View Full Version : dissapointed

22-07-2009, 08:07 PM
Changed to nabilosat image tonight, loaded ok, re-set up my sats and re-loaded the file kindly supplied by ian.
Thought, great, now load keys and try cccam,
loaded up as per instructions copied to folders as in same.

tried command ccam.mipsel -dv (as shown inguide to see loading process) - hooray, all seemed to follow as said in guide. meesages came up on screen as per guide

switched on dm8k and changed to thor to try out keys, sweet fa, digi tv still not clearing, what a bummer - missus moaning in me ear abouy cost of stuff, ffs.
Off to get drunk, and will try again tomorrow or friday, whichever comes first.
Thought I had it cracked when i saw the messages come up as in the guide. :mad:

22-07-2009, 09:04 PM
they key for digitv has probably changed since you last downloaded and installed it.
best to FTP the nagra keyfile over to your desktop and edit it with the very latest key. its key 00 at the moment,but that may change by the time you read this.ian.

22-07-2009, 09:09 PM
Changed to nabilosat image tonight, loaded ok, re-set up my sats and re-loaded the file kindly supplied by ian.
Thought, great, now load keys and try cccam,
loaded up as per instructions copied to folders as in same.

tried command ccam.mipsel -dv (as shown inguide to see loading process) - hooray, all seemed to follow as said in guide. meesages came up on screen as per guide

switched on dm8k and changed to thor to try out keys, sweet fa, digi tv still not clearing, what a bummer - missus moaning in me ear abouy cost of stuff, ffs.
Off to get drunk, and will try again tomorrow or friday, whichever comes first.
Thought I had it cracked when i saw the messages come up as in the guide. :mad:

what CCcam version u using?? looks like new CCcam_2.1.2 dosent work with digi tv keys

22-07-2009, 09:28 PM
what CCcam version u using?? looks like new CCcam_2.1.2 dosent work with digi tv keys

I can confirm that, use 2.1.1 and the keys will work :respect-051:

23-07-2009, 06:24 AM
Thanks all, head bangin this morning - lol

I am using 2.1.2, so will switch to 2.1.1 and try again as soon as I can, as tonight when I get home i got my granddaughter coming over to stay for a couple of days, and I've been d/l Michael Jackson videos for her, as he seems to be the rage since gone to the other side,
got a **** load of his pop videos for her, along with other video stuff from the jackson 5 era, so will have to put them on disks for her - lol, she'll be leaning on my shoulder the whole time waiting for them.
THEN, she'll wanna watch them - omg what a night it's gonna be - almost as bad as when I got High School Musical 3 for her - lol. praps i'll sneak into the front room while she's absorbed in them and come back online.

Anyway, I will try 2.1.1 as suggested and will also check if the keys have changed, haven't had to manually change keys for years, takes me back does this,
btw, whats that 'update keys' or whatever it is in nabilo, - via blue button I think it was, got a menu opened up with four choices, keys was one, clicked on it and got a message - connecting to server- keys updated?
what was that all about?

23-07-2009, 08:10 AM
Yes it is all made very simple for us to update keys and install cams.
You can just d/l and install 2.1.1 from the menu as an extra cam, then you can easily switch between that and 2.1.2.
There is also an addon to switch between different config files as well.

23-07-2009, 08:24 PM
Anyone tell me how I can upfdate the keys myself please?
Which file to open ?
with what?

I got the keys downloaded in a text file (as per normal - used to be), what prog do I use and how please?

Cheers (gd is watching MJ so I got a few mins yet -lol)

23-07-2009, 08:31 PM
open your nagra keyfile using an editor such as notepad++ find the ident associated with the key you wish to edit,paste in the new key over the old one,then save and FTP back to your box.then restart your cam and pictures will appear.ian.

23-07-2009, 08:35 PM
find the ident? with what prog do i open what other file m8?

not sure about that

but i do know i have to overwrite and save eventually, but what prog do i open the old file with?

23-07-2009, 08:36 PM
I mean is there some kind of nagra edit prog that i do it with?
not sure what file is the keyfile, i got the other one open in notepad, but what is the existing nagra file called m8

23-07-2009, 08:42 PM
ah, is it the nagra.txt?

I'll try that one

23-07-2009, 08:43 PM
just use a good text editor such as notepad++(google it)
FTP your nagra keyfile over to your desktop.then right click on it and select open with notepad++
find the ident associated with digitv(2111)then paste over old key with the new key and save.the latest is key 01.then FTP it back again and restart your cam.ian.

23-07-2009, 08:53 PM
find the ident associated with digitv(2111)

bugger - no wonder i couldn't find it in the file, i was looking for 01:70,
cheers will look again in keylist.txt or nagra.txt

23-07-2009, 08:58 PM
Thanks ian, edited - saved and copied back over, just gotta wait fo MJ vid to finish now so i can access the tv