View Full Version : TM Super: moving files from USB Harddisc over Ethernet (step by step)

30-07-2009, 01:57 PM
How to, step by step Part I

Windows computer and STBDaemon (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=107534) <= click here (can be found here)
Homenetwork cable or Wifi connected to TM super and Computer over router with DHCP enabled.
IP address for Home Use are in these ranges: (invalid internet addresses, don't get passed a router) - - - -
Have STBDaemon running and select a folder where to put/get the files. Browse from STBDaemon.

Find out the IP address of your computer. Properties of Lan or Wifi.

Selecting on the TM is done with the remote cursor.
On TM Super go in to the menu and select the USB menu:

select the filemanager:

You find the harddisc, press the yellow button:

you now can edit the IP address with the remote digitkeys.

To enter the 3 type 003. (use a free IP address in your network)

When finished you should see the created IP address:

Select the created IP Address, If you see its content, the connection is working.

no postings in this thread please.
Start new thread in general section of Technomate (or other relevant receiver). If not in general interest to the forum you can contact me by PM in relation to this item with any remarks or suggestions.

30-07-2009, 01:57 PM
select now the USB harddisc:

goto the recordings:

and select the recording you want to copy:

select all the files of this recording:

Open the menu and select copy:

select your computer:

open the menu and select paste:

the files should now copy to your computer:
http://i654.photobucket.com/albums/uu270/Jan_Gruuthuse/harddisc%20to%20computer/017filesarecopiedtoyourcomputer.j pg

when finished the files should now be on your computer:

no postings in this thread please.
Start new thread in general section of Technomate (or other relevant receiver). If not in general interest to the forum you can contact me by PM in relation to this item with any remarks or suggestions.

05-08-2009, 09:41 AM
in the Main Menu with the remote cursor:
Select System Settings:

Select the IP settings

In the IP Settings menu:
select the DHCP usage:

and switch it on:

press the red button to scan for IP address:

or do it all manualy:

there could be an issue working with TM-6900 HD super in certain IP ranges (home network) if this is the case check this one out:
IP address issues with TM-6900 (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=726322&postcount=3) <= click here

IP address should be in the same range used by your homenetwork
Subnetmask should be the same for all in the same segment
Gateway and DNS should be the address for the router, the router should provide these services
If you use DHCP the router should be set to do so.
Once you have the details obtained with DHCP, put these in manualy: this avoids changing the details for the devices. If you set manualy, you should do this for all the devices in your home network, avoiding another device taking an static IP address (reserved for a device)

more info on Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (in verry short: automated assigning of IP addresses) can be found here:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_Host_Configuration_Protoc ol

03-12-2009, 11:16 AM
It is good practice to use the same Subnet Mask as used by the gateway/router.

this is not a must in the same segment.

26-12-2009, 03:35 PM
Once again Giga thanks for an excellent tutorial, which is spot on.

However I have personally found that whilst technically the wireless file transfer works ok. The files you might want to transfer (recorded programs) are so large that I found this method impractical, as the transfer takes so long.

26-12-2009, 06:32 PM
have everything wired up here and have some spare bandwidth: 100 mbps for the TM 6900 HD super on a 1 gbps home network.

26-12-2009, 06:50 PM
I agree on a wired network i'm sure it would be worth it.

fred fickle
26-08-2010, 11:39 PM
Link is dead

Got it now its ok

27-08-2010, 04:12 AM
Link is dead What link are you referring to?
the ones like:
www.satpimps.co.uk are external links outside the forum and are not allowed to be live links:
coding your external links to non-live (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=113582) <= click here

22-01-2011, 09:46 PM
Once again Giga thanks for an excellent tutorial, which is spot on.

However I have personally found that whilst technically the wireless file transfer works ok. The files you might want to transfer (recorded programs) are so large that I found this method impractical, as the transfer takes so long.

I followed the Guide and set IP addresses on Technomate and my laptop. Can ping the Technomate from the laptop OK. Checked it appears corrrectly on router too. Added IP in USB settings. However, I can't browse to the laptop with STBDaemon running from the TM - just get endles Network Not Ready errors.

I'm using a TM 7102, maybe it doesn't work with this latest model?

23-01-2011, 10:51 AM
I followed the Guide and set IP addresses on Technomate and my laptop. Can ping the Technomate from the laptop OK. Checked it appears corrrectly on router too. Added IP in USB settings. However, I can't browse to the laptop with STBDaemon running from the TM - just get endles Network Not Ready errors.

I'm using a TM 7102, maybe it doesn't work with this latest model?

Its more than a year since I looked at this but from memory I don't think you CAN browse files on your laptop. I think that you select the relevant files on the TM from a window on the stb and then send them to the ip address of the laptop.

See Post number 2 (above) made by Giga on 30 July 2009

23-01-2011, 11:38 AM
Its more than a year since I looked at this but from memory I don't think you CAN browse files on your laptop. I think that you select the relevant files on the TM from a window on the stb and then send them to the ip address of the laptop.

See Post number 2 (above) made by Giga on 30 July 2009

Thanks for the reply, Joany.

Re-reading my post, perhaps I didn't express myself clearly... I am not trying to browse files from the laptop but move/copy them to the laptop folder referenced by the STB Daemon across the network connection from the TM.

I use the USB menu File Manager on the TM, can see the IP connection I set up (but can't see any files within that drive as I get the error message). If I select a recording (on the internal HDD on the TM) and choose copy, when I then try to paste it to the network drive being served by the STB Daemon, I get the 'Not ready message'.

This makes me think the STB Daemon which appears to be running actively on the laptop, is not reachable or readable by the TM network connection.

23-01-2011, 01:28 PM
Thanks for the reply, Joany.

Re-reading my post, perhaps I didn't express myself clearly... I am not trying to browse files from the laptop but move/copy them to the laptop folder referenced by the STB Daemon across the network connection from the TM.

I use the USB menu File Manager on the TM, can see the IP connection I set up (but can't see any files within that drive as I get the error message). If I select a recording (on the internal HDD on the TM) and choose copy, when I then try to paste it to the network drive being served by the STB Daemon, I get the 'Not ready message'.

This makes me think the STB Daemon which appears to be running actively on the laptop, is not reachable or readable by the TM network connection.

I never got this to work on my 7100
so would be interesting to see if you can goldnet, i usualy copy to usb but file's are very big trp.files and kind of hard to play around with on computer
so i stopped even trying