View Full Version : conax Cas7

03-08-2009, 07:18 PM

One urgent question:

Anyone knows if conax Cas7 cards are working with Azbox HD?

Internal reader or conax CI?

I'm wondering if conax card of polish n packet is working in other boxes.

Anyone knows?!

Thanks :)

03-08-2009, 09:13 PM
It would help me very much if anyone could tell me if cards of "n" are working in other receivers than original ones.

Anyone made experiences with "n" ?

Thank you! :)

03-08-2009, 09:51 PM
Is there a need to pair it with the receiver?

Dig Deep
04-08-2009, 08:05 AM
Conax (Canal Digital) is working OK:king-041:

04-08-2009, 08:24 AM
Conax (Canal Digital) is working OK:king-041:

The cas7 card pairing algo isn't implemented in anything other than the original box's, this however doesn't mean that that CAS 7 cards do not work. Only the channels that have got Card pairing implemented i.e. DigitALB HD channels, will not work.

I believe its just a matter of time until the Algo is implemented in EMU's. NDS card pairing was once a myth in EMU's but now we have ....

04-08-2009, 09:21 AM
It would help me very much if anyone could tell me if cards of "n" are working in other receivers than original ones.

Anyone made experiences with "n" ?

Thank you! :)

I don't know if all polish 'n' channel paired, but all logs sent me for study 'n' channels show pairing in place on those channel. It is easier of two pairing system available in cas7 from ecm answer... 'easier', this relative speaking, I mean. If pairing algo ever implemented in public CS soft, this mean end-user must dump his unique pairing keys and know where look for them in dump from his box flash only before he can share or use card in other than his own conax approved box. For 'n', I think you can also get card paired with a new conax licenced cam also. See: h_t_t_p://www.technisat.com/index27b4.html?nav=Pressemeldunge n,en,23&presse=detail&id=603. 'N' is added to their approved list, I think.

So answer your q, that card not work in Azbox or any other on channel where pairing in place current, unless in paired CI cam. If that cam work in Azbox, no idea. When/if pairing algo implement in public soft, need dump flash from original conax box and find pairing keys before can use in other box or share. Same if paired to new Tecnicrypt cam, must dump pairing keys from it, if want use card for CS. If just want watch, paired cam if work in your stb enough.

Some polish conax channels not cas7 paired if you buy other card. TNK card working these channels - TVN, TVN7, TVP1, TVP2, religia TV, TVN24, nSPORT, TVN Turbo, TVN Style, TVN CNBC Biznes, TVN Meteo, TVP info, TVP Sport, Disney. It decrypt only old 0b00 caid, not 0b01 caid ecm, in stream ... but this card not paired. Can use this card in any stb, share it etc.

04-08-2009, 06:55 PM
Thanks for the answers, especially oblomov! :respect-056:

Yes, I know the TNK card but I want to use all "n" channels including HD. No cs needed, just want to watch and record.
So it looks like the "n" conax card wouldn't work in internal card reader of Azbox HD.

So the big question is: Does the TechniCrypt CXV CAM work in Azbox HD? Who knows? :confused:
I think if conax cam works, that one should work too.

So what would I need to make the "n" card work in this CXV CAM? Just put it in and everythink works fine?
Or would I need a dump flash of the original n box?

Is there any info on how to do that dump flash?

Thanks again! :)

04-08-2009, 07:28 PM
So what would I need to make the "n" card work in this CXV CAM? Just put it in and everythink works fine?
Or would I need a dump flash of the original n box?

Contact Polish supplier to make sure TechniCrypt cam approve for all 'N' channels. I heard it is now, but logs sent me come from people with polish provider stb, so you better check for sure on cam.

If it is approve, provider make same thing with cam as if you have their stb. You make subscription, they will probably ask you for some serial number from your cam, then they will send OTA some commands that pair your 'N' card to your TechniCrypt cam. For watch that is all needed. Don't follow all Azbox CI problems, but TechniCrypt cam and 'N' card should then work in pretty much any stb that properly support CI protocols. It made to support cas7 pairing so you don't have to use provider own stb for providers who don't mind that, but still want be cas7 compliant.

05-08-2009, 01:13 PM
Conax (Canal Digital) is working OK:king-041:

How come?
I thought Canal Digital uses pairing too ?! :confused:

05-08-2009, 01:57 PM
Contact Polish supplier to make sure TechniCrypt cam approve for all 'N' channels. I heard it is now, but logs sent me come from people with polish provider stb, so you better check for sure on cam.

If it is approve, provider make same thing with cam as if you have their stb. You make subscription, they will probably ask you for some serial number from your cam, then they will send OTA some commands that pair your 'N' card to your TechniCrypt cam. For watch that is all needed. Don't follow all Azbox CI problems, but TechniCrypt cam and 'N' card should then work in pretty much any stb that properly support CI protocols. It made to support cas7 pairing so you don't have to use provider own stb for providers who don't mind that, but still want be cas7 compliant.

Thank you!

1. Is it possible to buy the TechniCrypt CXV CAM in stores or can one only get it directly from the supporting providers?

2. Do you know which channels of "n" are using pairing?

It would mean that I still could watch some channels of "n" that don't use pairing.

I've got only few days left to decide if I should subscribe to the "n" package.
If I can't record with Azbox HD that would mean I would have to take the "n" HD recorder.
But next problem is that I don't know if I can transfer the recordings to PC then and use them for further editing and encoding to other video formats. :001_07:

Maybe someone can tell me.

thank you

05-08-2009, 02:57 PM
Yes, you can buy TechniCrypt cam from stores. I just did quick SE search for cam using a .pl search. Many Polish stores advertising this cam along with TNK card ... this maybe not so good for you, cos they don't mention 'N'. TNK card is not paired, as I say before. :=/

This cam have ability to do cas7 pairing, rather than end-user needing provider stb, but only if provider prepared to do this. So you need check, like I say before, with some dealer who sell the 'N' sub if TechniCrypt cam is supported or not. If not, provider stb will be needed for the card to work.

All logs I looked at for 'N' came from provider stb. I don't remember what channels were for, but all of them that I look at were paired communication ... simplest of the two available. And card would not work outside its own box iirc.

You ask why CD scandinavia card work in any conax cam or stb when they are cas7 paired too. Reason ... for now, those card which have been paired (only those who have provider stb they push on customers have been) are only paired locally. If put paired card in CD supplied stb, during INIT stb and card establish they will communicate using pairing. You won't see no real DWs if you log card in that provider box. But you can take a paired CD card and put it in some other stb/conax cam and card will work fine, return real DWs you can see etc, cos no pairing dialogue established at INIT. Provider have to add some mandate pairing commands to ECM itself that force card to be used in own stb only, using paired communication. CD didn't do this yet. They do it first only on HD channels ... maybe later on some premium film/sport channels. But it require all customer of any package they do it on have provider stb before they can do it. Easiest to do fast with small customer base. It why DigAlb HD channels could move to full pairing so fast. Those channel will only work for customer in their own paired kaon stb.

05-08-2009, 03:11 PM
But if you put it into another receiver, when the card is not yet activated - will it pair to your, say, AZbox HD? I think, that is the Q!

05-08-2009, 03:49 PM
But if you put it into another receiver, when the card is not yet activated - will it pair to your, say, AZbox HD? I think, that is the Q!

That is only the Q if you have don't understand what is pairing. Pairing = private keys + private pairing algo. Card have keys + pairing algo ... stb it use in must have compatible keys + pairing algo. Now the two, after establish they will talk encrypted during INIT, never return plain DWs more, communicating instead using a new extra layer of encryption using that shared algo + private keys.

Only provider own supplied stb have the pairing algo in it - not Azbox, not Dreambox, not any other stb. It the reason they supply own stbs ... the pairing algo supposed to be secret! If you could pair card to Azbox or any other stb now, it mean conax would have to have given all CAS7 secrets to every stb manufacturer who asked = same thing as making it public. Provider will require a unique identifier/serial for customer stb to send commands that make sure his unique card and his unique stb have compatible private keys after activation.

TechniCrypt cam offer alternative to small providers who don't want go trouble supplying all customer with cas7 approved stb. It contain pairing algo also ... but it developed, same as provider supplied stbs, under strict security. Without an stb or cam contain the secret pairing algo under license, card cannot be paired to it.

Non-licensed stb will only contain that algo when it dumped/disasmed and implemented after a hack of licensed stbs.

05-08-2009, 04:12 PM
Thanks again! :)

Yes, you can buy TechniCrypt cam from stores. I just did quick SE search for cam using a .pl search. Many Polish stores advertising this cam along with TNK card ... this maybe not so good for you, cos they don't mention 'N'. TNK card is not paired, as I say before. :=/

This cam have ability to do cas7 pairing, rather than end-user needing provider stb, but only if provider prepared to do this. So you need check, like I say before, with some dealer who sell the 'N' sub if TechniCrypt cam is supported or not. If not, provider stb will be needed for the card to work.

I've already asked the dealer if n card is working on other receivers and he said that there's no information about it from n. The store even didn't sell any CI CAMs so I doubt they've even heard about Technicrypt Cam.

I need to ask them if I can transfer recordings from n recorder to my PC. That would be ok too.

All logs I looked at for 'N' came from provider stb. I don't remember what channels were for, but all of them that I look at were paired communication ... simplest of the two available. And card would not work outside its own box iirc.

I've found a news saying that these channels (http://www.dvbnews.pl/news/1709/n_dostepna_na_innych_odbiornikach ) worked on other boxes cause they've deactivated pairing. ;)

The problem is that they've changed it again and it should not work anymore. :frown:

05-08-2009, 04:27 PM
Not all pairings seem to be the same, then...

So, it seems to me you're jumping to conclusions...

I merely asked if it's possible in CAS7. So, the A is "no". Case closed.:cheers2:

05-08-2009, 05:04 PM
Thanks again! :)

I've already asked the dealer if n card is working on other receivers and he said that there's no information about it from n. The store even didn't sell any CI CAMs so I doubt they've even heard about Technicrypt Cam.

I need to ask them if I can transfer recordings from n recorder to my PC. That would be ok too.

I've found a news saying that these channels (http://www.dvbnews.pl/news/1709/n_dostepna_na_innych_odbiornikach ) worked on other boxes cause they've deactivated pairing. ;)

The problem is that they've changed it again and it should not work anymore. :frown:

Well, there hope for you maybe on some then ... if they switch off mandate pairing on ecm for some 'N' channels. ;=)

Not very good translation from Polish found for that page, but look like some legal wrangling about customer being force use 'N' stb. So maybe they pushing to be able use Technicrypt cam for the pairing, so not tied to provider stb only. That would be best news for you.

05-08-2009, 05:21 PM
So, it seems to me you're jumping to conclusions...

I merely asked if it's possible in CAS7. So, the A is "no". Case closed.:cheers2:

Got no idea what you're talking about on 'jumping to conclusions'. You asked if a non-activated card could be paired to an stb that doesn't contain or isn't licensed to contain CAS7 pairing algo. Was a bizarre question. I simply explain why it was so, and how pairing work ... cos you wouldn't ask a question like that if you knew. Now for better know next time I forget explanation and just answer 'no, it won't'. :=)

Not all pairings seem to be the same, then...

There are two version available ... one more secure than other. But same result. Both require a licensed stb or cam that support the pairing algo.

05-08-2009, 05:35 PM

I repeat: thew Q was about CAS7.

There are other types of marrying an OSC to a receiver/HW...

So, this is incorrect:

only the Q if you have don't understand what is pairingas it presumes only one type of pairing... In fact, you later stated there are at least two, yourslef.

Moreover, in other systems it's not the same as in Conax... Hence, my Q... ;)


05-08-2009, 07:16 PM

The "pairing" solution used by conax comes in 2 variants: soft and hard. The "soft" solution is used on older Set Top Boxes, whereas newer boxes (and CAMs) produced lately, include a hardware pairing module which is probably just a secure microcontroller, equivalent to the ones found on conax smartcards. This pairing module is probably loaded (at manufacturing time) with a "private" RSA key, and has a unique adressable serial number. The providers that uses pairing asks for the serial number of your CAM/STB when you apply for a subscription, and states that you will not get any tv-signals until they have recieved this serial number.

06-08-2009, 02:49 PM
Well, there hope for you maybe on some then ... if they switch off mandate pairing on ecm for some 'N' channels. ;=)

Not very good translation from Polish found for that page, but look like some legal wrangling about customer being force use 'N' stb. So maybe they pushing to be able use Technicrypt cam for the pairing, so not tied to provider stb only. That would be best news for you.

Well, I was at the store today and finally got my n subscription.
I got the normal nbox, not the nbox recorder because you even can't transfer your recordings to PC so this thing is not useful to me.
I have to say they are trying to make life hard and limit your rights and freedom of choice. But these are usual practices of many providers.
It's really sad so many providers wants to tie you to their own boxes and you don't have the freedom and right to choose your favorite box to watch and record TV.

When I'm home again I can report if anything goes with the Azbox HD and if all channels are paired or if there are some left which aren't. ;)

11-08-2009, 11:39 PM
Hello! It's me again!

The above one was my vacation account.

So I can tell the N card works with cccam in my Dreambox. But in Azbox HD it opens not a single channel.
Multicas initialized the card correctly as a conax card but it doesn't decode any channel.

Can you help me and tell me which emu is best for this and which one i should install and try?

Special settings needed?

Thanks! :)

13-08-2009, 12:06 AM
OK. Which emu is best for conax cards then? :confused:

13-08-2009, 10:40 PM
Come on guys, help me out a bit here.

I'm using the latest MultiCAS (MultiCAS_v157D-4T11-6I_2k90812.tgz) now and the N cards works but it's too unstable.

I can tell MTVN HD is working now and some other channels too but it happens too often emu stops working after zapping channels. So I have to restart MultiCAS to open the channels again. That's quite annoying.

Which emu works better for conax cards? Which one do you use for TNK card?

Thanks! :)

14-08-2009, 10:08 PM
Once again:

I don't know if all polish 'n' channel paired, but all logs sent me for study 'n' channels show pairing in place on those channel. It is easier of two pairing system available in cas7 from ecm answer... 'easier', this relative speaking, I mean. If pairing algo ever implemented in public CS soft, this mean end-user must dump his unique pairing keys and know where look for them in dump from his box flash only before he can share or use card in other than his own conax approved box.

I've found some interesting tools on the net in the meantime. People are posting many logs for N, files for other cards concerning N, also found a dump of the Nbox and there's a tool which can read conax cards like N or TNK.
You can even activate the TNK cards with it. I don't know if it can do anything useful with the N card.

1. Do you know where to look for the pairing keys in the dump file?

2. Does every customer has his personal pairing keys on card and Nbox or are these keys always the same on every Nbox?

3. I saw people asking for newer log files of N. Which useful things can you do with the log files?

Thank you! :respect-048:

15-08-2009, 12:07 AM
There is also an emu for PC-cards called "CnxCAM" which supports CAS3 - CAS7 cards. Maybe I should give that a go.

Is this emu also available for Set top boxes?


15-08-2009, 10:13 AM
Interesting. We should send it all to The_Ripper, coming back from holidays...:sifone:

15-08-2009, 11:51 PM
Huh! Finally someone shows interest. And I feared this will gonna be a monolog. :D

So The_Ripper is on holidays? oblomov seem to be away too.
So no one there who could help me out. ^^

Yes, my investigations discovered more and more interesting things. I think there must be a way but I need more info. :respect-054:

11-10-2009, 03:33 PM
Conax (Canal Digital) is working OK:king-041:

That's interesting. What I really like to know is:

Is it possible to share the Canal Digital Nordic (1°W) HD channels?
AFAIK most HD channels use pairing and only Kanal 5 HD clears.

So is there any chance to share these channels? :coolgleamA:


11-10-2009, 04:46 PM
I get them with the latest MultiCAS [as a CCcam client] bacause my peers have those channels included in their packages...

Not so in Mbox, although I open other HD channels, as my peers in Mbox don't have those HD...

Cheers! :)

11-10-2009, 06:10 PM
I get them with the latest MultiCAS [as a CCcam client] bacause my peers have those channels included in their packages...

Not so in Mbox, although I open other HD channels, as my peers in Mbox don't have those HD...

Cheers! :)

Thank you!

So it works in CCcam. How about in MBox?

I've got the problem that my peers have got many of the HD channels on Thor but the only one that clears is Kanal 5 HD.

Azbox problem or MBox problem?

Is it normal these don't work with Azbox HD and MBox?

12-10-2009, 03:25 PM
Come on. Who knows?

14-10-2009, 01:22 AM
If these channels work in CCcam then they are not using pairing. It seems there are still customers with CAS5 cards out there.

So it must be MBox's fault. Seems to me it can't handle the conax CD channels correctly.

Did anyone get CD HD channels with MBox sharing to work?

goran, can you say something about that?

14-10-2009, 02:01 AM
Once, a while back, I talked to Mower's friend about this - he asked me if I knew anything about it and I had to say "no". He was searching for info, so Mower could implement it, if memory serves...

But I could be wrong on this one, so don't quote me, please!

It also depends on the cards in the network...

[Trying now...


14-10-2009, 02:53 AM
So we have to wait for a new version to fix this I guess?!

19-11-2009, 11:52 AM
i have extracted the flash dump from the stb, opened it in hex workshop, there are many lines, how do i know which line has the RSA keys of my stb
I have a conax cas-7 paired card to my kaon stb.Please someone kindly help me or Pm me.

22-11-2009, 09:43 AM
i am still waiting.

16-03-2010, 02:09 PM
Hi Guys! any news re cas7? nothing can be opened except the CD Scandinavia....

03-04-2013, 09:58 PM
any news on conax cas7 pairing

09-04-2013, 12:33 AM
Any one can pm me for c_nax cas

02-05-2013, 09:05 PM
Did you get any further with the kaon and cas7 ?
you can pm me

02-05-2013, 09:18 PM
Did you get any further with the kaon and cas7 ?
you can pm me

02-05-2013, 09:19 PM
Polar Bear
can you pm me with any detailed info its cas7 paired

03-05-2013, 12:24 AM
Just to gave some News..

Any Card or encryption who used STi CPU is BUG...

Do not mater encryption they used...

WHY !?
This world is underground games...forget about Hackers they always are used for the Big guys games....I like be Honest and clear when i talk ,even some one like or do not like ,this is pure truth.

Ird get Hack they have competitor called N*S and many operator going slowly to that Encryption.

But each Encryption Recommend The factory to produce..and which Solution os CPU...
Most or Canax- IRD used some Factories do not like to nominate names here now...but they recommend the STi CPU..

BUT N*s recommend Broadcom now for example....what mean !? mean need fock the STi one of the best cpu competitors in Market.

The war does not goes only Between Operators ,but between Encryptions Companies and now is gone even in Solutions CPU companies..

I am sorry to say in OPERATOR MARKET ( Not Open Market ) The Victim been STi Cpu company..

What this Mean !?

Mean Any Operator or Encryption who used STi CPU from 6 months ago and before is in Dangers BUG to be Reverse ENG...

Because one of the Hide Keys been in Cpu, mean is possible to hack any operator just reading the Cpu..

Soon you will see the Biggest Operator used this CPU will to be hack paring in Middle east and so go on....

Digitalb no one is Interesting in Business market, for that is Immune for moment in Public hack paring.

I hope i been clear in this.....

17-06-2013, 03:57 PM
will c@rd emulator/logger (season) work even on hardware pairing