View Full Version : HD scanning and signal problem

23-07-2009, 08:25 PM
I still could not solve the problems around the scanning and getting HD transponders.
For example:
I first scan the satellite (Hot Bird) and get all the services in the satellite (green) list alright. SD services are OK, they show strong signals. But when I try to open HD services (the dish pointing to HB), all (except 4 which open) are black - which is normal if thereīs not the relevant card available in CS. So disregard whether they decrypt or not, I only want to point out the absence of signals for the majority of HD services on HB (and other satellites also).

On HD channels I get the message either: "Service not found! (SID not found in PAT)" - in this case the signal is about 14 dB (Gemini2 440), which corresponds to about 70% - strong enough signal for the service to open if it can be decrypted.
Or I get the message (for the majority of HD services): "Tune failed" - in this case the signal is about 5 dB (less than 30%) - certainly not enough to open a channel.

If I then try to scan all those transponders one by one manually (entering the right freq., pol., SR and FEC - taken from Lyngsat), I get the result: "0 services found".

An Italian HD service should decrypt, but obviously the failure is not the question of unavailability of CS card (it is available), but of the "service not found" message.
What should I do to solve the "SID not found in PAT" (first of all, what does it mean?) or "Tuning failed" situation? Can anything be wrong with my DM8000? I repeat I can clear the following HD channels: Suisse HD, Polsat Sport HD, Discovery HD and HBO HD (the last three from Cyfrowy Polsat package).

All other Hot Bird services are normally strong, about 90%, so the dish not being positioned properly is out of the question. I canīt understand why itīs different with HD.

All explanations and suggestions are welcome.

23-07-2009, 09:16 PM
Have you updated your satellite.xml file?

23-07-2009, 09:50 PM
I did update the satellite.xml file, but I donīt know if I did it right. On xml generator site checked the satellites Iīm using, checked "all channels" below, downloaded the file and FTPed it into /var/tuxbox. It overwrote the existing file there. But nothing changed. Or do I have to put it into /tmp and manually install? I have never done it before.

23-07-2009, 09:58 PM
I usually ftp my satellite.xml file from my dreambox to my desktop and open it then edit it with the new frequencies from the one i download from the website then ftp back then switch the box off and on again (switch on the back) re-scan and it does the trick.

I can upload mine if you want to give it a try?

23-07-2009, 10:36 PM
OK m8, upload it, I would gladly try yours. Thank you.

23-07-2009, 10:48 PM
Here you go, sky italia HD works for me.
Its in the upload section.

23-07-2009, 11:01 PM
Thank you Quailman, Iīll try it tomorrow and let you know.

23-07-2009, 11:28 PM
Its not all up to date but you can see if sky italia works for you as it does for me then update accordingly or if some one else wants to upload there's for you that is more up to date.

24-07-2009, 12:03 PM
Got Italian HD!!! Thanks a lot m8.

24-07-2009, 03:07 PM
By the way Quailman - if you happen to use a Gemini2 image in your box. I canīt find the location for manual installing addons from /var/tmp in Gemini2 images. In Gemini enigma1 it is in the blue panel (Addons Manual Install), but I canīt find it there in Gemini images for enigma2. Couldnīt find it anywhere else either. I believe it should be somewhere. But where?

24-07-2009, 06:42 PM
By the way Quailman - if you happen to use a Gemini2 image in your box. I canīt find the location for manual installing addons from /var/tmp in Gemini2 images. In Gemini enigma1 it is in the blue panel (Addons Manual Install), but I canīt find it there in Gemini images for enigma2. Couldnīt find it anywhere else either. I believe it should be somewhere. But where?

Glad that worked for you m8, regards to gemini i have never tried any of there images so can not help.

Have you tried:
Setup>software manager>install local IPKG
or you could always use telnet.

24-07-2009, 07:28 PM
Have checked: Install local IPKG does not install from /tmp

The only way seems to be using telnet


24-07-2009, 07:58 PM
I think if you just change the .xml file then reboot, the dreambox will remember the old one and nothing will change. I usually telnet killall -9 enigma2 to restart.

24-07-2009, 10:00 PM
Will remember that m8.

06-08-2009, 11:43 AM
I think if you just change the .xml file then reboot, the dreambox will remember the old one and nothing will change. I usually telnet killall -9 enigma2 to restart.

Dreamset will do that on the writeback after editing.

I have installed Kiantv's (3-08-09) xml into tuxbox and loaded back into Dreamset. Updated using the King o Sat internet facility, added missing transponders loaded back to Tuxbox and still a lot of Transponders are missing. 19e, 16e & 13e are the sats involved.

I also have no access to:


The missing transponders are listed in the Tuxbox xml file but not downloading. There is another xml file in etc drectory which is dated 01/07/2000? There is also a Lambd file in the enigma2 directory?

Very confusing to me.


06-08-2009, 12:19 PM
Have you made sure that you have turned you tuner back on, sometimes when you update your xml file it turns the turners off due to satellites being different ie 28.2e (282) can be 28.4e (284).

You should only have one satellite.xml file

The lamedb file is your channel list file.

I have also uploaded a killall-9 script in the upload section.

06-08-2009, 01:03 PM
So where has the etc xml with a ridiculous date come from? Is that causing my download probs I wonder? I havn't intentionally put it in. The previous Nab BH image I overwrote had it as well.

I will delete it and see what happens.


06-08-2009, 01:50 PM
I wouldnt delete it unless its Satellite.xml, what is the name of the .xml file as i said you should only have one satellite.xml, you can only have two if you say move and keep both, there may be more xml files with different names but im in work so cant check.

06-08-2009, 02:43 PM
I'm in work as well m8, it is a Satellite.xml file dated 01/07/2000 residing in var/etc with settings in it but it is nowhere as complete as the one in tuxbox.

Now I know the tuxbox Satellites.xml file is allegedly the working one but when you can, please check if you have this wierdo Satellites.xml in var/etc.



06-08-2009, 06:19 PM
I'm in work as well m8, it is a Satellite.xml file dated 01/07/2000 residing in var/etc with settings in it but it is nowhere as complete as the one in tuxbox.

Now I know the tuxbox Satellites.xml file is allegedly the working one but when you can, please check if you have this wierdo Satellites.xml in var/etc.



Iv just had a look at mine and there is no ect folder in the var location.
In the var location there is a symbolic link which takes you to the /ect location so your doing a loop.

What image are you using?


06-08-2009, 07:21 PM
I am using Nab B/Hole

06-08-2009, 07:26 PM
Same as me. Can you put a screen shot up or if not does yours look the same as mine?

06-08-2009, 07:44 PM
I am using DCC E2 to transfer and I am not sure how to do a screenshot but I will have a look,

Your's is nice m8.


06-08-2009, 07:46 PM
Is your's the same or is there a folder?

Im using fireftp a firefox plugin to look at the files.

06-08-2009, 07:54 PM
I am having some bother with the pc networking to the DB. Just trying to fix it.


06-08-2009, 08:07 PM
I have installed Kiantv's (3-08-09) xml into tuxbox and loaded back into Dreamset. Updated using the King o Sat internet facility

Why are you doing this, all you need to do is download from King o,s using dreamset (save as enigma 2 ver 4) and it should be the most upto date.

Then make sure your tuner is set to advance and all the satellites are turned on.

06-08-2009, 08:14 PM
That was the 1st xml I put on and could not get any sats tuned in at all. It wasn't until I put Kiantv's (3-08-09) xml into tuxbox that I was able to tune some of the sats in. As said I updated that file with Dreamset and K of Sat but still can't get all the sats or transponders.


06-08-2009, 08:20 PM
I really dont know then mate sorry may be some one else can help.

06-08-2009, 08:32 PM
You said your using DCC to transfer the files. why not just use dreamset or is that just the xml file from here?

Yes m8 I use dreamset to transfer the xml file. The DCC E2 is for all other bits.

My problem is without doubt due to the Satellite.xml file having all the information on it but the DB is only downloading half the transponders. The sats I can't get: 10e, 9e, 7e, and 4.8e are all on the Satellite.xml in tuxbox but I still can't lock onto them.

The 7020 has a loop-through to the 8k and gets all the sats and chanels except HD's of course.


06-08-2009, 08:37 PM
The 7020 has a loop-through to the 8k and gets all the sats and chanels except HD's of course.

Try just strait into the 8k i believe this can cause problems, or i could be talking crap.

06-08-2009, 08:49 PM
Try just strait into the 8k i believe this can cause problems

Dunnit m8, makes little difference. Slight signal loss quite negligable. I have 19e, 16e, 13e and 0.8w tuned in without all the channels downloaded.

As the Manual Scan is going say on 13e, all the transponders are flashing up but only some channels are selected. An example is 12360 (***view) comes up on the top of the Manual Tuner panel but no download is shown and none in the list. All the Parential controls are off with red no entry signs removed, I din't have all the Sly Italia channels or Nova.


06-08-2009, 09:11 PM
Are you using usals, if so have you gone through your setup on each satellite telling it to use usals?

Other than that i have no idea.

06-08-2009, 09:20 PM
No m8 i am not on usals just DiseqeC 1.2.

I have just opened the Satellite.xml file saved in Dreamset and opened it in Wordpad and comparing LJ's 13e transponders they are nothing like at all in the xml.

What I don't understand is that I updated this file in Dreamset and K of Sat internet settings. That is why I am missing some transponders.

I will have to sharpen up my editing skills.

Thanks for your help Quailman m8, I know what I will try next.



06-08-2009, 09:29 PM
Dunnit m8, makes little difference. Slight signal loss quite negligable. I have 19e, 16e, 13e and 0.8w tuned in without all the channels downloaded.

As the Manual Scan is going say on 13e, all the transponders are flashing up but only some channels are selected. An example is 12360 (***view) comes up on the top of the Manual Tuner panel but no download is shown and none in the list. All the Parential controls are off with red no entry signs removed, I din't have all the Sly Italia channels or Nova.


dave m8,

if the channels are not downloading then its because you already have them.

try going into all services and see if they are there.or even try going into the list of services for a desired sat.it sounds to me as if you have by now completely screwed up all of your settings.

if as i suspect,you find the missing channels there,then you are going to have to add them manually to your bouquets list.you can either do this with your remote or with dreamset.

do you want me to upload a new lamedb file for you created from my settings?

but to be honest i think you really need to start again.ian.

06-08-2009, 09:35 PM
I agree with Ian.
Start again and go SIMPLE, just get 1 satellite and get all the channels and then move on ...

06-08-2009, 10:18 PM
dave m8,

if the channels are not downloading then its because you already have them.

try going into all services and see if they are there.or even try going into the list of services for a desired sat.it sounds to me as if you have by now completely screwed up all of your settings.

if as i suspect,you find the missing channels there,then you are going to have to add them manually to your bouquets list.you can either do this with your remote or with dreamset.

do you want me to upload a new lamedb file for you created from my settings?

but to be honest i think you really need to start again.ian.

A good half of them are 'greyed out' and just for an example no ***view at all 12360.

Difficult to tell with the Sly Italia as they look like the 28e ones but most of them seem to be on the 13e services. The only Nova channel I have is Nova Cinema on 0.8w. Not one single Nova on 13e.

I have started to edit the 13e part of the Satellites .xml in Notepad against LJ's, which I have saved as 'Modified'.

There are a huge amount of missing transponders and transponders which shouldnt be there.

cheers m8's

I am not sure how to do the fec (ie:3/4 ir 2/3) in Notepad.

06-08-2009, 10:29 PM
how the hell can you possibly edit this file using notepad?
use a proper text editor such as notepad++(google it)

i cant begin to figure out what has initally gone wrong here m8,but i do strongly suggest you begin again.ian

06-08-2009, 10:30 PM
dunno why your are doing all this editing.
1. download latest xml for the sats u want from _http://satellites-xml.eu/
2. scan each in turn (scan & replace)
3. look at the individual sats to see what u got.
4. now u can edit the names/bouquets

06-08-2009, 10:41 PM
you say everything is ok on your 7020?

if so log into that with dreamset.send all the settings files over to you pc and then save them as enigma2 v4

now log into your 8000 with dreamset and send the saved files over to the 8000.

all should then be ok.ian.

06-08-2009, 11:00 PM
you say everything is ok on your 7020?

if so log into that with dreamset.send all the settings files over to you pc and then save them as enigma2 v4

now long into your 8000 with dreamset and send the saved files over to the 8000.

all should then be ok.ian.

The 14th July I got this box and I have been going round in circles for over two weeks with bits of information and lots of help. That converted file is the second xml (the idea taken off one of your threads to WD) I loaded it from new and that didnt work either. The only file that has allowed me to lock and store Sats is Kiliantv,s.

Someone should consider writing a sticky about settings and xml editing (I will when I sort this out) to save knobs like me running around and ending up their own assholes with bits of information.

I will again try the coverted enigma1 files but they will not have HD on them. Thanks for your help. :respect-054:

Thanks again,


06-08-2009, 11:11 PM
Have you:
1. set up your positions manually - as u ain't using usals (or are u relying on converted settings from your 7020)
2. Linked the position (1 .. 2..3 etc.) to the correct satellite?
It would help everyone to help you if you told us EXACTLY what u have done for your tuner configurations.

All of us have had no problems, I can't see that u have a duff box, its settings somewhere ..

06-08-2009, 11:41 PM
Have you:
1. set up your positions manually - as u ain't using usals (or are u relying on converted settings from your 7020)
2. Linked the position (1 .. 2..3 etc.) to the correct satellite?
It would help everyone to help you if you told us EXACTLY what u have done for your tuner configurations.

All of us have had no problems, I can't see that u have a duff box, its settings somewhere ..

1: All set up manually using your sticky.

2: Yes m8 as 28e is the static dish I numbered from 19e down to 0.8w.

I have set up exactly as in your sticky on Tuner B

I have just sent my converted 7020 settings to the 8k just like Ian suggested and have ended up after a manual scan with about a quarter of the channels I had before on 13e. 28e on Tuner A (static dish) has now got nothing at all.


07-08-2009, 12:03 AM
Dave, My advice m8, stop - re-flash without loading any setting start completely from the start.

07-08-2009, 05:22 AM
i agree with Quailman.

i know its not what you want to hear,but its the best way forward for you.
the weekends here now,just get up a couple of hours before the mrs and get this done.

right,as you have yet to get over the 1st hurdle,forget about BA for now.
wipe everything to do with it from your HDD or CF and make a mental note of what sat your dish is at.

there maybe other ways of doing this but this is the order i do things and it works for me.

1 reflash your box.

2 go through the stupid first run w-i-z-z-a-r-d selecting only english and exit at the first oppertunity.do NOT use this w-i-z-z-a-r-d for anything else.THIS IS IMPORTANT!!
now put the remote down,hide it,give it to the mrs,place it under a cushon,but do NOT go trying to configure things with it!!

3 go to you pc and open dreamset,you will now find that dreamset will not connect to your box,stating there is no lamedb file,so FTP over a lamdb file(any will do as this will be overwritten when you send over your desired settings) to /ect/enigma2 and chmod to 755

4 FTP over your desired satellites.xml file and then reboot.(not really needed as it will be done in the next step,but best to be sure)

5 upon restart,if the w-i-z-z-a-r-d appears again just exit it.
now using dreamset,send over your desired settings ensuring they have the SAME xml file contained in them as you have just sent over and then reload them(dreamset should automatically do this for you)

6 now go into the boxes menu's for the VERY FIRST TIME and setup your tuner to this xml file for each sat in turn,selecting LNB,usals,diseque ect,starting from the sat your dish is already pointing at.

thats it mate,once the tuner is setup and saved you should now have all the sats and channels and be able to move to all of them without issue.

finally,keep a copy of your xml file and any future updates(new transponders,sats ect) should always be added to this file and then sent over to the box.someone elses edited xml will only ever cause you problems,unless you have first edited it to your own tuner setup.ian.

07-08-2009, 07:31 AM
Thanks ian, I did re-flash last weekend just as you said with Nab B/Hole. I will follow your suggestions in that order.

Until I put Kiliantv's file on I had to put the dish on to a sat with the 7020 and if i was lucky downloaded some transponders. Thats it m8, hit and miss. Sometimes it would lock on solid and other times just an erratic meter showing some activity. The dish would not allways move. When i put Kiliantv on I locked onto 19e straight away then 16e with very few transponders and 13e and 0.8w with most transponders.

I know my problems is down to settings but I have been picking up off threads and peeps advice and generally going nowhere.

I had nothing like this problem with the 7020 nowhere near. In fact it was a doddle with the manual 'Transponder Edit' and DCC the only tools I needed really.

Until I get an xml file with the sats and transponders on I need I am going nowhere. Every xml I have FTP'd to the box has shown up as deficient on transponders. Kiantv's file only put about 10 channels on 16e with no Digialb at all on it.

By the way, the static dish on 28e Tuner 'A' has been no problem at all. I have generated my own xml using Oldfarts Satellite Generator using just the sats I want but could not lock on to anything motorised.

I will re-flash as you suggest eventhough I am convinced it is the Satellite.xml at fault.

cheers m8,


07-08-2009, 08:13 AM
dave,i dont have an 8000 yet(skint)i still only have the 7020,so i really do hope im not hindering you with my suggestions that work for me.

but lets look at this logically.

the only difference i can see between you and other peeps who have this working is your complicated setup.

please refresh my memory,as i have forgotton and cant be arsed looking through all of the posts to find the answer.
you are using a vbox like i do right?

so given that others have this working,i would still reflash,but just setup the 8000 like everyone else has ie leave the fixed dish and 7020 out of the equation.

if this then works,at least you know where the problem lies.
then you can add the fixed dish and 7020 one at a time to further narrow down whats causing this issue.

so unless there is a problem with your 8000's hardware(doubtfull)then you must be able to get it to work with the same setup as everyone else.

thats the way i would now tackle this problem.ian.

07-08-2009, 08:49 AM
dave,i dont have an 8000 yet(skint)i still only have the 7020,so i really do hope im not hindering you with my suggestions that work for me.

but lets look at this logically.

the only difference i can see between you and other peeps who have this working is your complicated setup.

please refresh my memory,as i have forgotton and cant be arsed looking through all of the posts to find the answer.
you are using a vbox like i do right?

so given that others have this working,i would still reflash,but just setup the 8000 like everyone else has ie leave the fixed dish and 7020 out of the equation.

if this then works,at least you know where the problem lies.
then you can add the fixed dish and 7020 one at a time to further narrow down whats causing this issue.

so unless there is a problem with your 8000's hardware(doubtfull)then you must be able to get it to work with the same setup as everyone else.

thats the way i would now tackle this problem.ian.

I am using 1.2 DiSEqC which I am selecting exactly the same word for word as Oldfart's sticky. The only thing I may be doing different is putting my Lat & Long in the Tuner settings. The fixed dish is of no consequence at all because it is on a seperate tuner (A) and using Oldfarts simple settings works fine.

I am at work right now so before I get home and I do re-flash I need to try someone's full transponder settings with the sats I want because it seems that when I Dreamset an xml over only some of the details are working.


07-08-2009, 08:56 AM
very strange that m8.

have you examined the xml with a proper text editor to see if there are any differences between the sats that are working and the ones that are not?
also,you are deffo saving this file in the UNIX format after you have edited it?

07-08-2009, 10:53 AM
The only editing I have done in the last couple of weeks is:

Read from DB.

Compare and download King of Sat transponders.

Tick the 'Green' ones and save.

Write back and Dreamset sends the killall command

Enigma re-boots but I do a hard re-set as well.

If that is not right please say.



07-08-2009, 11:53 AM
The 14th July I got this box and I have been going round in circles for over two weeks with bits of information and lots of help. That converted file is the second xml (the idea taken off one of your threads to WD) I loaded it from new and that didnt work either. The only file that has allowed me to lock and store Sats is Kiliantv,s.

Someone should consider writing a sticky about settings and xml editing (I will when I sort this out) to save knobs like me running around and ending up their own assholes with bits of information.

I will again try the coverted enigma1 files but they will not have HD on them. Thanks for your help. :respect-054:

Thanks again,


Just a point here Ian, When I loaded my 7020 converted xml back and lost most channels certainly on 13e there were very few channels left but when I did a manual scan on 13e it loaded loads of HD channels from Sly Italia.

My question is: How?

I certainly do not have any HD transponders/channels loaded in anywhere on the 7020.


07-08-2009, 11:55 AM
After reading oldfarts satellite setup,

Motor setting on tuner B.
I assume that you only have the motor plugged into tuner B

You may want to try and change the LNB to 1 (if you only have the motor on this port)
Also the voltage mode does not need to be 13v try changing that.

I dont know if this will help but you did say the dish only moves sometimes.

07-08-2009, 12:49 PM
After reading oldfarts satellite setup,

Motor setting on tuner B.
I assume that you only have the motor plugged into tuner B

You may want to try and change the LNB to 1 (if you only have the motor on this port)
Also the voltage mode does not need to be 13v try changing that.

I dont know if this will help but you did say the dish only moves sometimes.

Thanks m8, yes I have tried all the settings in Trans details and have settled with LNB 1 and 13v and the dish has moved and not moved on all settings. I havn't tried 18v because I wasn't sure if it would do any damage.

I do know that if your xml doesn't have the correct info ie: valid transponders and such then the DB will not recognize the sat you are trying to move to. Just go to the Satfinder menu and go for pre-defined transponder and scroll through with your right and left buttons and then see the lock come on when s valid transponder is selected.


07-08-2009, 09:49 PM
well im sorry to say dave,but im completely out of ideas here.
i hate to leave a problem unresolved,but i just dont know the answer to your issues.
its just so very strange that only you are having these problems.
i do so hope you get to the bottom of it,and when you do,please post what it was that has caused this.
im sure its something very simple,but for the life of me i cannot think what.ian.

07-08-2009, 10:03 PM
Ian and I have come up with a plan for you:-

1. Reflash your box
2. Setup your motor to get 13E (or whatever)
3. scan 13E (replace mode)
4. look at what channels you get.
5. stop, drink beer

do NOT put ANY extra steps in, do NOT import anything - just do steps 1-4.
report back

08-08-2009, 10:27 AM
Ian and I have come up with a plan for you:-

1. Reflash your box
2. Setup your motor to get 13E (or whatever)
3. scan 13E (replace mode)
4. look at what channels you get.
5. stop, drink beer

do NOT put ANY extra steps in, do NOT import anything - just do steps 1-4.
report back

Thanks guys I will re-flash right now as suggested. :respect-051:


08-08-2009, 01:51 PM
Thanks guys I will re-flash right now as suggested. :respect-051:


Done that m8, The dish moved itself to 19e when I selected a viable transponder:

Scanned approx 800 services. No Sly/Prem channels & others.

Refused to lock on 16e. Even refused a Manual scan with a digialb transponer entered.

Locked on 13e only downloaded 80 services. 59 to 62% is the best signal from the few transponders that will lock on. The transponders for Nova and Sly Italia will not lock on in Satfinder. The transponders are listed in Satfinder & Positioner Setup but will not lock on or tune in.
I am stopping there for now.


08-08-2009, 09:13 PM
Dave - you seem to be confused by the text at the end of the instructions.

Send a screenshot of your Positioner setup in the Service Searching menu:-
it should look like this-

09-08-2009, 09:17 AM
No need m8 that is exactly the same. But I have to enter or search for a valid transponder in Satfinder and in my case it was difficult with 13e due to very few transponders showing up with a signal. That accounts for the poor tuning results. This is the sequence:

Tune... PredefinedTransponder
Satellite Whatever.
Transponder Run through with right or left arrows.
If I get a 'Lock' and go to 'Posit Setup' sometimes that shows a lock but gererally not. Check that there is still a 'Lock' in Satfinder and then do a manual scan. That workd for 19e where I have most of the transponders but didn't for 13e.

16e was far worse with none showing up.

I have to make a descision by Monday 9th Aug as I only have til Friday 14th to get it returned for a replacement.

At the moment I can't think of anything else to do unless someone can tell me why it does not tune in to all transponders that are listed in the Satellite.xml.

Off to Satfreds now to flash his new 800HD for him and thankfully he has USALS which he can do that himself. :respect-039:


09-08-2009, 08:21 PM
10719V 27500 3/4 &
12418V 27500 3/4

If you don't get a signal you can lock on to - its your dish or the DM8k

09-08-2009, 08:35 PM
10719V 27500 3/4 &
12418V 27500 3/4

If you don't get a signal you can lock on to - its your dish or the DM8k

Can't pull any Sly Italia m8 eventhough the transponders are in the xml.

The Cyfra one I dont have from the original scan. M8, the 7020 pulls those and all the missing ones in and the boxes are looped together on the same dish.

The very last attempt for me is to just have the 8k connected to the dish on it's own but I did try that earlier on with little effect.

Have to check thos 2 frequ's 2morrow as she is watching Fools n Orses on GOLD on the 7020.

cheers m8


09-08-2009, 10:45 PM
Your 7020 is NOT HD. How do you expect the DM8k to pick up HD when the signal is looped through a non HD machine??

10-08-2009, 07:30 AM
Your 7020 is NOT HD. How do you expect the DM8k to pick up HD when the signal is looped through a non HD machine??

The 8k does pick up HD looped through the 7020. HD is not the issue m8, in fact there are a lot more SD channels missing than HD. The issue is that not all transponders listed in the Satellite.xml will scan and in some cases like 16e where no transponders listed will scan so no lock on.


10-08-2009, 07:50 AM
double post

10-08-2009, 07:51 AM
The 8k does pick up HD looped through the 7020. HD is not the issue m8, in fact there are a lot more SD channels missing than HD. The issue is that not all transponders listed in the Satellite.xml will scan and in some cases like 16e where no transponders listed will scan so no lock on.

is the loop through not part of your problem? can you connect without loop through, use an http://pimages.solidsignal.com/F81_list.gif if needed, when not in the same room. This could be different from box to box. The box that is not used should be in standby. If power is off on the loop trough box, the diseqc signal may not pass, or the signal to swith from lower to upper frequencies and back or switching polarisation. (if you only have 1 quarter of the channels on the last box would inidcate the problem is there). Are you using the same setup for both boxes (diseqc type, motor settings, your location in latitude and longitude, lnb power, ...

10-08-2009, 08:24 AM
Thanks Giga, that is my last resort to try the 8k on its own again. I did this for simpicity when I first had the 8k and was experiencing problems with scanning & locking on. Little difference was noted then, but I may have had problems of my own doing with tuning.

Surely the 7020 lnb input/output loop is an isolated pathway? I have had to dead switch the box not used due to huge lock-up conflicts when watching CS when on standbye.


10-08-2009, 08:29 AM
only one of the boxes can have control over the LNB.
don't know these machines, TM's here and worked a couple of months with loop through, was not satisfying, pulled a second cable, replaced single lnb's with twin's and the 2 boxes have now there own switch box and multifeed.

10-08-2009, 08:31 AM
The boxes are in the same room about 40cm apart with a 100cm R/F cable between. Slight signal loss can be detected from connecting the loopthrough.


10-08-2009, 08:35 AM
only one of the boxes can have control over the LNB.
don't know these machines, TM's here and worked a couple of months with loop through, was not satisfying, pulled a second cable, replaced single lnb's with twin's and the 2 boxes have now there own switch box and multifeed.

I know that m8, that in itself is why the other box should be dead switched off and not just on standbye.

The only reason I am looping is that I still have to use the 7020 to watch as the other mother is obviously not tuned in. When and if it is the 7020 will go but at the moment it is by far the better Dreambox by one hell of a long shot.


10-08-2009, 09:08 AM
some boxes need to be in standby? if the box works normal, swith the boxes from place last one first.