View Full Version : Raisat channels now in Seca 1

31-07-2009, 01:36 AM
As you may be aware by now Raisat channels have left Sky Italia and are transmitting on Seca1 here is what I got from Herrrr.

I open a new thread, they can not change the title of all the channels RAISAT went out from SKY, is now easily visible in SECA:
Premium RaiSat 11804V
Cinema RaiSat 10992V
Yoyo RaiSat 11766V
Extra RaiSat 11766V

Thanks to herrrr for this info

01-08-2009, 08:58 PM
thank you very much.

02-08-2009, 02:44 AM
More data thanks to s62 from the Massare Team.

Hi all,

tonight Rai has started the broadcasting of four channels previously inside Sky Italy platform. All the four channels are crypted both in Seca 1 (usual Provider 0030) and Nagravision 3 (Caid 183D for TivůSat platform). They are full viewable with Fausto 1.38 Emu and current August Key 0C for Seca 1 Provider 0030. Here there are all the data you need:

Hotbird 6 (13.0°E) - 10992.16 V - Txp: 124 - DVB-S (QPSK) - 27500 2/3 - NID: 318 - TID: 12400

RaiSat Cinema SID: 8502 VPID: 200 APID: 800 ita PMT: 900 PCR: 200

Hotbird 9 (13.0°E) - 11766.00 V - Txp: 52 - DVB-S (QPSK) - 27500 2/3 - NID: 318 - TID: 5200

RaiSat Extra SID: 3410 VPID: 700 APID: 730 ita PMT: 109 PCR: 700
RaiSat YoYo SID: 3430 VPID: 720 APID: 750 ita PMT: 770 PCR: 720

Hotbird 9 (13.0°E) - 11804.00 V - Txp: 54 - DVB-S (QPSK) - 27500 2/3 - NID: 318 - TID: 5400

RaiSat Premium SID: 3306 VPID: 513 APID: 651 ita PMT: 260 PCR: 513

02-08-2009, 06:00 AM
Thanks. A rescan cleared everything.

02-08-2009, 02:48 PM
thank you i rescaned and all working ok..pat.

02-08-2009, 05:05 PM
i just done the rescane and can't cleare them on tm1500+and diablo..any idea guy's?

02-08-2009, 05:16 PM
I don't think the diablo handles this. Is the receiver patched? Keys up to date? Can you see Rai 4? Are you looking at the right channel? I think my receiver has multiple versions of these channels. Only one of each is clearing

02-08-2009, 07:14 PM
i just done the rescane and can't cleare them on tm1500+and diablo..any idea guy's?

the patched t?M clears them with the latest keys. i think using same key as rai 1-2-3

03-08-2009, 04:26 PM
sorry guy's last the pc to kids they are on hollidays now so don't get much chance to get on computer...yes its patched with 303 and kyes?i thought it was au?

03-08-2009, 07:28 PM
sorry i am unable to find rai sat cinema

03-08-2009, 07:29 PM
insert fr on clarke 2100 plus stil no raisat cinema

03-08-2009, 07:43 PM
check for transponder 10992v 27500/11766v/11804v/12092h, allok on my tm 1500ci+ useing 303 hope this will help ...pat.

03-08-2009, 08:14 PM
done that but i am unable to find raisat cineme all other i have found them

03-08-2009, 08:37 PM
hello avigliano i have just checked again and i see that rai cinema is showing scrambled channell on the patch along with some other channells. uno due tre ok .pat.

03-08-2009, 10:37 PM
check for transponder 10992v 27500/11766v/11804v/12092h, allok on my tm 1500ci+ useing 303 hope this will help ...pat.

yes these are the transponder i rescaned and got all the chanels buy can't cleare them strange?

03-08-2009, 11:21 PM
yes not clearing here either.

03-08-2009, 11:27 PM
i can clear cinema one via seca, but not the other 3 not

... my emu (deco mirage 4100) does not detect seca on those last 3 channels with right freq (xtra, yoyo, prem)...


03-08-2009, 11:44 PM
they have stopped seca on 3 channels only cinema has it now the others are only nagra 3:rolleyes:


04-08-2009, 07:11 PM
hello to all looks like raisat cinema has gone n3 info on screen was s/n now nag..

04-08-2009, 09:33 PM
and when is N3 going to open? been long time already... nearly all packages the same... if open will be a big joy :)

(sorry to mention in seca section, but thought was appropiate to mention)


05-08-2009, 11:05 PM
I can confirm also looks like the fun was over before it started and yes let's hope Nagra3 gets it doors smashed in the sooner the better.

12-08-2009, 07:47 AM
is rai 4 still ok?

12-08-2009, 04:03 PM

12-08-2009, 05:13 PM
thanks. soryy i am unable to clear rai4 with my clarke tech 2100 plus wit latest firmware and keys please help