View Full Version : Watching HD TV using Dreambox control WebTV.

01-08-2009, 03:13 PM
The video stops and starts. I think it could be a slow network connection. I have upgraded my modem/router to a Belkin N1 wireless from a Belkin G.
But the N1 usb adapter doesn’t appear to be supported where as the G usb adapter is. There would appear to be no Linux driver for the N1 usb adapter but I did find a site that gives the file to download and instruction to compile the driver but this is far too advanced for me.

If I download movie files from the HDD 2.5 MB/sec. is the maximum download speed.

When I check the wireless network settings it identifies my network and gives a max. bitrate of 130 Mb/s. Wireless net state gives the following, Link Quality 75%, Signal Strength 66dBm and Bitrate 54 Mb/s

Is this normal with this type of setup and are there any settings can I check or adjustments I can make that will make it work. I'm using BH v1.1.

01-08-2009, 05:47 PM
Never tried networking video over wireless, would guess its sloooow. Use wire!!

03-08-2009, 12:13 PM
Are you watching it in the browser or using VLC? My suggestions are updating VLC player and you could also try a different/uptodate browser.

03-08-2009, 12:57 PM
you cant even stream SD properly when using wireless,never mind HD.
you need to be hard wired.ian.

03-08-2009, 04:51 PM
I have been able to stream SD over my WLAN no problem. Sometimes when the TV is being used for PS3 gaming... I use the laptop for watching and flicking through channels. It works pretty well. (I'm using a VM supplied router, don't know the model off the top of my head).

04-08-2009, 09:42 AM
Watching SD programmes are OK. I'm using VLC 1.0.1 and Mozilla Firefox. I've tried downloading a HD movie file and playing it with VLC and the video stops and starts. I'm assuming that it should play OK and I'm now wondering if the problem is with my computer not being fast enough to play the files. Can someone confirm that VLC should play these downloaded files?

04-08-2009, 11:08 AM
Thats good diagnostics. If HD video playback on your box is OK but the same recording stops+starts when copied to the PC, then indeed the issue is not with the dm8000 but with the PC. What are the specs of your PC? (RAM, CPU, GPU).

04-08-2009, 01:26 PM
Thats good diagnostics. If HD video playback on your box is OK but the same recording stops+starts when copied to the PC, then indeed the issue is not with the dm8000 but with the PC. What are the specs of your PC? (RAM, CPU, GPU).

CPU - Intel Pentium D 3.0Ghz (830), Ram - 3 Gig DDRAM, Graphics card - NVIDIA GeForce 8500GT

04-08-2009, 01:43 PM
your processors a bit slow for HD m8.
the ram and graphics card should be ok,but the 8500 is getting a bit old now.ian.

05-08-2009, 10:26 AM
your processors a bit slow for HD m8.
the ram and graphics card should be ok,but the 8500 is getting a bit old now.ian.

Thanks for the information I'll see if I can find a faster cpu.

05-08-2009, 01:45 PM
I was able to watch Hd/Sd channels from my dm8000, only with latest Dcc/E2, you can use the function "Live Tv", and actualy it works.

Never was able with Vlc or other, Windows Vista issues ?

06-08-2009, 10:49 AM
I was able to watch Hd/Sd channels from my dm8000, only with latest Dcc/E2, you can use the function "Live Tv", and actualy it works.

Never was able with Vlc or other, Windows Vista issues ?

I'm using DCC v2.95 and can't find a newer version but I don't understand the latest E2 and Live TV. Is it the same Web TV? I'm using BH v1.1 and it's been updated less than 1 hour ago.

06-08-2009, 10:59 PM
First picture shows network traffic for SD
Second for HD (fluctuates from 6 - 11 MBits/S)
Using WebTV