View Full Version : Nabilosat image

26-07-2009, 10:16 AM
I have this image installed on my dm8k but I still can't get any hacked channels to clear, I have followed the instruction supplied by others here and have (seemingly - according to the messages on my pc screen) got CCcam loaded successfully.
I have edited the keys file with the new keys and reloaded cccam yet still nothing clears?
Do I have to do something within Nabilosat image to get it to accept CCcam, I have noticed in one of the menu's that there are different names for the cccam.cfg file?
Do I have to rename my CCcam.mipsel to suit one of these names or something like that?


26-07-2009, 10:28 AM
mate,i dont use cccam as i think its rubbish and uses a phenominal amount of bandwidth,so im not that well up on it.
but as a general rule,all things need to be named the same and this also applies to the editing of your scripts.although nabilo doesnt use a script it uses whats known as smartcam.config in /ect

have you checked to see if its running with telnet?
log into your box and type ps then hit enter.
you will then get a list of all processes running on your box.
check to see if cccam is there.ian.

26-07-2009, 10:32 AM
another point is if you have installed from your remote,then the relevant files are not always chmoded to the correct values.its best to check these with your FTP program.ian.

26-07-2009, 10:33 AM
as long as you have CCcam installed and 1 files called CCcam.cfg in etc
then that is all you need.
Make sure you use CCcam 2.1.1 if you want to use keys as 2.1.2 has a known bug with Nagra keys.

26-07-2009, 01:26 PM
Ok this is what I'm now geting if I Telnet into my box whilst trying to view digitv:
Start EMM
EMM demux 1 set
EMM: not interested in 0960:000000
EMM: not interested in 0961:000000
EMM: not interested in 0963:000000
enigma interface: disconnected (0)
found nagra caid: 0x1801 ecmpid: 0x16de id: 0x0
found nagra caid: 0x1802 ecmpid: 0x16df id: 0x0
found nagra caid: 0x1880 ecmpid: 0x16e0 id: 0x0
cam(0) set PMT for sid=1770
start EMM
EMM demux 1 set
EMM: start filter on nagra emnpid: 0x81 caid:ox1801 id: 0x16de id: 0x0
EMM: start filter on nagra emnpid: 0x82 caid:ox1802 id: 0x16df id: 0x0
EMM: start filter on nagra emnpid: 0x83 caid:ox1880 id: 0x16e0 id: 0x0
nagra2 emu can't decode ecm <key: 1, ident: 2111>
cam[0] ecm even nok caid:0x1801 id:0x0 pid 0x16de Unknown
nagra2 emu can't decode ecm <key: 0, ident: 0> no key
cam[0] ecm even nok caid:0x1802 id:0x0 pid 0x16df Unknown
nagra2 emu can't decode ecm <key: 0, ident: 0> no key
cam[0] ecm even nok caid:0x1880 id:0x0 pid 0x16e0 Unknown

then it repeats the last 6 rows, then says:
nagra2 emu can't decode emm <id: 2011> no rsa key
nagra2 emu can't decode ecm <key: 1, ident: 2111>
cam[0] ecm even nok caid:0x1801 id:0x0 pid 0x16de Unknown
nagra2 emu can't decode ecm <key: 0, ident: 0> no key
cam[0] ecm even nok caid:0x1802 id:0x0 pid 0x16df Unknown
nagra2 emu can't decode ecm <key: 0, ident: 0> no key
cam[0] ecm even nok caid:0x1880 id:0x0 pid 0x16e0 Unknown

nagra2 emu can't decode emm <id: 2011> no RSA key

looks like I got something missing?

(sometimes handy to run a trace on these things, would never had known what was wrong if I hadn't left Telnet running!)

Anyone know what file is missing from where?

Or have I got the wrong keyfile?

26-07-2009, 01:51 PM
ok mate heres a softcam key ive edited for you.

FTP it over to /var/keys and chmod to 664

You may also need to edit the line

SOFTKEY FILE : /var/keys/SoftCam.Key

into your cccam.cfg file.

restart your cam and pictures should appear.ian.

26-07-2009, 02:03 PM
as i said i dont use cccam so heres another ive just edited for you just incase the first one didnt work.ian.

26-07-2009, 02:34 PM
Start CCcam via telnet and show me the log
You must type the CCcam version exactly as you have it in the bin folder

CCcam_2.11 -d

26-07-2009, 02:39 PM
Thanks ian,
just tried again, still getting message:
nagra2 emu can't decode emm <id: 2011> no RSA key

I tried altering the line SOFTKEY FILE : /var/keys/SoftCam.Key to suit where the softcam.key file resides, but still the same?

I'll double check just in case.

oops just missed your post sonic, will do that now.

26-07-2009, 03:00 PM
well if the second file i uploaded for you doesnt work either then im stuck.
its hard to problem solve when we dont know exactly what you have done and what files you have used.
i think the best solution is to get sonic to FTP all of the need files over to his desktop from his box and place them into the relevant folders for you,then all you need to is send them over to your box and chmod them.ian.

26-07-2009, 03:00 PM
Ok Sonic, here it is, I don't have any extra cams in my box, I've not inserted the Dragon or any others for now.

root@dm8000:/usr/bin# CCcam.mipsel -d
14:46:21.109 CCcam:=========================== ======

14:46:21.112 CCcam: starting CCcam 2.1.1 compiled on May 2 2009@20:00:30
14:46:21.112 CCcam:=========================== =======

14:46:21.113 CCcam: online using nodeId 7f3a6a29baccf93h
14:46:21.119 CCcam: dvb api3 detected
14:46:21.121 CCcam: DM8000 detected
14:46:21.121 CCcam: create 8 cam device(s)
14:46:21.160 CCcam: added 323 keys from /var/keys/SoftCam.Key
14:46:21.224 CCcam: added 432 keys from /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key
14:46:21.229 CCcam: added 6 keys from /var/keys/constant.cw
14:46:21.230 CCcam: parsed 0 entries from /var/etc/CCcam.prio
14:46:21.230 CCcam: readProviderfile : cannot open /var/etc/CCcam.providers or not found
14:46:21.231 CCcam: readChannelList: cannot open /var/etc/CCcam.channelInfo or not found.
14:46:21.231 CCcam: server started on port 12000
14:46:21.233 CCcam: no working cam devices, no nee to start pmthandler

26-07-2009, 03:13 PM
Ok so we can see that CCcam is seeing all your keys fine so I will just check them, I assume you are using the softcam posted by ian.

I see you have CCcam.mipsel can I assume you have your start and stop script configured this way ?

Do you not have your box connected to the net to download CCcam direct from Nabilo ?

If no I can get you a tar file for it.

Now that you have started CCcam via telnet was it decoding anything ?

26-07-2009, 03:25 PM
I see you have CCcam.mipsel can I assume you have your start and stop script configured this way ?
Not sure what you mean here, I start cccam with the command via telnet, don't know anything about a start/stop script.

Do you not have your box connected to the net to download CCcam direct from Nabilo ?
I am connected to the net as i have used the 'update keys' via the blue button.
How do I download CCcam via nabilo?

If no I can get you a tar file for it.
if you think i need it, then thanks

Now that you have started CCcam via telnet was it decoding anything ?
Nothing clears that i can see at the moment

26-07-2009, 03:35 PM
Use the first softcam key posted by ian

ftp this file to tmp then press green button then yellow button and then Manual Install Nab packages

When it is installed press blue button and you will see the emu panel, use the left and right buttons to toggle to CCcam_2.1.1 when you see it in the box press ok, you will now see a pop up saying CCcam is starting.

26-07-2009, 03:36 PM
this maybe a very stupid question,but as you have stated that you are not starting the cam from your box,i trust that you have selected cccam as your default cam and its still not common interface thats selected there?ian.

26-07-2009, 03:37 PM
this maybe a very stupid question,but as you have stated that you are not starting the cam from your box,i trust that you have selected cccam as your default cam and its still not common interface thats selected there?ian.

Thats exactly what I was thinking :respect-051:

26-07-2009, 03:48 PM
I asked about this in one of my earlier posts, whether there is some setting in nabilo I should set up to accept cccam.
Sorry guys shouldave made myself clearer.

26-07-2009, 03:50 PM
Still not clearing though, just checked digi

26-07-2009, 03:51 PM
Do I now need to restart cccam via telnet ?

26-07-2009, 04:09 PM
Do I now need to restart cccam via telnet ?
No that should be it, did you see the pop up ?
Here is a pick


26-07-2009, 04:13 PM
yes i got that, exactly the same.

26-07-2009, 04:18 PM
Did you use the softcam key posted by ian ? and check the attributes are 644

26-07-2009, 04:20 PM
mate,i dont use cccam as i think its rubbish and uses a phenominal amount of bandwidth,so im not that well up on it.
but as a general rule,all things need to be named the same and this also applies to the editing of your scripts.although nabilo doesnt use a script it uses whats known as smartcam.config in /ect

Not properly correct :)
On Nabilosat E2 images, CAMs are started by a script available in /usr/camscript
CAMs are started by pressing the OK button in the Blue button. The default CAM is started at reboot or restart. Or by AutoCam feature.

26-07-2009, 05:17 PM
I am using the softcam key provided by ian and have chmodded it to 644

26-07-2009, 05:20 PM
Ok, start CCcam via telnet again and then switch to Digi and see what you error you get from CCcam.

26-07-2009, 05:20 PM
wow, just restarted the cam and it all clears, got digi tv working now!

thanks all, will now have to do***ent how to do it in case I lose it again.

26-07-2009, 05:24 PM
Thank god for that I was about to get in my car and come and find you :biggrinjester:

Well done bud :respect-059:

26-07-2009, 05:27 PM
Thanks all for your patience and time.

26-07-2009, 05:50 PM
nice one mate.

i hope when the keys change,probably today or tomorrow,you now know which file and line to edit?

26-07-2009, 06:53 PM
Thanks to you, yes m8.

26-07-2009, 10:31 PM
Time for you to write a tutorial for others to follow then??

27-07-2009, 06:31 AM
Time for you to write a tutorial for others to follow then??

lol, yeah m8, except I can't upload to this site.
Once it's finished i'll post tht it's done, be up to mods then.

13-08-2009, 03:53 PM
Is the Army Ghost skin the best one available?

What else is there on here to choose from please?