View Full Version : AZBox HD Premium

26-07-2009, 03:19 PM
Hello All,

I am thinking of ordering the above and I already own a Technomate 6900 super...the main reason for the AZbox is because of the 4.2.2 transmissions, and to learn other stuff.

I know the AZbox does not do a blind scan in 4.2.2 as yet or will ever...but I was wondering if anyone as been checking the tuner sensitivity and the threshold of the channel lock on the AZ box, I have found the Technos 6900 tuner and channel lock is not as good as earlier non HD Techno STB's, and it would be interesting to know the findings of AZ owners how they compare to their previous STB's.

I have posted the same question on another site with no replies so far.

Best Regards, James.

26-07-2009, 03:24 PM

On my french forum I have a DXer and here is what is the conclusion of the test he perform:

- Azbox tuner is very sensitive but also very precise, this means that sometimes a feed reported to be at 12522 MHz cannot be locked by the Azbox, so he needs to try with +/- 1 MHz to get the signal. So he tries with 12521 MHz or 12523 MHz and he get the signal.

He has also a Techno 6900 and for him the Azbox tuner is more sensitive but you need to know this +/- 1 MHz trick when feed are reported by other. Since you know that blindscan is not yet implemented in the Azbox HD.


28-07-2009, 11:46 AM
@ pr2,
Thank you for your reply and the info about the tuners percision, I have ordered an AZbox...so now begins the long wait for the them to come back in stock.