View Full Version : Keys validity question

18-07-2009, 09:17 AM
Can anyone tell me a channel (or channels) i can check to see if the keys I loaded are working?

I've copied them into the correct folders and chmoded them as per ians (thanks m8) instructions but am not sure which channels I should check as the list keeps changing.

Anything on 29E, 19E, 13E or Thor maybe?


18-07-2009, 09:19 AM
not a great deal working with just keys these days,so best to check out RCS digitv on 1w mate.ian.

18-07-2009, 09:23 AM
hmmm, digifilm1 & digifilm2 not clearing with me?

18-07-2009, 09:27 AM
what EMU are you using mate?

18-07-2009, 09:29 AM

where/how do I load that?

18-07-2009, 09:33 AM
you have to use an EMU also known as a cam to be able to open any channels using keys or CS.
i use gbox,but others prefer cccam or newcamd or even mgcamd.
its entirely up to you,but if you wish in the future to CS,then its best to use gbox,cccam or mbox.ian.

18-07-2009, 09:36 AM
if you choose gbox,pm me your DNS and i will log into your box and set it all up remotely for you.if you choose cccam then sonic is your man.
but to be honest,it is best to try and learn how to do this yourself.ian.

18-07-2009, 11:18 AM
OK thanks again ian

18-07-2009, 07:30 PM
can't get cccam to work, wiil have to search for downloads of other softcams

18-07-2009, 08:04 PM
cant really help you with cccam,but have you sent the binary to usr/bin and chmoded to 755?
also have you sent the config files to the correct folders and chmoded to 755 as well.
what about your script?have you sent this also to the scripts folder and chmoded correctly?
have you tried starting cccam from telnet?

telnet into your box and then type cd /usr/bin and hit enter
then type ./cccam or exactly whatever your binary is called and then hit enter

what response do you get in your telnet window?ian.

19-07-2009, 10:38 AM
Hi ian

I tried following the guide (pdf), it says:

The CCcam archive is comprised of two files, a bin and a config..................

Copy the bin to /var/bin and change rights to 755, copy the config to /var/etc/

Telnet in to /var/bin, type ls to see that file is green (mine is) and type CCcam -dv, you should now get an activity log - I don't?

19-07-2009, 11:13 AM
Hi m8,
Is CCcam the full name of your bin file or is it something like CCcam.mipsel or CCcam_211 you'll need to type the full bin name for it to execute

19-07-2009, 12:37 PM
Hi m8,
Is CCcam the full name of your bin file or is it something like CCcam.mipsel or CCcam_211 you'll need to type the full bin name for it to execute

The full name of the file is CCcam.ppc, I've tried that but all I'm getting is:-

CCcam.ppc: 1: ELP(then some little faces with a 9>4:) :not found
CCcam.ppc: 2: (then some little faces with a 9>4:) : not found
CCcam.ppc: 3: (then a little faces with a 9>4:) : not found
CCcam.ppc: 4: 4 : not found
CCcam.ppc: 5: 4 : not found
CCcam.ppc: 7: Syntax error: "<" unexpected

trying other files I get:
root@dm800:/var/bin# CCcam.x86
-sh: CCcam.x86: Permission denied
root@dm800:/var/bin# CCcam.cfg
-sh: CCcam.cfg: Permission denied

I'm using CCcam 2.1.2 if that makes any difference? I have already tried 2.1.0

19-07-2009, 12:46 PM
The ppc file is for e1 images you need mipsel

Which image are you using ?

19-07-2009, 12:50 PM

19-07-2009, 05:40 PM
as Sonic has said you need the CCcam.mipsel file
ftp it to /var/bin set attributes (chmod) to 755 otherwise you'll get the
'permission denied' error
put your CCcam.cfg in /etc
and you should be fine

19-07-2009, 05:43 PM
your processor is not power pc mate,you are using the wrong cccam.
ppc is for E1,you need the mipsel version.
also you have to use the correct syntax in telnet,this includes using ./ (dot forward slash)before your cccam version name.its this syntax thats starts up cccam.ian.

19-07-2009, 05:58 PM
Without sounding patronising doubleudee, Why do you not use Nabilo or Gemini as your main image ?

You can have all the emu's and keys you want.

I have total respect for you if you have OoZoon up and running 100% as that is quite an achievement.

I have to be honest and say I have not managed it yet but then I have to have something the wife can use :rolleyes:

19-07-2009, 06:30 PM
i was thinking exactly the same thing myself m8,but didnt really want to say so as he's done very well so far and everyone has to learn from the very begining.but you are quite correct,i dont think he could have chosen a harder image to learn with.ian.

20-07-2009, 06:43 AM
Thanks all

Looks like I've jumped in at the deep end with this image then, I'll try a different one this week and start again.
I think I'll have to re-format my HDD too, as BA is loaded on that from an earleir attempt of mine, that doesn't help things either (I assume).

When I tried Nabilo (Black Hole?) my dm8k kept crashing?
Saying that though, it may well have been my fault with trying to copy so much stuff onto the box without reading everything I should have first,
learn to walk, then running comes after. -lol, I'm learning the hard way!

OK, back to the beginning for me,

A couple of questions for you though:

1. On loading a new image, does it clear the flash down? as mine is showing 89% full! - i got a load of crap I need to clear off it from creating directories & copying files to (sometimes) the wrong place.
2. Re-formatting my HDD won't affect anything else will it?
3. The way i've been loading images to date is via the browser method (open browser, put in ip address, click on link, browse to image, then click Flash, etc etc), should i be doing it some other way? or is it OK to continue like this as it is quite easy and straightforward (imo).

Thanks again, answers on a postcard - lol.

20-07-2009, 09:34 AM
I think the flash should be cleared when you power on with button held to load via LAN.
Before moving on to BA and multiple images why don't you try Nabilosat black hole just on the flash.
Cccam (and many other plugins) bin and config files are all downloadable with the remote and self install.

20-07-2009, 10:04 AM
how you load your images is exactly how i load mine into the flash,but i do suggest that you only have one image in the flash just as your base image,for the latest drivers ect and experiment with others using multiboot.ian.

20-07-2009, 11:01 AM
OK, thanks both
I'll load up one evening this week (work till late Mon-Thurs)