.
then save.
you then move back to the sat select and choose the next sat and repeat the whole process again for every sat in the arc.ian.

When I go from part 1 above, into the part where you move the motor from (Tuner Selection - Tune)
I can't see the sats (apart from 1) that I have made available in the first part of your thread (above).

So I can't get to store a position in the v box as I can't choose a sat to store in the position I set up in part 1.

That's my problem, is it a corrupt file?
If so, where is it, and can I overwrite it?


11-07-2009, 04:53 PM
see above!

11-07-2009, 05:02 PM
this is down to your settings mate.

ive just extracted mine from my 7020 and converted them to E2 for you.

use dreamset 225 to load them into your box.ian.

11-07-2009, 05:03 PM

I'll check out that link and also I'll power down the box after choosing each sat.

Speak soon - hopefully with good news.

11-07-2009, 05:05 PM
Thanks ian

Can you explain how to do that please, as i use DCC to see my box and ftp files to and from it at present

11-07-2009, 05:08 PM
@doubleudee, I was a bit rusty at this since you only need to do this once as long as the positions stay in the vbox, last time i did it was about 4 years ago.

Now I see exactly your problem, once you add the satellite in the tuner menu it won't show up in the postitioner/tune menu until enigama2 is restarted, do this from the shutdown menu, restart gui or enigma2 or whatever it says on your image.

I just tested this myself by adding a sat i didn't previously have and I had the same problem you describe.

It shouldn't be like this and is obviously a bug and you should report it to DMM.

11-07-2009, 05:10 PM
Ok thanks
I'll power down now and get back to you all.


11-07-2009, 05:11 PM
you need to download dreamset from here


then setup you connection parameters for your box.
im not sure which E2 version you are running but its usually enigma2 ver3 that you select from the drop down box.
make sure satellites xml says /ect/tuxbox
and sevices bouquets says /ect/enigma2
then save and test the connection.
then select file and then open and open the file i have uploaded for you.
then select transfer and then write.
this will send my settings over to your box.ian.

11-07-2009, 05:23 PM
i have discussed this with you before mate,you will never get anywhere untill you send over a decent set of settings.

you are basically flogging a dead horse untill you master a settings editor such as dreamset.it can be done manually like you are trying to do,but god it will take a long time and you will probably have loads missing.
why go through all the trouble and striffe when it can all be sorted in a few minutes with just a few clicks on the pc.ian.

11-07-2009, 05:30 PM
ok thanks ian,

I'll have a crack at copying your file over now.

@dubious - you were right m8, a re-boot showed them up.

11-07-2009, 05:52 PM

Thanks a lot for that m8, I now can see all the sats/channels

Am I right in thinking I need to set up the sat numbers in my v box now, find each sat and set the v box up with them from the numbers I've already assigned them.?

11-07-2009, 05:57 PM
yes mate,
you generally do it the other way around but doing it that way is still ok.
just make sure that all the numbers tally and all should work great.
and remember,you only ever have to setup the numbers in your vbox once.
its a good idea to write these assigned numbers down and save them some place safe,because if and when you choose to try out a new image,you will never remember them when you come to setup the new image.ian.

11-07-2009, 06:49 PM
Thanks ian, yeah, i have written them down against each sat, I did that when I first got the box thinking I would never remember what sat I numbeered what.

I've just done three to try them out and they work great, got the rest to do now.

Got keys to load next, do I just ftp them into the box as well?

11-07-2009, 07:07 PM
yes mate,and chmod to 644
not sure on the location in the DM8000,but in the 7020 its /var/keys

its probably /usr/keys for you.

also i would try to use independant software for each individual task.ive never been a fan of all in one stuff like DCC.

i use flashFXP for my FTP transfers,but there are many others.its just a case of what you prefer and get used to.ian.

edit:one thing for you to remember with my settings.
the 7020 is not an HD box so wont see the HD channels.you will have to do a single manual transponder scan just on the relevant HD transponders,so lyngsat or ********* are you friends for these.

11-07-2009, 07:37 PM
If i download a satellites.xml file from that link that oldfart posted, include all the sats I can recieve, and include hd channels, will it give all i want, just like your list only adding the hd channels?

If that was the case, could I could overwrite your satellites.xml file with that then?

11-07-2009, 07:49 PM
yes mate,thats the best solution to give you the necessary transponders,but you will still have to scan each single transponder that has HD on it to be able to add them to the settings i uploaded for you.
also make sure the xml file is edited correctly for the sats like 5E and 1W or you may find they suddenly disappear from your list.

my settings were just to give you a start,they are how i like them,but they may not be to your taste,especially as the are not HD as i only have a 7020.
now you have the general idea of how to use dreamset,perhaps it maybe an idea to use settings that have already incorperated all the HD channels.darkmans site is a good place to visit to obtain these.or perhaps ask sonic nicely for his as his have all the HD channels in them because he has a DM800 and i also know he has spent hours getting sky just like it is on the sky HD box.ian.

12-07-2009, 08:20 AM
Thanks ian, and everyone else who has contributed to sorting my problems out.

If there is a failing with this reciever it is the fact that you have to re-boot after adding a new sat, i hope they sort this out in the future. I will post that very fact on the main dm site and see if anything comes of it.

Thanks again all, I'm now off to experiment with all the other wonderful things that is available with this box.

Oh, and as a footnote:-
@oldfart - yes my Barry Allen DOES (or did till I messed things up - lol) work from my HDD, I could select via the remote which image to load via the up/down buttons as I had two image files in there and could scroll to both.