View Full Version : AZBox password and name

04-08-2009, 10:59 PM
What's the latest on the AZbox password? I have loaded FW 0.9.2371 and I'm connecting to the box with FTP with no password set.

2nd question. Can you set up a name for the AZbox for your network. For instance the Dreambox shows up as dreambox< in my router web interface. The AZBox shows up as blank (none?).

04-08-2009, 11:26 PM
by default there is no password.

You can configure one if you like from a telnet console running the passwd.

You can't use SSH if you don't have a password configured.

04-08-2009, 11:40 PM

Default name is MMP

You can edit /DISK2/hostname to change it.

to change the password, connect via telnet (with root) and type:


SSH will only be enabled if you set a password.


05-08-2009, 08:38 AM
Thanks about the password information. Have now set it up through Telnet as advised.

I can see the name MNP in a Telnet session but in my Router DHCP Clients List it does not say MNP, it just says none. Any more ideas on this?

Dig Deep
05-08-2009, 01:23 PM
I have the same in my router setup.

Also on the LAN.

Doesnīt really matter so I just donīt bother with it :respect-051:

05-08-2009, 01:42 PM
It does not really matter as you say. But useful when first setting up the AZBox to check that everything is connecting ok.

I have now set up a static IP for the AZBox, and it no longer appears in the DHCP list (for the obvious reason).

I have found a page in my Router browser window - called IP Binding/ARP list - that shows all the connected devices. It does not list names but shows the MAC and IP addresses.