View Full Version : tomtom xl iq

17-07-2009, 02:23 PM
just brought a tom tom xl iq,when i enter post code it asks for house number,but it wint let me enter single digit numbers,for example 2
it keeps saying enter a number between 44 and 380,is there anyway around this

thanks for any help

17-07-2009, 04:23 PM
just brought a tom tom xl iq,when i enter post code it asks for house number,but it wint let me enter single digit numbers,for example 2
it keeps saying enter a number between 44 and 380,is there anyway around this

thanks for any help


The reason is says this is because it thinks there is no number "2", reading what you typed it thinks the numbers start at 44 and go to 380, the problem could also be the Post Code files and the maps may not be as up to date as they could be.


17-07-2009, 06:33 PM
thanks for the reply,i have downloaded the latest files of the tom tom site,the problem still remains but seems to affect flats and other properties with more than home in the same building if you understand what i mean

17-07-2009, 06:51 PM
What is the version number of your postcode file ?
Open folder named 'zip' & then use Notepad to open the the file named 'Great_BritainPostal' - it's the .VER file thats only 1kb

The latest is version 901 & is posted here (but will probably have the same problem) :-

17-07-2009, 07:30 PM
the version i have is 801

17-07-2009, 07:39 PM
The postcodes are not very accurate, out of date, and many are missing.

The maps aren't much better even if you have the latest.

It's just typical TomTom.