View Full Version : New 4.41 For HD200 & Combo

30-07-2009, 12:47 AM
New firmware for HD200 has been released.
Repaired fast search.
Update of transponders on several satellites
change recording extension to .ts.

when you install this new firmware, you will not be able to playback previously recorded programmes. To enable playback of previous things on your hard drive, you will need to rename them to .ts.

Connect your hard drive to your pc.

go into folder 'Records'
then on the program you need to change.

you will have several file.

eg. BBC HD_203639 ( FILE)
BBC HD_203639.001 ( 001 file)
BBC HD_203639.002 ( 002 file)
BBC HD_203639.idx (IDX File)
BBC HD_203639 (INFO File)

you need to rename ( right click, rename) the top one to a ts file.
'BBC HD_203639.ts'
then the other files with .001 and .002 etc to ts files
'BBC HD_203639.001.ts'
'BBC HD_203639.002.ts' etc
just add .ts at the end of the file name.

you can now play them with the new firmware.

Don't change the name of the file. And don't change the IDX file or the INFO file

There are 2 versions, the Offical Firmware and the GXmax firmware with emu built in.
HD200C_0441 is the official
Speedy_HD200C_F441 is the emu version

01-08-2009, 10:31 AM
When loading new speedy F441 you get a choice of "S/W Update" or "S/W + All Data Update". Which one should I choose? I usually go for the 1st option, but what does the 2nd do?

01-08-2009, 11:25 AM
Just use the S/W update. I think the S/W + all data update option is for when you've made a backup of your receivers firmware and channel lists.

01-08-2009, 11:39 AM
Jackpot18uk. I did the 2nds option by mistake and lost all my channels, so I reloaded them again without any problems. But now I cant open any channels.
I've just opened a new thread explaining this, so if you or anybody else can help please refer to "HD200 help" Thanks satcat.