View Full Version : Lost on the cccam Tutorial

16-07-2009, 12:22 AM
- Download and unpack the latest compressed CCcamCAS for AZbox HD onto your PC.

- You'll see CCcamCAS folder + an additional module.seq file.

- Edit the module.seq file so it contains the exact names of EMUs/CS SW you have in your machine; delete those you do not have and add those you do have; make sure you leave CCcamCAS without # in front of it , which means it will be active, while all the other EMU's will have # in front of them = inactive.

I don't get this bit, as I have downloaded cccam 0.2 and extracted as above, but I only get the one file called "cccam_module"! Where can I get the other files I need to edit as per the tutorial?

16-07-2009, 12:46 AM
Obviously, it was written when it was published - for v. 0.1.

So, get that version and replace the module...

Or directly from islaremota into AZbox HD...

Good luck!:respect-051:

16-07-2009, 12:55 AM
Version 0.1 contains the same one file as version 0.2!???

16-07-2009, 12:58 AM
Edited the "Alternative..." intro...:respect-048:

15) CCcam for AZbox HD

- One can download the latest full CCcam directly into your AZbox HD from islaremota link, for instance. That way it's almost 100% installed, too. You just have to edit the server details [see below how to do it].

If you want to install it all manually, via FTP:

- Download and unpack the latest compressed CCcamCAS for AZbox HD onto your PC. You must get the earlier version 0.1 to get all the files, plus the next version 0.2 to replace the module with a new version, of course.

- You'll see CCcamCAS folder + an additional module.seq file.

- Edit the module.seq file so it contains the exact names of EMUs/CS SW you have in your machine; delete those you do not have and add those you do have; make sure you leave CCcamCAS without # in front of it , which means it will be active, while all the other EMU's will have # in front of them = inactive.

- FTP into your AZbox HD [or so - using a proggy like FileZilla, which is freeware] and open EMU -> OpenXCAS folder in your AZbox HD.

- Drag and drop the whole CCcamCAS folder, from PC to AZbox HD’s OpenXCAS folder.

- Give rights or "CHMOD" to 755 the whole CCcamCAS folder, then also the cccam_module itself, inside the CCcam folder.

- Edit, save and then put into CCcamCAS folder the CCcam.cfg file, in order to add the server details like so:

#C: ccserver.dyndns.org 12345 username pass
C: YourM8's.dyndns.something port YourUsername YourPass

# in front of a line means it's not active. In this case it's just an example-line, hence # in front of it. Leave it as is.

- Reboot using your remote controller's Power button for 5 seconds or so.

- Restart CCcam via the OK button on your remote.

CCcamCAS for AZbox HD is still in Beta stages of development and can only hook onto 1 CCcam server for now but more is coming. It is not fully working yet - some providers might not work!

But there is a plug-in to change from one server to another, written by Kanber_Kav!

16-07-2009, 12:59 AM
Whats the difference between cccam_v0.1_Full.tar.gz and cccam_v0.1_UPD.tar.gz? And which one do I need to download?

16-07-2009, 01:10 AM
Why would you DL v. 0.1 if the latest is v. 0.2 - since you can DL and install directly into your AZbox HD both versions?:smash:

And why wouldn't the "full" version be good enough for you? ;)

Moreover, I just put up here the full v. 0.1... :)

16-07-2009, 01:37 AM
Ok, done all the obvious stuff and its still not clearing any channels.

I had a Dream 7020 before this and by the looks of it, this should be the pretty much the same process, but its not working.

Anything which I could be missing?


16-07-2009, 02:20 AM
How can we know - you haven't written anything. Help us to help you...

Besides, as you can see, it IS working for others, so...

16-07-2009, 02:42 PM

Full version generally include a dummy configuration file that will show you how to configure things.
UPD version only contains the "executable" without any configuration to not scratch all your config with the dummy one.
That's the difference.

Remember also that with CCcam only 1 login/password can be used at the same time, so if you use the same on your DM and on your Azbox both will be kicked out from the server.

So be sure that you disable/disconnect your DM when testing the access from the Azbox if you use the same login/password.
