View Full Version : Plugin suggestion - Movie Browser for TV/EPG

13-07-2009, 03:39 PM
As with my other post ona possible TiVo-like functionality plugin for the AzBox I had another idea for a plugin that I thought id list here,just to see if people thought it was a good idea and in hope that someone may take the idea and turn it into a plugin!

Before I bought the AzBox I had a HTPC running Windows Media Centre, and one function that it had was that I really liked was the movies browser where you could browse all the movies that were coming up over the next 7 days, I assume because moves are highlighted in the epg and it took the infromation from that. In the link below is what it looked like


Basically what is meant was that every so often you could easily see what films would be on that week, and select ones to record, all without having to search through the epg. My suggestion for a plugin is to replicate this, and that once the epg is implemented (as has been mentioned before, opensat have the information to add the freesat epg and so hopefully should be adding this soon) have a plugin that when it launches lists all the films that are upcoming in the next week so you can pick ones that you are interested in to record.

A further function could be that it could be linked to the imdb so that more information/cover art/reviews could be pulled to give more information about the film.


13-07-2009, 04:26 PM
I don't think that's possible with azbox