View Full Version : usb external hard drive

30-07-2009, 12:55 AM
Does the Premium have usb1 and not usb2 ports? I noticed that portable usb powered drives do not work unless I use an external adapter for 5v supply. Is there some way of using the 12v power out jack and perhaps building a step down power supply (12-->5v) or perhaps tapping an internal 5v connection if safe to do so? Although I will mount an internal drive in the future, the transfer speed from PC/usb to internal drive I assume has not been fixed yet.

I am using a router to wired ethernet and have network connection but cannot see my PC drive from the premium (eg when viewing movies I cannot find my PC through network search, despite converting folders to 'share' properties and trying myhome (works on my A100 popcorn player)- could this be a router/firewall issue or do I need to do something else?

30-07-2009, 10:45 AM

Premium has USB1 on the front and USB2 at the back.
I read that the power supply on USB1 is "stronger" than on USB2, meaning that self-powered HDD works better when connected to USB2.
Give it a try.

For your PC viewing problem this look indeed like a Firewall problem, try to disable it and see what happens.


31-07-2009, 11:55 PM
Thanks- it was a faulty usb lead- when I swapped the lead it worked.

I can FTP using winscp from my laptop ( and see the files on the azbox) and use the browser but still cannot eg view my movie files from my pc hard drive.

When I connect via network : via movies-- network--I can see 'CELRUN'--nothing happens. Do I need to do something under settings--> network service -- besides enabling sshd/ftp server/file server etc??

Tried closing firewall nothing helps/

03-08-2009, 12:35 AM
Yup! It was the firewall- zone alarm pro blocking the azbox ip address- works now.